Your parents WILL find out....


Well-Known Member
its not the fact that they are immature and shit...
its the fact that on the website when you sign up it says 18 and older!!!!


Well-Known Member
That seems a bit harsh thinking it should be 21 instead of 18. When in the Uk your an adult at the age of 18, yer i know it's diffrent in some countries though. I personally don't think it's fair to be treating people diffrently because there under 21. Fair enough i can understand 18 but 21 seems a bit steep to me. What's to stop people just lieing about there age when they register anyway? Surely the people that are honest about there age and are between 18 and 21 deserevre as much help as anyone else. After all say you where 18 and growing in your parents house in the UK you would be responsible not them, since your classed as an adult! Maybe it should be diffrent for diffrent countries but it's hardly fair being made 21 just because some countries don't see you as an adult until your that age.

I'm 18 does that mean that none of you are going to reply to my posts? Cos personally i don't think that's fair, yer fair enough there are some stupid people out there, but it's not fair to assume we all are like that! I may be 18 but i'm responsible, more resposible than my step mum infact who is nearly 30! Age isnt everything. Just thought i'd say my piece on the matter. Try and shed a diffrent light on things. So yer that's my opinion.

Made me think though, maybe i should leave this site then if i'm not welcome cos i'm not 21. But i was under the impression 18 was fine till now, but seems a lot of people don't agree with this. If it matters that much to everyone then why hasn't anyone mentioned this to the mods, and asked for the age limit to be changed? Maybe it already has been suggested and i just don't know though. Anyway that's my peice on the matter for now.

Thats not the point. The point is, 99% of the kids that come here do not give a shit and have no respect for their parents property. The reason why we do not help kids is because a lot of us have kids of our own and do not condone kids using weed, or any other drug for that matter. We will not knowingly jeopardize some parents lively hood and investment for the sake of a kid doing something illegal to begin with. If the kid really understood the consequences of what they were doing they would respect the property of others and would not be here looking for ideas on how to hide it from your parents. I would hate to see parents get in trouble for something they are totally unaware of. And no, kids should not be allowed here. Weed is something that needs responsible use, and unfortunatly kids for the most part are not completely responsible. Weed is for the responsible use of adults, just like alcohol. If it were left up to me, in order join this forum you would have to be 21 and not 18.

Also, its great that kids seek advice from older people. But why dont they take it and learn from it? As long as that advice is what they want to hear they will listen but they wont if its not in their plan. Thats why we dont help kids.


Active Member
Its sad but true, My mum found out about my grow :(.....

She suggested I get some more light in there :D And that I get some different strains :D

lol. :joint:

(Just as long as Father doesnt find out)


Well-Known Member
That seems a bit harsh thinking it should be 21 instead of 18. When in the Uk your an adult at the age of 18, yer i know it's diffrent in some countries though. I personally don't think it's fair to be treating people diffrently because there under 21. Fair enough i can understand 18 but 21 seems a bit steep to me. What's to stop people just lieing about there age when they register anyway? Surely the people that are honest about there age and are between 18 and 21 deserevre as much help as anyone else. After all say you where 18 and growing in your parents house in the UK you would be responsible not them, since your classed as an adult! Maybe it should be diffrent for diffrent countries but it's hardly fair being made 21 just because some countries don't see you as an adult until your that age.

I'm 18 does that mean that none of you are going to reply to my posts? Cos personally i don't think that's fair, yer fair enough there are some stupid people out there, but it's not fair to assume we all are like that! I may be 18 but i'm responsible, more resposible than my step mum infact who is nearly 30! Age isnt everything. Just thought i'd say my piece on the matter. Try and shed a diffrent light on things. So yer that's my opinion.

Made me think though, maybe i should leave this site then if i'm not welcome cos i'm not 21. But i was under the impression 18 was fine till now, but seems a lot of people don't agree with this. If it matters that much to everyone then why hasn't anyone mentioned this to the mods, and asked for the age limit to be changed? Maybe it already has been suggested and i just don't know though. Anyway that's my peice on the matter for now.
I understand your point. You are 100% correct, age is just a number. It does suck that people are branded by a damn number. I dont so much have a problem with an 18 year old growing weed as much as I do a 14 year old whose body is still developing. Does 18 or 21 mean you are more responsible? No, it doesnt. I do not mean to sound like I am contradicting my own statements, but it trully is a difficult situation to be in. But, one cant help to remember how all the bad apples screw it up for everyone else. And it does suck that the very responsible kids out there get grouped together with the bad ones. But thats part of life, as adults you will see it is no different. Get used to it. Hell, my daughter at 16 is more responsible than others I know at 40, I know a couple 40 year olds that still live at home mooching off their parents.

