
  1. 7

    Weird growth and damaged leaves. Please HELP!!

    What’s goin on growmies! I have 3 autos going right now and I’m a little stumped. So my 2 bigger plants look like there is a bug problem but I’m almost certain it’s not. I’ve done a thorough search for pest to find none. This has been forming for the past week or so at first I thought maybe it...
  2. Weouthere

    Droopy Leaves on Only 1 Branch

    Hey guys, thanks for reading. Basically I moved my outside plantS into the garage because of the weather. Got both under about 450w of different lights. been watering when they need it, not very often. Humidity was a little high and I found some pm and bud rot.. tiny amounts. Cut em out and got...
  3. RoastClash

    Environment Control Issues! New House, Detailed Setup, Pics, Humidity Running Wild like never before :s

    Hey guys, I’ve recently moved and upgraded my set up. I’m in mid flower and the high humidity is KILLING ME! This is going to be my first winter at this location. Here’s my set up. Tent: 4x4x8 Light: Gavita 1700e Out: 4” inline fan with carbon filter In: 4” Inline fan Medium: 16 Rockwool Hugo...
  4. M

    HELP! Buds growing above light bulb

    PLEASE HELP! My buds are flowering and growing above the light bulb, as it stays in a stealth PC grow 40cm×40cm×20cm. Although my efforts to keep it low height, it seems it was effortless. Does any body know it's a problem or how to solve it
  5. H

    Autoflower stuck in pre-flower?

    Hey all, So, I am confused about what's happening here. I have been growing a White Widow Auto since early August, and it's been in pre-flower since September 4th, or at least that's when it started showing pistils. I screwed up and didn't account for the increased water she would want, and she...
  6. TJ_BASS

    Does She Look Ready To Flower?

    Here’s my Amherst Sour Diesel she’s been vegging for about 8-9 weeks, maybe a little longner. (Not even a foot tall) I’ve been doing lst and tie downs and topped twice. My goal was to have an even canopy and keep her short. I’ve never grown this strain before so idk how much she will stretch...
  7. Justsploofit

    Nug shots!

    Just wanted to show y’all what’s goin on during end of week 5 rn - cannot freakin wait!!! Pictured here are Purple Chem, Grape OG, LSD.
  8. V

    Skywalker OG to early for harvest???

    Growing Skywalker OG maybe its common with this strain ?? I believe that i have 2 weeks left. But looking at the Trichs some are already amber in color. So it is confusing me? I want this plant to grow as long as possible. But also dont want to leave it to long in flower lol here is some pics...
  9. C

    Is it too late?

    So my brother has a bunch of plants outside . None of which were well taken care of or paid any mind at all really . They were just outside all summer getting whatever life gave them (including the couple huge storms we had). He has maybe about a month left on them. Would it be too late to use...
  10. V

    bud rot on one bud!! what to do?

    Hi everyone, I found this tiny rotten bud on the side on one of my main colas. The rot is still in the beginning and i cut the affected bud immediately. My question is: should i cut this main cola as well as safe measure or no? here are some pics. Also is this botrytis or other type of mold...
  11. K

    First grow. Just switched to flower. Trim now?

    Hello. I Was gifted a clone in a solo cup about 3 months ago. I read the plant can double in size during flower so I’ve decided now might be a good time to flip to 12/12. should I trim the bushy babe now? If so, where and how much? Thanks
  12. J

    original crazy idea, rare. please experts read

    So, i have a plant that is looking like it will yield approx half a pound indoor its fully female. id say a week or 2 and its done. i have smaller plants that are like topped and 4 way LST, in week 4 veg. i wonder if i could graft a vegging small plant onto a full force flowering root stock...
  13. Pete Jones III

    Jack's Petunia FeED 20-6-22

    Any one have experience with this jack's petunia feed? 20-6-22 a little low in P but has high iron and mag. It says great for those of us with hard water. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00BIO569M/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  14. Justsploofit

    Grow suggestions?

    I attached some pictures of one of my tents. Just finished week 4 of 12/12, I like to get opinions around this time before they get real heavy into flower, anyone have any suggestions or just keep on pushing the way I am? Two on the left are LSD from Barney’s Farm, back right is OGesiel and...
  15. B

    When will flowering start, soon?

    Growing in Virginia and wondering when I should expect my plants to flower.
  16. BWestN2shoes

    Nearing end of flowering mayB 3 weeks?

    Anyone know about how close I am to harvest? I know the white crystals have to be milky & orange. What are other signs its ready to harvest? Also should I be worried that im losing 60% of my fan leaves if you need more pics of that just ask btw the first 3 pics where last night and the last...
  17. Growin4fun734

    Flipping to flower for the first time!

    Hey guys I’m flipping my plants to flower, and this is my first time growing so I’m worried that I’m forgetting something. I changed the timer to a 12/12 cycle, and turned on the bloom switch on my light. Then I started reading that you should wait to turn on the bloom light. So now I don’t know...
  18. E

    Is my plant fox tailing?!

    As the title says, beginning of week 6 flower, temperature has been a little high in the region of 86/87 farenheit or 30 celcius during lights off due to dehumidifier but similar temps with lights on aswell. If so what’s the best thing to do. O
  19. M

    I am a new grower, I am having trouble reading my plant.

    Hi guys, so I bought some regular weed at my hometown, they don't have top shelf stuff there, mostly weed with a lot of seeds. I decided to germinate 5 of these seeds, some plants died because of overnutrition, another was a male so I had to get rid of it. At the end I ended up with one...