so you just pull the trigger and it fires, no need to do anything else, no need to flip the safety?
yep, that's what i thought.
next thing you know you'll be telling me that getting out of your car with your loaded gun to chase an unarmed black kid who is running away qualifies as self defense.
Why would you want a gun to not fire when you pull the trigger? The reason you are pulling the trigger is so that you can fire the gun.
Triggers cannot pull themselves, only someone who is delusional thinks that could happen and then justify a external safety that makes it impossible to pull the trigger.
You know so very little about firearms other than they fire a bullet out of them, that is the extent of your knowledge.
Can a single action revolver fire all of its rounds off just by pulling the trigger?
Can a double action revolver fire all of its rounds off simply by pulling the trigger?
Can a single action pistol fire all of its rounds off simply by pulling the trigger?
Can a double action pistol fire off all of its rounds off simply by pulling the trigger?
You won't be able to answer a single one of these questions correctly because you are ignorant of anything about firearms and how they work. You have already demonstrated this clearly, but your hole digging does amuse me.