But where I will not waiver in my stance and I do not care how old you are, I will not knowingly give advice to someone that is trying to hide it from their parents or on someones elses property without them knowing or giving permission.


Well-Known Member
So you don't have a problem giving advice to people that are 18 as long as if there growing in someone else house the owner of the proprty knows about it? As for being sleath it's not always for parents why people are! I wanted my grow to be sleath due to the fact i don't want everyone knowing like freinds, and it getting out. The less people that know the better in my opinion, only takes one person to mention it to the wrong sort of person to get u busted.

I understand your point. You are 100% correct, age is just a number. It does suck that people are branded by a damn number. I dont so much have a problem with an 18 year old growing weed as much as I do a 14 year old whose body is still developing. Does 18 or 21 mean you are more responsible? No, it doesnt. I do not mean to sound like I am contradicting my own statements, but it trully is a difficult situation to be in. But, one cant help to remember how all the bad apples screw it up for everyone else. And it does suck that the very responsible kids out there get grouped together with the bad ones. But thats part of life, as adults you will see it is no different. Get used to it. Hell, my daughter at 16 is more responsible than others I know at 40, I know a couple 40 year olds that still live at home mooching off their parents.

But where I will not waiver in my stance and I do not care how old you are, I will not knowingly give advice to someone that is trying to hide it from their parents or on someones elses property without them knowing or giving permission.


Well-Known Member
So you don't have a problem giving advice to people that are 18 as long as if there growing in someone else house the owner of the proprty knows about it? As for being sleath it's not always for parents why people are! I wanted my grow to be sleath due to the fact i don't want everyone knowing like freinds, and it getting out. The less people that know the better in my opinion, only takes one person to mention it to the wrong sort of person to get u busted.
No, I dont. But if you are an 18 year old that comes here asking intelligent questions and show that you have your head on straight versus some damn 18 year old know it all street thug, yes I would help. As long as you are not trying to hide it from your parents or on property that does not belong to you.

I grow stealth too. My kids know, they caught me. We talked and worked it out. They have a real understanding of what is at risk and what will happen if they dont keep their mouths shut. I grow stealth simply because I have other kids in my house all the time, its them that I hide it from behind a locked door. My 16 year old does have a key to the room, strictly for emergency purposes, and an emergency is her not being out of weed, lol. See, I know the reality. But she is responsible and I trust that she will not abuse that trust. I am divorced and have custody of the kids. I put them in a situation of really understanding and knowing not only the trouble I will get in but also how their lives will be affected. I made them go live with their mother to see how things would change for them if they ran their mouths and I got busted. They fully understand that I am their life line and if I am not there they wont have a quarter of the things they have now.
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New Member
woopydefuckingdoo your over 21 im 20 and in this country have been an adult for 2 years. i never said i didnt think id ever get busted im fully aware that there is a chance of this and im willing to take the risk as for being cocky, well yeah a bit so you can go spin on it :D

See that's what I can't stand, "I'm an adult, but I live with my parents".

If you are so adult you should get a job and your own place to live and grow there. If you are still living with your parents, then you are still a child. Sorry, but that's the way it is. :peace:


Well-Known Member
okay, so if you are one of these kids on here that's looking for "a way to grow without my parents knowing"...ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!

there are many things that will give you up....let me count the ways.

FIRST OFF, before you even CONSIDER growing at dear ole mom n dads, consider this: DO I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY??? most people dont realize the eventual (and inevitable) cost of growing...and if youre saying to yourself: "do I?", then you dont. that said,

1-NOISE...if you have proper ventilation in your grow, it will be heard by your parents.(no one can ignore the humming of fans coming out of somewhere that SHOULDNT have fans in it.)

2-LIGHT....lightleaks are the bane of all growers, especially snot-nosed punks that that wanna grow pot in the closet at mommies house. oh and cfl's arent worth a shit. been there done that, wish i still had the money.

3-POWER....there is a power bill you know. and im willing to bet that you are not the one thats gonna be paying it every billing cycle..your electricity bill WILL GO UP!!!!

4-SMELL.... thats right. you may not even get this far with your dainty 13 watt, dollar tree cfl's, but if by some miracle you do...BUDS SMELL. and your "speakerbox grow" aint quite gonna have enough space for a carbon filter.....GET IT?

5-THE MESS- unless you are an impecably clean person that pays attention to every detail ,like your parents are, you will undoubtedly miss one spec of dirt, or one "out of place" drop of water, or glimmer of light, that will give your grow away....

