Zkittlez auto when should I harvest day 63

You guys must have hella tolerance levels! I'm not sure what I'm taking now but have a shitload of pot saved up of various strains and just about ready to turn it all into RSO. A lot of CBD pot saved up as well so the same for that and a sample of both are going to a lab in Vancouver for potency testing so I know what I'm dealing with when I start making gummies.

I've got two silicon sheets that make 192 - 4ml gummies each. One just says CBD and the other has the Canadian symbol they put on legal pot here. 3 - 2kg boxes of Jell-O in different flavours and all the other goodies to make them. Still haven't found much in the way of recipes for making larger, (768ml+), batches so may do a run with no meds first to see how it goes. I have done a CBD batch using chocolate and they came out OK.

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I put the sheet over a cookie sheet with water and a dual element hotplate to keep it at 150F so the chocolate or gummie goo doesn't start to harden up while spreading the goo around which it seems lots of peeps have trouble with. I'm not squirting it into 192 holes one at a time dammit.

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I tried spraying PAM on the 1st 3 rows but that didn't do anything but make a mess. Just dump it on then spread it around with an icing smoother.

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I make a tray of gummies using a 3 oz box of jello 2 packets unflavored gelatin 1/2 cup fruit juice 1 GM dram bottle candy flavoring veg glycerin to emulsiy. My coconut oil ratio is about 1/2 oz of decarb weed in ardent nova to 1 cup coconut oil with soy lecithin added. 12 hours 177 stir. Add 1/2 oil to gummies. Fire baked in it now it’s around 550-600mg for 5 gummies
I appreciate y’all’s help. A small time grower on YouTube told me about happy frog fry admendments and the himbildts secret sweet n sticky and flower stacker. I overall highly enjoyed my organic/synthetic nutrient combo
Y’all wanna know my day job? I’m a 20 year chef I cook a lot daily and I love marijuana edibles

Jack of all trades here with a diploma in environmental chemistry from 30 years ago in my 30s. 3 years of uni level classes and end up driving truck in the oil patch. Haven't worked for about 7 years and 3 years ago hit 65 so officially retired. Got a small acreage cheap 21 years ago but would like to be elsewhere. No decent fishing but nobody bugs us here either. Target shooting in the back yard or stinky stank blowing around the house, no worries. Hemp farming is starting up around me so my outdoor growing is kaput now. Plants full of seeds this year. Lots of bugs all over too so I'll just keep growing inside.

I only take little hits in my pipe once in a while but dose up with RSO every night.

I'm just going to be making everything into concentrates then can use that in whatever I want.

How do you know how many mgs you're taking or are you meaning mgs of oil rather than specific amounts of THC?

Jack of all trades here with a diploma in environmental chemistry from 30 years ago in my 30s. 3 years of uni level classes and end up driving truck in the oil patch. Haven't worked for about 7 years and 3 years ago hit 65 so officially retired. Got a small acreage cheap 21 years ago but would like to be elsewhere. No decent fishing but nobody bugs us here either. Target shooting in the back yard or stinky stank blowing around the house, no worries. Hemp farming is starting up around me so my outdoor growing is kaput now. Plants full of seeds this year. Lots of bugs all over too so I'll just keep growing inside.

I only take little hits in my pipe once in a while but dose up with RSO every night.

I'm just going to be making everything into concentrates then can use that in whatever I want.

How do you know how many mgs you're taking or are you meaning mgs of oil rather than specific amounts of THC?

I send 1 gram. If mgs of oz I buy to my friend at a lab in Colorado l. Say the weed is 22% do the math and account for the loss through decarb and infusion comes out GM to around 100mg per gummy we eat 5 each as a dose I don’t have cancer I just like eating edibles
I can eat 500mg THC all day long I like going deep with edibles. Dead body kinda high it’s enjoyable

I really love the buzz of a 2:1 CBD:THC edible. More like being tipsy on booze than fried on pot. Sober for over a year after micro-dosing with 'shrooms for a while. Got really high once and didn't like it as much as I did as a teen picking wild ones out by the Vancouver airport and down the Fraser Valley.

My newest seed order..

You buy your seeds one at a time? I have so many strains backing up in my collection I'll never get to grow half of them out. Making fem seeds these days and crossing yummy things to find my own yummy thing that fixes all that ails me. I haven't bought any seeds in almost 10 years and a total of 5 strains my whole growing life of over 40 years. Got 1 GG#4 girl and find I really like the buzz for bedtime so she's next to make some S1 seeds with. The next seeds I pop are going to be PPP, Paonia Purple Paralyzer. Supposed to be real narcotic and great for nerve pain. All sorts of pain I bet.

My meds are kicking in pretty good now. :)

I really love the buzz of a 2:1 CBD:THC edible. More like being tipsy on booze than fried on pot. Sober for over a year after micro-dosing with 'shrooms for a while. Got really high once and didn't like it as much as I did as a teen picking wild ones out by the Vancouver airport and down the Fraser Valley.

You buy your seeds one at a time? I have so many strains backing up in my collection I'll never get to grow half of them out. Making fem seeds these days and crossing yummy things to find my own yummy thing that fixes all that ails me. I haven't bought any seeds in almost 10 years and a total of 5 strains my whole growing life of over 40 years. Got 1 GG#4 girl and find I really like the buzz for bedtime so she's next to make some S1 seeds with. The next seeds I pop are going to be PPP, Paonia Purple Paralyzer. Supposed to be real narcotic and great for nerve pain. All sorts of pain I bet.

My meds are kicking in pretty good now. :)

I’m very poor. Luckily Herbies also gave me 2 super skunk for free so I’ll have a grandmommy purple a gorilla glue and 2 super skunk. I just have a mars TS1000 and a 2x2 tent. I grow one at a time keeps me n wife good.
I’m very poor. Luckily Herbies also gave me 2 super skunk for free so I’ll have a grandmommy purple a gorilla glue and 2 super skunk. I just have a mars TS1000 and a 2x2 tent. I grow one at a time keeps me n wife good.

I'm not rich either just living on my gov't old age pension and don't buy all those seeds. Just know a lot of people online that trade and share seeds, pollen and even clones sometimes.

Over the last 2 decades I've amassed a lot of gear as I can't seem to stop myself from grabbing up deals when they pop up. If I ran my grow like a business I could be putting out a couple pounds a month but I'm not into it for money. There's no decent fishing around here so growing pot and making meds for ourselves and friends in need has become my replacement hobby/obsession.

I have a medpot permit from a doctor who renews it every year even tho he has left the area that would allow me to grow up to 40 plants indoors IF I filed the paperwork with our federal gov't but I'm reluctant to do so. I don't want to be on any gov't hit list in case the conservatives get back into power and decide to clamp down on medical grows. They reserve the right to send inspectors to inspect the grow and that includes electrical which would have me shut down PDQ. I was growing long before Canada went legal so if I should get busted my medical should help reduce any sentence I would get in the courts. Not worried about jail time as that wouldn't happen but could lose everything. When they did legalize they also made some laws a lot stricter like making concentrates with organic solvents carries a maximum of 14 years in prison as does supplying pot to a minor.

I got a Gorilla Glue #4 cutting from a friend a year ago and did a lousy grow but got some bud off one of the clones I made and I really like it. It's a bit sleepy time so a good one for late evening and really relaxes me. Tasty too. I used to grow nothing but sativa dominants like skunk but now growing more indica leaning and CBD type plants for their more medicinal value. Over 90% of what I grow gets made into concentrates for medicinal use and I've gifted over 4oz of RSO to friends with cancer in the last year.

Due to declining health issues I'm probably going to grow lots over the next year or so in case I just can't any more. Get stocked up before it's too late.

Just know that triches mature at different rates on different parts of plant. I say reference ready to harvest pics to best judge the stage.

As you gain more experience- you will forgo “ scoping “ plants and can tell by sight.
Well ima need y’all’s help I’ll keep posting pics every few days y’all can tell me when to harvest. The scope is hard for me I don’t have the best vision.
Here’s the girl right now.


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