Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement


Well-Known Member
now thats what i like to see... bacon from side to side..

ah right the plants... well done sir id love to smoke them, any chance ur in ontario ? ^.^


Well-Known Member
Heres that photo-update i promised yesterday!

These Ladies probably only have about 7-10 days left, i can't wait for harvest time.

Enjoy Y'all!!!!
Thanks for all the positive comments, i wish i could smoke some of this stuff with every one of you.


Well-Known Member
looking great man. i like the light setup, i have one of the all included lights thats just a hanging box, wonder if i can modify it. might just get sme new lights.


Well-Known Member
i wish i could smoke some of this stuff with every one of you.
if their canadian you can, post office cant look in our mail :D send some of that supa chron my way haha

but damn i cant wait to see how much you get off of harvest and what those buds will look like cured!


Active Member
Thanks for all the positive comments, i wish i could smoke some of this stuff with every one of you.
Well being that your an experienced grower that Lives in Canada, how would you rate growing in canada? I've been considering relocating to somewhere in Canada to start my growing career and I figure it wont be that hard, considering I live in Michigan. Do you find the tolerance for smoking/growing weed any less than in the states?


Well-Known Member
Well being that your an experienced grower that Lives in Canada, how would you rate growing in canada? I've been considering relocating to somewhere in Canada to start my growing career and I figure it wont be that hard, considering I live in Michigan. Do you find the tolerance for smoking/growing weed any less than in the states?
I can tell you first hand that the police will not hassle you for smoking grass unless you're being really stupid about it. As for tolerance of growing, it all depends, they have heli flyovers and special police just for busting up grows in BC, although based on the amount of marijuana that comes out of that corner of the country it doesnt seem to be stemming the flow. In less notorious places like the prairies they really aren't persuing marijuana growers, just dont steal power and keep a low profile and theres no reason you should get caught. There are lots of growshops\headshops etc. and the culture is generally very pot friendly. You can order from seedbanks without customs being involved and the only time seed sellers seem to get in trouble is when its uncle sam throwing the book. (Marc Emery)
I love living in Canada, i've had more problems being hassled by american police in the maybe 4 weeks ive spent there than my whole life up north here. I hope you decide to make the move, and being that you're from michigan its not like you're spoiled by mild winters, so you should be fine. Pack a parka and smuggle some ciggarettes and cmon over, you're more than welcome.


Active Member
I can tell you first hand that the police will not hassle you for smoking grass unless you're being really stupid about it. As for tolerance of growing, it all depends, they have heli flyovers and special police just for busting up grows in BC, although based on the amount of marijuana that comes out of that corner of the country it doesnt seem to be stemming the flow. In less notorious places like the prairies they really aren't persuing marijuana growers, just dont steal power and keep a low profile and theres no reason you should get caught. There are lots of growshops\headshops etc. and the culture is generally very pot friendly. You can order from seedbanks without customs being involved and the only time seed sellers seem to get in trouble is when its uncle sam throwing the book. (Marc Emery)
I love living in Canada, i've had more problems being hassled by american police in the maybe 4 weeks ive spent there than my whole life up north here. I hope you decide to make the move, and being that you're from michigan its not like you're spoiled by mild winters, so you should be fine. Pack a parka and smuggle some ciggarettes and cmon over, you're more than welcome.

I love the winter, and I love canada. Ive been there many times for hunting/fishing etc. I also love the fact that I can get cuban Cigars. I hope that one day I have the resources and ability to Live in Canada, but the biggest problem would be where to move to. I'll have to do some reasearch but thank you for your response, It has encouraged me.


Well-Known Member
I love the winter, and I love canada. Ive been there many times for hunting/fishing etc. I also love the fact that I can get cuban Cigars. I hope that one day I have the resources and ability to Live in Canada, but the biggest problem would be where to move to. I'll have to do some reasearch but thank you for your response, It has encouraged me.
from what i hear its like ontario is the only one that gets hassled by the cops for simple possesion :(

then again where i used to have had the largest drug bust in years (cannabis)
Biggest Grow Bust Ever 40,000 plants! - The Grow Report

it was a molson brewery plant that was sold and every floor had plants everywhere there was no waisted room at all



Well-Known Member
Awww you're all too kind!!! I had to pull a couple hermies yesterday so i'm a little bummed, but everything else is looking gorgeous. I'll post some budporn tomolly.
In the meantime, heres a really big sandwich i made. And my moray Kim jong Eel

badass sammich +rep


Active Member
Very awesome setup Zeus. +Rep. By the way i am very curious to see a larger version of ur avatar. That looks like an amazing bud! Keep it up. It'll be sweet seeing ur results!


