
  1. B

    Can i tell its a male? 6th week - 1st grow.

    Hi guys, I've been reading all the content about growing since i sowed my weed ,it's basically all that i do. I'm starting to understand more and more about the satisfactory feeling of growing cannabis. My plant is 6th weeks old, it started to show it's sex and i'm little worried it's a male...
  2. Y

    Will higher temperature lights (5000K) increase female to male ratio

    Hello - I am running a 3000K COB fixture, i grew 4 seedlings last time out, 3 of which turned out to be male. I was wondering if bluer light would lead to more females or is it purely down to luck? thank you
  3. maximum autism

    Veg crop not sexing

    Semi-noob, here. I'm on week 8 of 16/8 in my little hydro setup, I've got a 300w LED panel and a 2x4 airscrubbed space. The plants are healthy with no spots/discoloration and are at a bushy 2.5 feet with thick stalks. They started out with some unhealthy looking roots that they shed in week 4...
  4. patrick17

    Male or Female?

    First time grower here. I have noticed 2 small growths growing out of the Node I topped. Do you think it may be a male or female? Or is it too soon to tell. I tried to get my camera as close as I can. Let me know if you can help!
  5. Jefedesalto

    Sex? Is it female?? Pics Inside.

  6. Jefedesalto

    To early to sex?

    I've attached a photo. I'm new at growing and have no idea if my bag seed is male, female or a hermie. Is it still to early to tell. Please take a look at the photos and let me know. Thanks!
  7. gingerprince

    Preflower question

    Hey all. This is my second grow, plants are healthy, topped and loving life. I'm just wondering if I'm correct in sexing this plant as male. It's about a month and a half from germination.
  8. Jefedesalto

    Sex my plant.

    This is a bag seed I found and planted. Can anyone tell me the sex. Here is a pic of the Pistil.
  9. N


    Hi Everyone, Hope everyone is doing well. This is my first grow, it's outside in pots. I'm in Australia, it's the middle of summer and really hot. They're doing really well. I've attached some photos below, the last image is just showing my plants :) I have 2 questions. Question 01 One of...
  10. MountaineerMike420

    Male or Female?

    Ok so what do you think? Male or female. Ive seen numerous examples of males and females both looking like this early on. Im thinking male myself. If it is. How long do I have before I worry about Pollen contamination. Its about 6 weeks into veg. I do not plan to flower for a couple more weeks.
  11. CarterBrink

    What sex is this sativa?

    Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa; I supposedly forced the plant into flowering by placing it in a shady location in order to determine sex. Female? Is it too early to tell? Plant shows some damage from getting too little sunlight. Educate me
  12. Boriss Jakuts

    My first grow (2 plants; NL fem. autos; 4xCFL's)

    Hi, there! This is my first grow. Two months since I have putted seeds in soil. About a week in flowering. Have done a lot of surgery yesterday. I trim off all the big leaves with no flowering signs. What do you think? When, approximately, these will be ready to harvest?
  13. cap master

    pink and purple pistols!!!!!

    has anyone ever seen some strains with purple pistols? I have seen pics of pink before but this year I started a grow with some old seeds I found when cleaning house I have 1 plant with pink seeds and 2 large plants with purple pistols none of my plants are stressed or deficient. I will be...
  14. NGbuds

    Green Crack is showing sex

    Hi, Total newbie, but somewhat experienced plant guy. Nevertheless, nervous like the first AA meeting. Actually, when I was a teenager I scratched a few "home grown" plants in the southern parts of British Columbia. Time passes and now I live farther north. About 52° in fact. The long summer...
  15. Afrikaner

    Noobie. Is this male?

    I know this probably gets asked a thousand times, but this is my first proper grow and before I make stupid mistakes, is this male:
  16. porkchoppington

    Is this female or hermie

    So, first time grower here.. I have a plant I originally thought was female though I'm unsure now what I'm looking at. If you guys could help it would be much appreciated.
  17. Budsmoker123456

    Help! Are my girls turning male!?

    So this is the first issue I've run into during flower. I'm at week 4 of flower with Uk Cheese clones, I spotted these fluffy additions to my plant about a week ago the seem to be on the nodes where the first Pre-flower pistals shown, I my head I'm thinking they are just little buds getting...
  18. V

    Male or female??

    Two more plants showing pre flower I need more opinions, only my first grow the first 2 pics are of the same plant which I think is a girl 3rd pic I'm pretty sure is showing balls
  19. StreetsofRage

    HELP!! Hermie :(

    Hey.. I'm in the 5th week of flowering and noticed seeds developing around the lower stems and very little on the tops.. My question is i've only picked 4-6 tiny little pollen sacks/nana's from the lower branches.. I'm not seeing any bunches of "nana's" developing at all only seed pockets. none...
  20. B

    Male or female? 1st grow 300w led full sprectrum

    Can anyone identify the sex of this plant. Week 1.5 flowering. thank you Bob