your thoghts on complete detox


Well-Known Member
alright so heres my situation, ive read hundreds of these types of posts over the years but have never had to worry much myself. and now i do. recently, within the last 3 months i had quit my career leading job, because my father and myself had got into a bit of a disagreement(my heavy drug use at the time might of caused me to make the wrong choice there). now im 24 you guys, i work with my dad not for him. im a welder and fabricator, as well as bandsaw operator, and the best at that. my father on the other hand is the lead fabricator and welder at the shop we worked at. i went to work with him right after i was released from prison after doing 3 and half years for growing my own medicine in a non MMJ state, and fell in love with the work and being beside my dad. well after relapsing and walking out i said the hell with it all. well 22 days ago i broke down and asked my dad for help, i had become the junky again that id said i would never be again. i asked for help and part of that involved me getting back to work. i went down and talked to my old boss, he was more than ecstatic to hear from me and after learning everything that had takin place, was willing to work with me on this. he hired me back and of course with that came the pre employment drug screening. i had used one of the masking shakes and still failed.

Ive smoked less than eighth in the last 2-3 weeks, and that includes my little finale last night, i got a gram of durbain poison and chiefed it all with 2 friends. reason being. last night i had a meeting and my boss, who told me the UA was positive for THC, big surprise right? normally thats it for anyone trying to get a job there or employed there already, you fail and thats it. but he told me i was worth it. my dad and i are two of the best at what we do in this town. and thats a fact, our city and city schools bring there work to us and us only, and thats by their request. he told me i had another shot at a UA on ANY day of my choosing. he said he didnt care if it was tommorow, or 6 weeks from now, but that i had better pass. so last night i smoked out and decided i was gonna quit for this test, i dont wanna try to fool it. i wanna do this the right way and detox my body from abstraining all together. he said when im ready, come take another one.

so heres my dilema, i figured 2 weeks on my system getting clean, im 150 pounds, 5 foot 10, and in decent shape. i eat like a fuckin horse and always have something to drink within reaching distance. 2 more weeks of sitting around at home however seems like a nightmare, but it could be even upto another month before im clean, so my question is. Have any of you guys ever used the system flushing pills(pretox?) that dont mask, but rather cleanse your body of said toxins? and if so what were your experiences? what product would you recommend for a person such as myself? and this is something where time is on my side. so if the process takes 10 days to 2 weeks, that no a big deal, just so long as it does what its designed to. cleanse my body of any and all toxins. I am already drinking cranberry juice daily just help speed up the process and for work reasons plan on beginning exercising tommorw to help myself get prepared to go back to work.

Thoughts? Input?

thank you RIU


Well-Known Member
start juicing, or atleast eating raw dark green leafy vegetables, a variety of colors actually. Lots of water. Don't eat fast food, don't eat anything that comes out of a box. If it's liquid make it a tea. good luck. Oh and cut out the starch.
ive been on probation for 5 years and smoke everyday ive tried everything from niacin to store bought detox pills and never passed a test for my probation officer with them the best trick I found to get clean is to slam water like its never going to be around again to flush and dilute the test it works almost every time and im 280 6' 4'' if I can pass a probation test like that I don't see why it wouldn't work for a regular work test good luck


Active Member
just work out go running or lift weights or something THC binds to your metabolites in your body so do whatever you can to speed up your metabolism do not eat fatty foods because you want to burn the fat that is storing the thc not burn the fat you just ate, i had somewhat of a simliar issue i was on probation for 2 yrs had to stop smoking got off probation smoked for a week now i gotta take a test because the company i work for sold out to another company i bought a at home drug test a week and a half after i stopped smoking and was clean i go to the gym 4 times a week 5'11 200lbs you cant clean your system of drugs by taking pills or drinks you can only mask it BTW go to CVS or Rite-Aid or Walgreens or any kind of drug store and get a at home thc test kit $15 simple to use 99% accurate wait a week or 2 test yourself if your clean then go if not just wait a little longer and keep working out good luck ...