6-PARENTS!!!!... these are your parents kid's....they will snoop, sneak, hide, and otherwise be stealthy to an extent that you cant possibly know...guess what? YOU GO TO SCHOOL!!!! what i mean is...there are MANY times that you are not home when your parents will be. thats when they take the time to snoop and discover things. one day you'll come home to: "well 'jimmy', i was (insert excuse here)'ing in your room today and i (saw some dirt, saw a light, herd a noise,etc) out of your (growspace of choice) so i opened it..." now youre fucked.....

oh...not to mention the newly vested hours in your room...all im trying to say is this: dont do it. you WILL get caught, and (hopefully) punished for the stupidity....

remember the sun? its there for a reason....

1. NOISE..yes you can have quiet fans that dont have lots of noice I.E computer closed door you cant hear a thing can have a grow box that does not leak light, and yes cfls work great..get your facts straight bro
3.POWER..yes the power bill will go up if using cfls only a buck or two
4.SMELL..yes it will smell alittle unless you got it tucked back in a closest and have a good carbon filter or you can have a strain that doesnt smell that much
5.MESS..ok well i hightly doubt your parents are going seaching every little corner of your room and if they do see a spec of dirt or a drop of water..that could be amillion things..common now thats a weak argument
6. PARENTS..yes some do have nosey parents if the kid has gotten introuble if the kids a bad kid then dont do it

ANd yes the sun is a great way to grow..but what are you gona do in the winter

you need to look at both aspects of this and not have such a narrow i dont condone kids growin in there parents house but i just had to reply of the stupidity of this thread


Active Member
Thats not the point. The point is, 99% of the kids that come here do not give a shit and have no respect for their parents property. The reason why we do not help kids is because a lot of us have kids of our own and do not condone kids using weed, or any other drug for that matter. We will not knowingly jeopardize some parents lively hood and investment for the sake of a kid doing something illegal to begin with. If the kid really understood the consequences of what they were doing they would respect the property of others and would not be here looking for ideas on how to hide it from your parents. I would hate to see parents get in trouble for something they are totally unaware of. And no, kids should not be allowed here. Weed is something that needs responsible use, and unfortunatly kids for the most part are not completely responsible. Weed is for the responsible use of adults, just like alcohol. If it were left up to me, in order join this forum you would have to be 21 and not 18.

I have run across some kids on here that seemed very responsible and capable. A lot of it is how these kids carry themselves when they come here looking. But most of the time it is very obvious to us who is and who is not a kid. A little smart ass punk kid can be spotted a mile away.

Also, its great that kids seek advice from older people. But why dont they take it and learn from it? As long as that advice is what they want to hear they will listen but they wont if its not in their plan. Our advice is this, growing is illegal, dont do it in your parents house without their knowledge, the kids wont listen. Thats why we dont help kids.

i see what your saying, and you are completly right most kids have no respect for anyones property even their own parents and some people just say stupid fucking kid dont know what your doing dont grow in your parents house, when they should be saying your parents will be responsible if its found, go outside, with your lack of resources a indoor grow wont work. I think a kid is more likely to listen to the 2nd one.

I dont have problems with kids not knowing what to do but when they are told what to do and dont listen that is what pisses me off.

someone should probely sticky this so all the new kids who want grow will need it and get some good advice


Well-Known Member
See that's what I can't stand, "I'm an adult, but I live with my parents".

If you are so adult you should get a job and your own place to live and grow there. If you are still living with your parents, then you are still a child. Sorry, but that's the way it is. :peace:
WTF?! Sorry but how does that work?! Since when can't u be an adult if u live with your parents?! Not many 18 year olds can afford there own place! I know i can't so does that make me a child?! Sorry but that seems stupid to me i do have a job and i am saving up for my own place. Come on though get real most people are still studying full time at this age so can't afford there own place. Even if i had of had a job since i left school 2 years ago, i still couldn't afford my own place now. House prices are just too high! I pay my way, help out. It's just not possible for some people to have there own place at this age! Even if i could afford to move out then i proberly wouldn't cos i'm needed to much here to help out with my little brothers and stuff. Sorry but i don't see the problem if the person who owns the property knows you are growing like in my case. But on the other hand i can understand where your coming from, because that was a stupid fucking comment and shows how childish some people are. That doesn't make us all like that though! Sorry i just think you should be a bit more open minded not everything is so black and white.


