your tolerance and lowering it

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
wow that sounds close to a parallel world experience lolol.

i saw the light spread from the 100 watt bedroom light once and im sure the grass was not that good cause i was a kid many many years ago. ppl say 'well thats not possible" but theoretical physicists are pitching multiple universes now as the answer to all their problems so i still say i saw the light spread and is was slow like that 1st gen star trek with the fast alians side stepping the fasers lolol

i saw some shit like that once. i saw like the light split at the dinnertable. like a2 dimensional slice for just a second, haha. real as fuck to me still to this day


Well-Known Member
you smoked an ounce a day. haha. get real
I smoked about 3/4 an ounce a day about seven years and my buddies smoked G-bong hits of our own stashes all day and's not hard to get that kind of a tolerance when you smoke a lot.

Don't come here telling people what they have or haven't done isn't real if you haven't experienced or tried it yourself.


Well-Known Member
you smoked an ounce a day. haha. get real
My bad, it was 3 am and that was supposed to be 1/4oz a day, but either by fingers or brain wasn't working correctly. A 1/4 is freakin easy to do when you never get passed buzzed.

Ok just finished a fkn 15 hour work day I'm going to pass out cold.