Well-Known Member
Awesome.... when I grow up, I want to grow buds like that....lol...

here are a few shots of my miniature garden...

7 weeks into flowering my biggest plant is 6 inches tall by 13 inches wide...

There are 4 budding plants and a new one I am trying to sex... in an Aerogarden...





Active Member
Dude. Teach me. In dire need of help, just starting out. But unlike you who doesn't give a shit I need stealkth, so I'm wondering whether you can show me how to make your operation into a cabinet. Can you?


Well-Known Member
Dude. Teach me. In dire need of help, just starting out. But unlike you who doesn't give a shit I need stealkth, so I'm wondering whether you can show me how to make your operation into a cabinet. Can you?
Hahahaha!!! ItTs not that i dont give a shit, i just have a basement that is only entered by occupants of the house (and select guests).
if i could fit my operation into a cabinet i wouldnt be using the hundred some odd square feet of floor space and two seperate rooms. 1000 watt lights put off hella heat, even with cooltubes it would probably get too hot in a box to use them! I'd love to help ya out but im sure that theres someone on this site who can give you more specifics about what you want to do. The advice i would have for you would be mostly general stuff.
Firstly. Before you start READ!!!! Check out the growFAQ. The newbies section is full of information too. Watch all the grow videos you can. The Ready set grow series, Jorges cervantes ultimate grow DVDs, mr greens hydro vid, greenhouse's vid. Take in as much information as you can, and trust me when i say you'll come across alot of conflicting info, take everytthing with a grain of salt, get all the facts you can and make a decision based on what you've learned.
Anyhow i wish you the best of luck and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
so i chopped em today!!!

Trimmed em up and hung em to dry.

Just a couple of branches from one plant.

This stuff is super frosty, I only took off the big sun leaves and left most of the sugar leaves cause thats good smoke and i've got enough trim.
I'm gonna giver a long cure and get the best flavour out of it. Although this strain (nicknamed "sprucezeus". I suspect it to be northern lights) tastes fantastic after only a couple of days drying.
As always a big thank you goes out to everyone at RIU for taking some bum off the street and teaching him to grow some superb herb.


Well-Known Member
Awesome.... when I grow up, I want to grow buds like that....lol...

here are a few shots of my miniature garden...

7 weeks into flowering my biggest plant is 6 inches tall by 13 inches wide...

There are 4 budding plants and a new one I am trying to sex... in an Aerogarden...


Looks good! Coming along nicely!
i've heard mixed things about the AG i'm glad to see someone getting some use out of it! Have you done a whole cycle with it? if so i'd be curious to see what kind of bud you can produce with a system like that. if its worth it i might get my girlfriend one!
Good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member

Ahhh the flowering room, what a beautiful place to be.

This freaky plant has been yellow as a banana since it was a wee seedling, leaves and stalk. Its the strangest thing as i've fed it just the same as all the rest and they've been green and lush. It looks like its gonna have a pretty good yield though, so its all just cosmetics. I'll probably chop it tomorrow with this one

It really hasnt finished growing but the trics are all amber and about to burst so i gotta chop her.

friggin canopy is so thick light is barely getting to the bottoms of these gals.

Shot of my veg room, which is having some weird problems right now.
Hit the link for details on that one.
Whats the deal?

Heres My Arjans ultra haze #1 about 6 weeks ago

And about an hour ago

Little cheese back a while

and today

Thats pretty much all i got for you today, i'm gonna be chopping some more in the next week so i'll have some budporn for you then.
Until then Zeus says goodbye


Well-Known Member
I could feel my blood thicken as I stared at that sandwich, but it looks good.

Lookin great bro, thanks for the porn... I cannot wait to pick some fruit/flowers...