Well-Known Member
someone should probely sticky this so all the new kids who want grow will need it and get some good advice
Wont do any good, they wont read and head the warnings here. Hence why when we see that a kid is trying to get away with something we just cut them off at the knees. If they did listen, they would not be here in the first place if they read the rules of joining this forum from the start. Hell, its an exercise in futility just to get people to read the FAQ to answer their questions before posting a question that has been asked 100 times.
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Well-Known Member
Wont do any good, they wont read and head the warnings here. Hence why when we see that a kid is trying to get away with something we just cut them off at the knees. If they did listen, they would not be here in the first place if they read the rules of joining this forum from the start.
You know proberly why newbies don't read the stickered threads is because there are that many rooms and that many stickered threads, people don't know where to start. That's what i thought anyway. I was intrested in more than one room. People have genrally had enough of reading rules and stuff be the time they get onto about the 5th stickered thread. Maybe if they where all together in one sepreate room with clear headings people might pay more attension. Just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree that it is , kind of stupid to grow with out ur parents knowing. unless ur not dumb, have money, and could actually set up everything perfectly which is not at all easy am i right? man i sweated balls off yesterday for like 2 and a half hours working on this light 3 stacked rubbermaid boxes that have like 2 intake fans 1 outake fan 6 cfls hanging from the top and some more crazy shit i have to do to it. my landlord came into my room today to fix a waterleak in my bathroom and i didnt get sketched at all which is pretty crazy for me. but see my mom knows i grow and she just tries to give me a heads up on everything else =D plus i think she wants to smoke some bomb ass bud like she found back in the day hahaa :D


Active Member
i live with my parents and i had a sucessfull grow last year and have not had any problems so far this year. last year i grew in my closet in a big tub with a cfl setup and had 5 plants. this year i only got 4 ladies but anyway no one ever said anything about the smell i just leave the windows open and it smells like fresh cut grass all the time because my neighbor is ocd about his lawn and cuts it every other day. on a setup that small you dont need ventilation- when you open the top and water them thats all the vent they need. my parents dont snoop around when im at school because THEY HAVE JOBS and dont get home until after i do. cfl's dont use a lot of power and it doesnt show up on the electricity bill. my parents have found a bong before in my room and do know that i smoke but if they were to look in my room in my closet all they would find is a whole shitload of those storage containers that they think have all of our xmas and easter decorations. so YES if your smart about it you CAN stealth grow in your mommy and daddys house without them knowing :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
this thread is just stupid..yes your kids should have respect for you but with the way you guys are talking you need have respect for your goes both ways..there not going to show respect if you dont show respect


Well-Known Member
i was gonna grow behind my parents back :blsmoke: but knew that wouldnt work so i made a deal with them kiss-ass and now they let me.


Well-Known Member
Yes your right it can be done, but it's not really the way to go about it. Becomes childish when u start to brag about it though! You see that's the problem with people if i where to try and grow in a property where the owner didn't no i was growing. I wouldn't come online and brag about it ot even to my freinds infact. To me it's just more respectful that way. #

As people can proberly tell by know this thread has annoyed me to an extent lol. Just gets to me how people assume just becuase your not a certain age your not mature enough to be on this site. I feel like an outsider now after reading this thread. Maybe that was the intension if so then can someone just be blunt and stright to the point about it rather than all this. Cos if that's the case then i don't think i feel welcome here anymore.

i live with my parents and i had a sucessfull grow last year and have not had any problems so far this year. last year i grew in my closet in a big tub with a cfl setup and had 5 plants. this year i only got 4 ladies but anyway no one ever said anything about the smell i just leave the windows open and it smells like fresh cut grass all the time because my neighbor is ocd about his lawn and cuts it every other day. on a setup that small you dont need ventilation- when you open the top and water them thats all the vent they need. my parents dont snoop around when im at school because THEY HAVE JOBS and dont get home until after i do. cfl's dont use a lot of power and it doesnt show up on the electricity bill. my parents have found a bong before in my room and do know that i smoke but if they were to look in my room in my closet all they would find is a whole shitload of those storage containers that they think have all of our xmas and easter decorations. so YES if your smart about it you CAN stealth grow in your mommy and daddys house without them knowing :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yes your right it can be done, but it's not really the way to go about it. Becomes childish when u start to brag about it though! You see that's the problem with people if i where to try and grow in a property where the owner didn't no i was growing. I wouldn't come online and brag about it ot even to my freinds infact. To me it's just more respectful that way. #

As people can proberly tell by know this thread has annoyed me to an extent lol. Just gets to me how people assume just becuase your not a certain age your not mature enough to be on this site. I feel like an outsider now after reading this thread. Maybe that was the intension if so then can someone just be blunt and stright to the point about it rather than all this. Cos if that's the case then i don't think i feel welcome here anymore.
no no no your welcome here..just some of the people on this thread are douch bags and are very narrow minded..the people on this sight are not all like that..your very welcome:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thx, but i'm begining to wonder. Dam i used to like this site till i read this thread. It has deffently put things in a diffrent light that has to be said.

no no no your welcome here..just some of the people on this thread are douch bags and are very narrow minded..the people on this sight are not all like that..your very welcome:blsmoke: