
  1. Tom Tucker 313

    Mushroom colonization and yeild

    What should i use in my jars for the biggest yeilds. I plan to transfer my colonized material into totes. Also, whats the best substrate to fruit my colonized material in?
  2. Tom Tucker 313

    Some breeders to check out in 2018

    Pure michigan genetics: Tropical seed co: Seeds of africa: Reserva privada...
  3. Tom Tucker 313

    Real estate investors: The 1031 exchange is back

    Another sign the real estate market in West Michigan is bouncing back: 1031 tax-deferred exchanges are on the rise. Long favored by real estate investors who buy and hold property, 1031 exchanges allow you to “swap” one parcel of property for another while pushing tax liability further down the...
  4. Tom Tucker 313

    Nebraska and Oklahoma hate Colorado

    In 2013 and 2014, after the neighboring state of Colorado legalized the use of marijuana, the marijuana arrest rate in Nebraska increased by 11 percent. The amount spent by Nebraska to enforce its marijuana laws also increased by 11 percent (to an estimated $10.2 million). Most of the increase...
  5. Tom Tucker 313

    New Rule Bans Landlords from Blanket Denials Based on Criminal Background

    On April 4, 2016, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued new guidance to the real estate community regarding the use of criminal background in evaluating prospective tenants. The guidance, titled “Office of General Counsel Guidance on Application of Fair...
  6. Tom Tucker 313

    New hope for convicted felons

    Depending upon the nature of their businesses, some employers have traditionally implemented and maintained a policy against hiring individuals who have been convicted of felony crimes. However, after examining this issue, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)...
  7. Tom Tucker 313

    Get involved in Ohio

    Come support marijuana legislation for Ohio! Check out our facebook page:
  8. M

    wake and bake

    raise and shine its time to grind!!! Saturday 420 all day:bigjoint::blsmoke:bongsmilie
  9. Tom Tucker 313

    Constitutional Amendment for Marijuana.

    On Nov. 6, Colorado and Washington voters passed ballots that permit the possession, consumption, distribution, and production of marijuana without penalty. This is the first time a state has fully legalized recreational marijuana. Despite this, federal law still classifies marijuana as a...
  10. john wishmyer

    pistils gone?

    my plant orginally had some nice bright white pistils, then during mid flowr they turned to orange this morning i was doing my daily check ups and it looks like alot of them have receded or disappeared for some reason any reason why this would be happening i have another plant which is the same...
  11. ЯunΣ

    Score one for legalization. Police crack down on black-market pot to protect regulated growers By The Chronicle's PETER FIMRITE: "The caravan of law enforcement trucks bounced over a dusty old logging road through redwood...
  12. JimmyBluffet246

    99 plant permit/california residents

    One of the ads on this site said click here to get your cali mmj card.....there was 4 options and the most expensive option said permit to grow 99 plants. Ive heard of this before but how hard is it to obtain that permit and to those saying it is legit, why do ppl in cali grow less than 99 if it...
  13. Cali.Grown>408

    Beans for breeding 101 @cali_buds408

    Gonna start breeding (pollen chucking) beans soon. Have some good genetics to start with and I'm trying to get my hands on Seed Junkys gear, Jaws, Crockett, In house genetics, CSI Humbolt, and possibly BOG. Use to grow BOG grape punch and till this day that was one of the best indica highs...
  14. Srgtgriffdonutt

    Outdoor Winter Grow Strain Recommendations

    Anyone know some good strains to grow outdoors during winter, I live in Southern California so it doesn't usually get anything below 50° F
  15. K

    Marijuana DUIs

    Hi, My name is Kelly Swanson and I am a reporter for the Peninsula Press, a project of the Stanford Journalism Program. I am writing an article about the issues surrounding the creation of laws concerning driving under the influence of marijuana, and I was wondering if there were any medical...
  16. Metasynth

    RIU's SoCal Warriors

    Hi folks! I'm Meta. A lot of you already know me, and a lot of you out there are fresh faces. Howdy! So much love to ALL our members, and this thread is for EVERYONE! But...I want a place for the SoCal members to be able to click up, share knowledge and resources, and even plan a couple of...
  17. spectator45

    So. Calif. now legal. But this year we need to grow our own.

    Hello! There was a huge victory in that November 2016 election for California because we legalized recreational cannabis! Forget about those sleazy politicians and rejoice! In it's infinite wisdom, though, no licenses will be issued to retailers until 2018 at the earliest. So my great state...
  18. Z

    California--Prop 64

    Hey everyone, I'm a 21 year old broke college student who lives in San Diego, California. A couple months ago I decided to start growing. Quickly, it became my passion, I never realized how addicting it could be. With prop 64 passing, I'm considering a career in commercial growing. In...
  19. AutoNorCal

    CO2 extraction companies

    Does anyone know of any CO2 extraction company is located in the bay area of California; that will take your grown material and turned it into the product which you keep?
  20. C

    California Caregiver Laws

    If one has a felony for "manufacturing marijuana" in another state are they able to become a licensed caregiver in CA? If so how does one become a caregiver?