grow room

  1. iShatterBladderz

    DIY mother grow room

    So up until about a year and a half ago, there was no way to legally grow in my state and the punishment if caught was typically 10-15 years, so due to paranoia, I have never kept mother plants myself. Now, with two medical patients in my household, we can grow a total of 24 plants. We’ve got...
  2. OrganicGrowOP

    Opinion and some general discussion

    Greetings boyz and girlz from Greece. I recently make my own DIY "one plant" grow room and as a newbie i want some of ur opinions on how you see the whole grow ends up . If im good with it or no . The budget is small but generally good for a personal grow . I run a CFL 120w actual wattage , i...
  3. newgrow16

    New Grow Room

    Between Death Valley and Pahrump, Nevada was a small Native American Dispensary. Check out the grow facility in the background, they did not let me take a tour. Did visit the dispensary.
  4. Empire.420

    Help me out please! New grower and setup!

    Hey guys, so im new to the forums! Had a little browse and seems to be alot of people here who know their shit! Anyways im just getting into this fantastic hobby and am needing some help. I currently am running 2 standard 1000w HID lights practicing my hand on a couple girls. Things seems to be...
  5. Papa_Bear_Blunt78

    Janky but hey!

    My lovely mrs and I have set up a little grow room in one of our out buildings, I know it’s not perfect but hey it’s our first time. We used Mylar blankets, staples, some 550 cord. I have a oscillating fan to help keep the air flowing good, and the building has its own vents. My light is a...
  6. P

    A New Beginning!

    Hello everyone, It's been a very long time since I logged on to my account. A very long time. I'm surprised that my account is still in the database. Anyhow, I gave up growing for a while due to life circumstances however my wife decided that she wanted to learn how to go recently. No...
  7. ganjahgun710

    carbon filter problem

    Hi everyone! here's my problem, I have a carbon filter that i forgot in a small shed not ventilated. It went from 30 degrees celsius (86F) to -30 degrees (-22F) for 2 winter and one summer. Do you think it's restorable and if yes how?
  8. Eliehabib

    Grow Room Ventilation WITH DRAWING - PLZ HELP !!

    Hey Everyone , After doing lots of research on the subject , i still got a couple things i'd like to ask you guys about . Ive done many grows in the past (Indoor Tent+Outdoor) , so i'm basically quite familiar with most of the setups,techniques,etc .. But only done 1 successful grow in the...
  9. DonnyDanko

    Best LED for 5x5x7

    Hey guys, I set up a 5x5 for the winter and am trying to decide on LED lighting. Right now I'm planning on going with two King LED 1500's. I already set up my ventilation with active air 400cfm so heat isn't an issue. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks
  10. Stockthemperor

    Need some advice on lighting and floor space

    Hey everyone, I am starting up a new grow setup and need some advice. So, for my previous grow I used; 3 Chinese 133 true watt LEDs, 4 23 watt cfls at canopy. My grow room size is around: 6 feed wide, 2 1/2 feet deep and it's around 8 feet tall. Although I really actually only have 6 feet of...
  11. TokingTeepee

    Beginning New Cannabis Grow

    It took about 2 weeks after I cut the clones before putting them in their new home. After 2 full days of hard labor prep work and clean up. Soon I plan on studying a course growing marijuana. With a certificate and 25 years of experience in the marijuana industry I hope to have some useful...
  12. ThePsilocyber

    Who Wants To Help Me Build My 5000w Grow Room

    once i get some responses i can run down my exact details. i have a good ammount of cash flow and space. i am an active new user here! Thanks for welcoming me in the community!
  13. ThePsilocyber


    im planning on having my grow room set up in january, 12x12 room with eithier 5 1000w lights or 8 600w lights. my question is with the digital ballast create to much rfi/emi that my neighbors will complain? i live in california and plan on having 35 plants. i live in a more updated and newer...
  14. DarkQueen

    The First Crop Gung-Ho Chronicles

    So, the DarkKing and I decided to go off the grid. I have been working for huge companies all my career and it was a rather huge step to divert my mind towards a home-based self-sustainable growing business. Freaking daunting to say the least.. I grew up on a farm and somehow that must have...
  15. S

    1st grow ready to go

    So i am starting my first small grow. I have a 2x4x6 tent . I have some fox farm happy frog and some ocean forest that im going to mix together. I have pots ranging from .5 gallon to 3 gallon so far, also have solo cups im going to start in. I have a blue labs ph pen, a 400 watt hps, 2 150 watt...
  16. BoomerBoognish

    AV Cart - 30" x 20" x 48" Grow Box

    Hey now...... So I found this sweet metal AV Cart at a thrift shop for $12.50 - like the ones they'd wheel into class in middle school to watch crappy educational movies. I thought it would be cool to turn it into a grow box. So I started rummaging around on sites like this one and I've been...
  17. G

    Master grower couple on our way to Maine & need new friends

    Howdy all! So in Oct last year we were hit head on in the Rocky Mnts of Colorado, broke my back, put us out of things for a while and we came to FL to heal up as shivering with broken vertebrae REALLY hurts! lol That said, we're healed up enough to take our settlement $ and get the hell out of...
  18. OfTheNewJerseyMeatwads?

    A Little Advice Please Y'all...

    Um..........Howdy! So I'm starting a small indoor grow so as to gain some of the self sufficiency I had when I was growing Monster tall bitches in South Africa, alas though, I now live in Portugal and lets just say, space is WAY tighter than one would like... be living like sardines in this...
  19. HerbalBeast

    Need sugestions on designing a grow room

    Hello friends, I'm here with a very important question: How would you setup this room in order to get a good continuous grow? I'm looking to harvest every month if possible. The room is outdoors and I can build ventilation on the walls where needed. Winters can get pretty cold but the summers...
  20. FirstTimeGrwrLngTmSmkr

    New setup help

    16'x18'x7.5' room with( 2) open doors leading into s basement/garage area (1) window I've painted walls with flat white paint buying a ventilation kit tomorrow with a 998cfm or higher airflow Also picking up panda film for the open doorways. Setup the 5x15 scrog netting. Im trying to figure out...