Active Member
ive been on probation for 5 years and smoke everyday ive tried everything from niacin to store bought detox pills and never passed a test for my probation officer with them the best trick I found to get clean is to slam water like its never going to be around again to flush and dilute the test it works almost every time and im 280 6' 4'' if I can pass a probation test like that I don't see why it wouldn't work for a regular work test good luck
yes but if he already failed the test peeing clear water might as well be just as bad as failing again... and your PO must really not give a shit i wish i had him/her when i was on it lol
very true Kart0oN lol but clear water piss is better then dirty piss a negative is a negative any way someone looks at it even if its a PO officer


Active Member
GNC cleansers are good if you can afford them... plain old water works better then cran.. (unless you get REAL unsweetened cran...which is SUPER hard to find sometimes....)

water + exercise = decent chance
thc absorbs into fat if you exercise regularly and drink a lot of water, your system will have an easier time flushing it out....

but man...I feel you on the junky bit.
I'm 7 years clean from needles...
hang in there brother!! it gets easier!!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i knew time an abstraining from smoking wuld be the best bet, i just wanna get back to work

as far as being a 'junky" or a pothead, ive smoked pot now for the last 9 years, but after a rather serious car accident and then spinal surgery related to said car accident, i became addicted to the pain killers i was on, which then lead to dillie, morphs and smack being used heavely daily when i was younger, then i relapsed 8 months after getting out of prison because i thought maybe i could handle using my pain meds the way they should. all it did was create a spark for the fire, it wasnt a terriblie long ordeal, but enough to set me back a bit. this is the first time ive ever caught my addiction and asked for help. it was never part of the plan when i get out. it should of never happened, but it did, and now im working on fixing that problem

23 days sober from the point thoe. most people dont understand the powers of true drug addiction on these forums since it is a cannabis message board, not to mention im sure alot of the guys on here are 18 or under and just wanna talk shit thinking they kno everything, however everyone that replied had legit, and helpful comments, im by no means directing this towards anybody that replied. just to put myself in light of some of these guys, at 16 there wasnt a dought in anyones mind that i would be a PGA card holder, my career was set, then at 17 i had a life changing ordeal and its never been the same since, i deal with alot of pain every day because of the surgery, and although mj works great, im not in a mmj state so i used opiates that were prescribed, obviously when i started the pain managment treatment i never thought it would take the route it did. but thats the reality of these things and life in general, things dont always work out the way you want them to

thanks for the replies thoe, im just gonna give it the appropiate amount of time and do this the right way, i was just curious about some of these products that claim to literatly clean your system and not mask it


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, the $60 GNC jawnk works like a charm.... but damn expensive

the money isnt a problem, but at that price, i think its cheaper than most of the items ive looks at. exactly what is this product called? and do you have personal experience with it? or kno anyone that does? and how does this item work?


match box

Well-Known Member
I've looked at the flush your system things and the one thing they have in common is ya drink a lot of water.
My brother in law went in to see his probation officer with smack in his pocket. He didn't pass the drug test and when she told him to empty his pockets bingo. His so f ing stupid. Ya don't want to do Good luck


Well-Known Member
well i wont have to worry about that happening lol. im sorry since hes family and all, but what a fucking dumbass. Moving on.

im just gonna say the hell with it and ride this out and let time do its work on cleaning my system, in the end the time waiting, and not smoking will be worth it, hell its a 20 year million dollor investment


Active Member
I've never had to personally use one....BUT lots of friends have.
Most of the products at the health store come with some sort of guarantee and most have great reviews from personal friends and online research.

If you decide the natural way... grab some real cranberry (no additives...usually around $7-8 for 24-36oz .... no sugars, not from's actually VERY bitter....
I would supplement that with a TON of water and exercise... because the key to thc is that it stores in fat cells.... more exercise....quicker clean