Your smell…lets delve in…

I'm a logger so I smell like diesel and pine trees till I get home then I smell like a different kind of tree that I think we all know ;) deodorant is a must in my profession though for sure.
Hmmm well
i sweat eating big meals so there that, and ive select cut timber for 25 years so there that too, If i didnt shower i may be able to cover up the body odor with cedar chips or hemlocks....however naturally? I attract alot of cats and dogs to my works clothes and my everyday shirts and pants i wear around the house are usually pulled from the landing spot and laid on by my pets until i get home. Ive been told by women i have a sexy man musk, but idk wtf that is nor can i smell it myself....if that makes sense, if it does not i could care less......lmao!
Hmmm well
i sweat eating big meals so there that, and ive select cut timber for 25 years so there that too, If i didnt shower i may be able to cover up the body odor with cedar chips or hemlocks....however naturally? I attract alot of cats and dogs to my works clothes and my everyday shirts and pants i wear around the house are usually pulled from the landing spot and laid on by my pets until i get home. Ive been told by women i have a sexy man musk, but idk wtf that is nor can i smell it myself....if that makes sense, if it does not i could care less......lmao!
You dirty boy u
Axe is good. Ban regular works.

You are what you eat, you smell like what you eat...easy on the garlic! Have friends who eat garlic shows.

Bring up pussy and you can go fuck yourself in advance... j/k...
I smell good, what can I say I have that attractive smell. I've dated 5 or 6 women who would just sit there on the couch and smell my neck and go mmmmmm which usually led to sex cause it turned em on lol…. As for what it is? Well once (one person) said it was like banana runts… so if you want you some banana runts come and get it!!!

When I eat asparagus my pee smell like yuck!! Broccoli and a few other foods give me a bigger, thicker load
I smell like nugs all the time...people comment on it in public, it used to bother me but I could care less now. I guess its probably my fault for just exhausting my flower area into my house with no filters..