Your Stoner Lingo


Well-Known Member
Yo man lets . . . .

burn an L
pack a bowl


Active Member
:eyesmoke:Me and my buddies will:
"Go burn some nuge"
"Smoke the Devil's lettuce"
"Go for a Buzz cruise"

When we're in need, we just call to see "where the grass is green..."


Active Member
lets toke it up
lets chief,
blaze, baze it
spark it up
burn one
get blasted
get ripped,
get baked
get stoned
.... others that i cant think of...

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
When me and my friends wanna smoke, we say "Do you wanna go on an adventure?" lol

And we sometimes refer to in Pizza terms.

Grams are slices, a pie is an ounce.

lol we always switch it up, as to stay off the radar ;]


Well-Known Member
check it rememebr it use it words of the scro man yuhdigg

blazzaifaire, burnasaurus rex, ripsliffed, shiniatwained, ayyyyyyyari,


New Member
Who got Mondays? = who gets first hit (usually provider(s))
who got tuesdays? = who gets second hit... so on and so forth

zues me = pass me the lighter/blunt/bong whatever (zues like the greek god..)
ball me = " " (started using it with my soccer team for pass me the ball... then i smoked with my soccer boy and we ended up saying it... now all my buddies use it)

in the presence of parents/people that might not be chill wid' it

lets go play some basket ball (basket ball - michael jordan - MJ- ...)


Well-Known Member
Who got Mondays? = who gets first hit (usually provider(s))
who got tuesdays? = who gets second hit... so on and so forth

zues me = pass me the lighter/blunt/bong whatever (zues like the greek god..)
ball me = " " (started using it with my soccer team for pass me the ball... then i smoked with my soccer boy and we ended up saying it... now all my buddies use it)

in the presence of parents/people that might not be chill wid' it

lets go play some basket ball (basket ball - michael jordan - MJ- ...)
Got some pretty good ones there buddy, maybe not the who got days thingy. But the rest are great, Let's play some b-ball!