how to pass a drug test

  1. P

    PLEASE HELP ME!! I took a UA

    I took a UA and as I was in the bathroom the clips to the belt I was using came undone so a good amount of fake piss just ran down my leg but i still had enoughto fill about 95% of the amount needed but the othere 5% I used my piss.... oh and its going to a fucking lab... :/ will the fake piss...
  2. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    Firstly, Sadly even with legalzation jobs can still drug test you... Well im here to break myths and help prepare you for the test. Tip 1: allow yourself atleast 5-20 days. why such a broad date? let me explain. Thc stores in fat, so the dates depend on the persons body weight. another thing...
  3. S

    Taking my drug test, passing or failing? - follow me on my journey!

    Hello everyone! First post here but I feel the need to share my story after countless hours of researching how to pass a drug test for THC and what worked for other people and what didnt. Some background - I have already got the job and need to pass the screening, now some perks of this are 1)...