
  1. Wuzxgucci

    Please Help me Determine the Gender Of My Plant

    I have this 2 month Sativa Plant I Can’t Tell if it’s a Male or Female But here are some Pictures , Btw she’s an organic baby
  2. Kelsey ☘️heart

    What is my plants gender?!

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here and new to growing. I've done a ton of research but can't seem to determine my plants gender. Please help if you can :)
  3. F

    Male, female, or tranny?

    So I'm very new at this. This plant has been in flower for about 2 weeks. It appears that it is showing signs of sex and it kinda looks male or tranny to me but I can't tell for sure. I have posted a few pictures.. any help on the sex of this plant would really be appreciated. Thank you...