
  1. T

    What does this look like to y’all?

    This a Autoflower in week 7 what does this look like to y’all and it’s grown in coco coir with 40% perlite and watered and fed daily
  2. I

    Tent is getting too hot, 32C.

    I am having an issue with heat since I turned my LED light to 100%. During the day it heats up to 32-33C and 27-29C at night. My set up is below. - 2x2x4 tent - 4" inline exhaust with carbon filter. The fan is inside at the top the tent with tubing running to the filter outside of the tent. -...
  3. T

    Help any one general hydroponic coco Autoflower question

    Can anyone give me a decent feed schedule to go off of for a Autoflower grown in coco coir in 5 gallon pots I have the general hydroponic flora series with kool bloom flora nectar diamond nectar armor si calimagic I just need a good schedule to go off of that someone on here has had great...
  4. G

    Main stem rot - help

    Hi guys, the other day I noticed some white froth at the base of the stem (right next to the coco) The stem felt a bit soft in that area so I scraped it away and sprayed with hydrogen peroxide I have noticed there is a bit more. I have brushed away some of the coco and cut out as much of the...
  5. J

    Strange nutrient deficiency / (fungus pH mildew) visable on leaves - tiny spots and some browning.

    Last run I noticed some strange paterns on some fan leaves that at first glance thought it was powdery mildew but its not powdery at all and does not rub off. Is this some type of fungi or strange deficiency? See pictures
  6. T

    Anyone help please and thank you

    Does this look like a deficiency or problem to y’all or am I tripping? And also the second picture im wondering if anyone has ever seen a leaf do this and if so what causes it
  7. B

    Avg time

    What is your avg time from seed to harvest on outdoor plants? First time grow and can’t find info on the strain
  8. J

    First time grower seeking help.

    Hey guys, first time grower here. I am currently in week 5 of flower using Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Gaia green amendments. Everything seems to be going great so far except one of my plants (Godfather OG) is showing some signs deficiency of and its getting real bad by the day. I basically grew...
  9. B

    Salt Buildup / Nutrient Lockout

    Im usually able to tell when and what type of deficiency I have if I ever get them but this is a first. my plants leaves are yellowing below the canopy and the ones above are Turing brown on the edges and tips And getting crunchy. Recently Went to feed and decided to check my run off PPMs and...
  10. H

    Fox Farm Ocean and Tomatoes

    I am new to this source, and even though this is not marijuana related, was wondering if any of you had experience with container growing tomatoes outside? I am using Fox Farm Ocean for the first time in 10 gal. grow bags and typically would when using other container soils amend it -...
  11. M

    Edible Help - Decarboxylation

    Yesterday, I decarboxylated my weed, roughly 10-15g~, I first read that 250f at 20 minutes should do the trick. I ended up cooking for an hour because every time I returned to the weed it was still just as green as before. When I pulled it out the weed was still in a mixed phase of green and...
  12. S

    Bud rot, deficiency, or root zone issue? Blue Dream wk 6 flwr

    Hey Guys, I noticed something new which I haven’t seen in my own grow. It almost looks like what I’d believe to be bud rot but also feel it can’t possibly be rot. Environment: 5x10, 800cfm exhaust & 600cfm intake. 4 fans circulating air in space. RH - 45%-55% (avg 50%) Temp - 67°-78°F Medium...
  13. cloud9kim

    Newbie: BENT STEM!??

    i grew my first plant outside and it was doing well, I think? Til a wood board fell on it now idk what to do???? Is it going to die? I have a feeling it might bounce back but not sure. The first picture is before the bend & the second is after. I also put alittle bit of aloe on it to help heal...
  14. K

    DWC help (stunted buds)

    I’ve been having this same problem in this same stage with all my gross for about a year since I started DWC. Around week 4 or so I start getting stunted growth, ph issues, and deficiencies. It looks like light stress but I have been much softer this time and it is still happening. I’m doing...
  15. Show_OFF

    Surprising flowering initiation

    Greetings, fellow growers :) I'm doing Sea of Green (picture attached). Following instructions of the LED lamp by turning 12/12 during seedling stage (picture attached), which is kind of wierd as I know it should go with 18/6, my plants suddenly started to flower. As I do SOG, flowering should...
  16. C

    Having issues I can't figure out.

    Hi... New here and I'm having an issue in my DWC. I am at 5.8 pH and was running my ec at 2.5 and just flipped them 2 days ago and changed the nute mix as well. The leaves started looking like the pic... I freaked a bit and reset the nutes at 1/4 strength and my ec is now .9. is this nute burn...
  17. A

    Need Suggestions on Mainline+Basic Questions

    Ok, let's get right into it. Using FoxFarms Ocean Forest mix. In the beginning I was having some nutrient problems but when defoliating and hst the problems seem to have have gone away. It has only been about a week though since mainline operation has started. I topped right at the fourth node...
  18. Yesyes3000

    Please help me. Plants are doing something weird at about 3 weeks old from seed.

    Hello hope all are well. Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with my plants ? They are showing something on the leaves. I’ve ruled out bugs already so not sure what to do . Please help thank you. Growing the ethos’s grandpas stash multi pack
  19. G

    Jacks 321 Nitrogen Toxicity Week 2 Flower Help

    I have been growing for 4 years now. This is my first grow with jacks. Im growing in Coco and Perlite. I went full strength through Veg with minor nute burn, but got great results. The first week for flower I used 2/2/2/Moab and started to show N toxicity by week 2. Its pretty bad.This is a...
  20. A

    Got Lots of Brown Spots on Early Veg

    Just put this seedling in the new pot a few days ago and I was having some leaf problems before but now I'm debating on what this one is. Got some FF aquatic mix, and I've topped it once... Also, Idk if I should trim anymore right now. I've taken some bad leaves off amd the response hasn't been...