Zinc Mag Phos deficient maybe? I don't know, could use some help

Alice Ali

Hey all,

I've been trying to diagnose this issue by myself by using the stickys on this forum, and well... since I'm new to this I've been ambivalent with my thoughts on what the issue is and I would really appreciate some other opinions.

I'm about 8 weeks into my grow and am growing indoors with a 250W light... 10 days ago I transplanted from 1.5 gallon pots to 3 gallon pots and then four days ago I gave my girls (growing from feminized seed) 36 hrs of darkness and changed my bulb to HPS and 12/12 to start flowering... Just recently took care of a fungus gnat problem also. This plant is about 18 in tall and

I usually water every 3-5 days, depending on how my plants look and the moisture of the soil.

My growing medium is a mixture of topsoil with humus, mushroom compost, and perlite... the pH tests have read between 6.5-7.0...before the transplant I grew without fert/nutrients, but when I transplanted I used Jobe's Organics Granular Fertilizer for Vegetable & Tomato 2-7-4...also has 7% Ca .5% Mg and 1.4% S... Feather meal, Bone meal, Composted poultry manure, and Sulfate of Potash... I feel it is possible that some of the burning can be attributed to light burn and I have since moved the light further away, but I really am not sure what to do.


All help is very much appreciated! :)
Its not light burn, light burn isnt that common most of the time.
My 2 cents are nutrient burn or maybe magnesium deff.
It usually goes like this:
Healthy plants that get transplanted to new soil - nute burn
Healthy plants that start lookin sick and have been in the same soil for 4-6 weeks - nute deff
Medium sized veg plants or early budding plants that were healthy but then started getting yellow leaves and spots when the soil is good - Magnesium deff
Magnesium deff takes about 3 weeks tell you start seeing symptoms so you might of developed the problem before transplant, then after you transplanted, the symptoms may have shown trough combined with a mild nutrient burn.
FYI, You should always add a little epsom salt ever week, or if you water with RO water, use Cal.Mag.
Its pretty rare to get secondary nutrient deff now days as most commercial fertilizers are pretty complete. Most deff's when using good soil and proper fertilizer is from PH fluxuations.
Get your PH to 6.5 and leave it there.

As far as my opinion for treatment, I think you should folar feed it with some water/epsom salt for a few days and give it a light flush with ph balanced water and a little asprin. Then leave her alone for 2-3 days and see what happens.
He's right thats most likely mag def, Make sure you're checking the ph of your runoff. It does look a little pale in general a bit of nitrogen would help too i think.
I think its over fertilization, I am dealing with the exact issue and thought that it must have been some sort of deficiency but its not. Are the leaves getting crispy?
Its not light burn, light burn isnt that common most of the time.
My 2 cents are nutrient burn or maybe magnesium deff.
It usually goes like this:
Healthy plants that get transplanted to new soil - nute burn
Healthy plants that start lookin sick and have been in the same soil for 4-6 weeks - nute deff
Medium sized veg plants or early budding plants that were healthy but then started getting yellow leaves and spots when the soil is good - Magnesium deff
Magnesium deff takes about 3 weeks tell you start seeing symptoms so you might of developed the problem before transplant, then after you transplanted, the symptoms may have shown trough combined with a mild nutrient burn.
FYI, You should always add a little epsom salt ever week, or if you water with RO water, use Cal.Mag.
Its pretty rare to get secondary nutrient deff now days as most commercial fertilizers are pretty complete. Most deff's when using good soil and proper fertilizer is from PH fluxuations.
Get your PH to 6.5 and leave it there.

As far as my opinion for treatment, I think you should folar feed it with some water/epsom salt for a few days and give it a light flush with ph balanced water and a little asprin. Then leave her alone for 2-3 days and see what happens.

Thanks for your time.

Going to get some epsom salt after my coffee brews. Just watered with 7.0 pH water and my runoff was anywhere from 5.5-6.0 pH...what? I'm thinking that this means the parts of my soil that I tested for pH didn't effectively represent the whole or maybe that acidity is from the fertilizer?

What is RO water? And how much aspirin/for what purpose?
He's right thats most likely mag def, Make sure you're checking the ph of your runoff. It does look a little pale in general a bit of nitrogen would help too i think.

Like I mentioned in the previous post... watered with 7.0...pH for the runoff read between 5.5-6.0... from that what would your reaction be? Also... should I try foliar with epsom AND N?

Again, thanks for your time guys.