Well-Known Member
them young negroes smoke the reefer and fight with the strength of 50 white males!FBI Unified Crime Statistics demonstrate beyond refutation, that ~60% of all violent crime in America is committed by young black men, who comprise ~5% of the population. The reason Zimmerman was part of a security patrol was precisely because of this sort of behavior on the part of young black males. A pattern of behavior that anyone who lives in proximity with young black males is aware of.
"We" defend Zimmerman because common sense and experience indicates that a violent altercation with a young, black male is overwhelmingly caused by the aggression of a young, black male. There remains no evidence of any sort that does other than condemn the young, black male. As one would expect. As any resident of America with normative intellect would expect.
Add to that the blatant editing of the 911 recordings, the media-advanced "iced tea and skittles" narrative, the partisan selection of angelic gradeschool photos, and calling a Hispanic male "white", and anyone with a functioning brain knows the score.
I hope this ends up like the Duke Lacross fiasco, and some folks at NBC get harmed financially.
it's science!