hps and mh

  1. Cannacopia Delight

    Running MH and HPS side by side to save money?

    I am using two hoods, would running a MH and HPS side by side work out alright for my ten plants rather then buying two of each kind; just run both throughout their entire growth cycle?
  2. C

    Yet another question abouth lights...

    Hey you guys, I know, this is a subject reheated over and over again, I have searched many diufferent threads and forums, but failed to answer all my doubts. I have a SJ DR60 tent which is 2x2 and little shy of 6 ft high, which is quite tight. There will be some ducted ventilation in it going...
  3. R

    Standard mh/hps bulbs vs grow mh/hps bulbs

    First post I've made here. Something has been puzzling me recently. Particularly regarding grow lights. I've always used a 600w magnetic ballast and dual spectrum before moving to a mh/hps setup. All were shop bought grow lights, powerplant Sylvania, etc etc. Now to my query. I've recently...
  4. Cannacopia Delight

    Do I Need A Stronger Fan?

    I am using a 400cfm 6" fan for a bathroom grow room, and I have it ducted 20ft away from the room and through a carbon filter with the fan at the end sucking the air out a window. There is pressure, but nothing like a strong vacuum; almost a soft breeze that barely allows a peice of paper to...
  5. Chicsgro2

    When lightbulb goes dead and ...

    There's no replacement. This is the first time in over 5 years of growing that I have had an HPS bulb blow out and I don't have a replacement. My girls are almost 6 weeks into flowering and all I have is a MH vegging bulb of the same wattage as the HPS (600 watt). Will using the MH, to keep the...
  6. R

    Ballast question?

    Hey so I picked up three of these ballasts on Craigslist for 5$ a piece. Curious if I can run both 400 watt hps and mh out of them? See pics and lemme know what you know.