Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement


Well-Known Member
If anything i would say mould
i had a moist ounce once ( very chincy stuff, i was disapointed ) anyways a few days after recieveing it i looked in and saw alot of those yellow ball type things and some fuzzy white stuff on it

so based on that id say u might have a little mould, i could be completely wrong tho

dam was i mad when i lost $160 cuz of mould:evil:


Well-Known Member
oh and sorry for the double post
but could u explain to me what u were saying about how harvesting shouldnt be based on trichome coulour? i was always told once theyr orange or dark to harvest
id rather trust your word tho because ive seen the crops you produce


Well-Known Member
oh and sorry for the double post
but could u explain to me what u were saying about how harvesting shouldnt be based on trichome coulour? i was always told once theyr orange or dark to harvest
id rather trust your word tho because ive seen the crops you produce
I'm not claiming that trichome colour isn't indicitive of ripeness, only that it should be taken as part of the larger picture. I just hate seeing premature crops being pulled because trichome colour is the only gauge for ripeness that new growers are learning.

I mostly focus on the calyxes being swollen and full, the pistils having receded back into the buds and the trichomes to be sticking straight out with bulbous ends. My rule of thumb tends to be, if they look ready, wait a week and then harvest.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it was in fact, mould!!!
Fine by me.

The slow transistion from mud to hydro.

The flowering room.

the jungle. I imagine I'll have to do a little bit of trimming in there, just for airflow sake.

One of the last soil plants.


Well-Known Member
looks nice bro...:clap:

nice to see you leaving your dirtbag past behind you...:razz:
Thanks. Things kinda went to shit there for a couple weeks, i'm still working to get this mag def dealt with and sort out my cloning/mother issues, but it's on the right track.

I really just cannot wait until the last mud girl is gone and I can really get things cleaned up and organised.

I wish I could go back in time and slap myself in the face for growing in dirt. Hydro is just so much faster and better. I'll save the dirt for the tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
for real...

even when I made a HUGE mess in my op...:eyesmoke:

it was just water, and the wet shop vac had it all under control in no time...

I would love to do soil... completely organic... OUTDOORS... more "earth" than soil... no pots...

But indoors... I like my water..:lol::clap::razz:


Well-Known Member
how can u tell your plant is a hermie

just look for pods
generally u just look for signs of it being a male

hermies will create buds but there will be pods too, so just look for signs of it being a male, cuz if it creates buds but pods start growing, youl still want to pull it


Active Member
Very nice spruce, I am a big fan of greenhouse but haven't tried growing them yet. I have the greenhouse fem sativa ten pack and am ordering the indica ten pack here shortly. I just can't wait to get everything set up so I can start.


Well-Known Member
Everything okay? Been a while since any updates spruce.. u ok?
Yeah, I'm still around and doing fine. Thanks for the concern. :weed:
The op hasn't been anything too fancy what with the summer heat (problem solved, I'll get to that later.) and all, so I haven't been snapping any pictures. Also I fried my old computer, so I'm talking to you on my brand new expensive box of dreams.

Anyhow ,I'll try to do an update tonight, or tomorrow for sure.


Well-Known Member
So after a losing a good chunk of my last crop to mould I decided something had to be done. It was just too hot and too humid up in here.

Ignoring the fan and shitty filter, if you look in the background you can see a 6" duct that comes almost up to the wall of my flower room.

So in the Ghetto-est move ever, I used an old chopped up pot with plastic to seal it.

Not the prettiest thing i've done. But very effective in bringing some cool air into the op. Also I can sit my beverage in there and keep it nice and cold.

The plants seem pretty happy about the whole thing.

My middle tray has gotten out of hand. I'm very concerned that a couple weeks from now i'll have problems.
But for now, they're sitting pretty.

And heres some shots of the rhinos that are next in line.

couple more weeks on those.

Anyhow, i'm too fucking high to do a big long thing tonight.

Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
Looks good zues!!! Thanks for the update.

Nothing wrong with ghetto as long as it works..


Well-Known Member
Looks good zues!!! Thanks for the update.

Nothing wrong with ghetto as long as it works..
Yeah, but I just know this is something I'm going to end up doing properly 2 months down the road. I'll run it to the floor and further from my exhaust.
But for the time being, good enough.


Well-Known Member
many thanks for your maturity thread ..... I was glad to be able to read it and understand from you perspective the progression and range of maturity's different facets. Your current grow is looking mighty fine. If you had a moment to look at my top 44 as she nears maturity ..... I would appreciate any thoughts you might have. Thanks again for your efforts, pics and updates!! Walk On!!~~~


Well-Known Member

Looking ... OUTTA SIGHT!!! Bro!:razz:

That middle tray is getting a little.. errr... bushy...:lol:

How about some crazy tunes from some crazy forest folk???? :shock:



Well-Known Member

Looking ... OUTTA SIGHT!!! Bro!:razz:

That middle tray is getting a little.. errr... bushy...:lol:

How about some crazy tunes from some crazy forest folk???? :shock:

Wow!!! I just watched the other vid you posted of this dude in your depot thread, and it is really awesome!!!
I love creative, energetic, real music.

I especially love music that doesn't feel like it came from a factory. It feels "handmade". Doesn't get much rawer or more organic than making noise in the water.

I think I finally understand why someone would trim the lower third of their plants. Its getting to the point where I can stick a fan right next to one side of the tray and the other side barely moves at all.
I probably should be more concerned, considering my recent mould issues. But the thought of the giant bush of bud this tray will push out tends to find its way to the front of my mind.
Lesson learned. 40 plants in a 2x4 tray is too many. i'm thinking 30-35 will be more appropriate.