impeach trump

  1. Unclebaldrick

    The War Against Anonymous.

    The DOJ gave a strong warning today that the anonymous author of the book, "A Warning", due to be released on November 19. "If the author is, in fact, a current or former 'senior official' in the Trump administration, publication of the book may violate that official's legal obligations under...
  2. Unclebaldrick

    Trump Claims African Americans are Flooding the White House with Support

    Yep, Trump claims that the African American community is glad he is attacking Elijah Cummings and they are flooding the White House with calls of support. In addition: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth...
  3. Unclebaldrick

    Leaked UK Emails Describe Trump as Insecure and Inept

    Recent leaks of emails from the UK ambassador to the US describe Donald Trump as "radiating insecurity" and his administration as diplomatically "inept and clumsy". The Ambassador further said that British analysts do not believe that the Trump administration “is going to become substantially...
  4. Unclebaldrick

    The Final Days of the Trump Administration.

    I don't know what is going on, but judging from the sullen and angry Donald Trump, he sure as fuck does. I think this election was his last real chance at forestalling his own doom. I think the clock is ticking on this guy and it is just a matter of time before he feels the rope around his neck...
  5. Unclebaldrick

    Trump Spends Half a Day Slagging Omarosa

    Yup, despite the fact that he hired her at $137,000 of our money per year, Trump now says the "low life" Omarosa is "not smart". What an embarrassment this fool is. Drain that swamp. MAGA, y'all! "Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She...
  6. Unclebaldrick

    Trump Tries To Block UN Breast Feeding Resolution

    Yup. The UN was in the midst of passing a resolution encouraging breast feeding but the US tried to block it at the behest of formula manufacturers. Breast feeding? Who makes money off of that? Fucking shameless. "America is open for business."
  7. Unclebaldrick

    Justice Kennedy Retiring.

    Wonderful. Just wonderful.
  8. Unclebaldrick

    Melanie Really Doesn't Care About the Kids, Do U?

    This is the jacket that Melanie Trump decided to wear to go visit the kids in Texas that her husband stripped from their parents and threw into a concentration camp. It says, "I Really Don't Care, Do U?" The jacket costs $39 and it is the first time she has ever worn such a reasonably price...
  9. Unclebaldrick

    Russia attacks America; Trump does not care.

    Sad. November will roll around before long. MAGA!
  10. Unclebaldrick

    Welcome 2018, the year of bitchslapping Trump

    Even he knows it is coming. He knows he got in by some fluke (there is probably a better word in Russian) and that a great big, swift ass-kick is already heading his way. The question is, how will he deal with it - providing he is even around. I am torn between believing that he will not...
  11. Unclebaldrick

    Some very special drug treatment for Trump supporters

    Poor Trump supporters... they were promised that Trump would help the working class but all they got was no health insurance, tax cuts for the wealthy and racist tweets. But it seems that those racist tweets are good enough to keep them happy. Even if they are dopers and meth-fiends, at least...
  12. Unclebaldrick

    Fake Jews!

    Just in case you missed it: Reports are in from Alabama about people receiving robocalls from an unknown source claiming to be trying to dig up false accusers about former judge Roy Moore. To make it extra believable, the voice on the robocall identifies himself as "Bernie Bernstein" and has a...
  13. Unclebaldrick

    Trump (Jr.) supports "Better Than A Blowjob": Coffee

    After Keurig dropped Hannity as a sponsor, the door was open for Black Rifle Coffee Company to wiggle their way up the alt-right's asshole. Trump Jr. slammed Keurig as anti-American and put his puffery little lips around the cocks of the only company that sells "F*** Hipsters Blend", "Better...
  14. Unclebaldrick

    Kelly: Mueller Investigation Distracting President Trump

    Yeah, it's added two strokes to the fat fuck's golf game. They are testing the waters to fire Mueller. Constitutional crisis coming soon.
  15. Unclebaldrick

    The World's Worst Boss - Trump uncuts Tillerson, again.

    OK, so Tillerson has let it be known that he is in direct contact with North Korea trying to find a diplomatic solution. Hearing this, and perhaps envious of the limelight that Tillerson is getting, Trump tweets: I would love to think that this is some type of deep strategy that I cannot...
  16. Unclebaldrick

    Trump's pathetic "Rocket Man" speech at the UN.

    What a dolt Trump is. The whole world is laughing at us; rightly so. Standing up in front of the world delivering a speech that he does not understand and can scarcely read and then delivering a pathetic screed about needing to "destroy North Korea completely" if "Rocket Man" doesn't stop it...
  17. Unclebaldrick

    Bye, Bye Steve Bannon?

    Trump is said to have taken the decision to dump Bannon according to two "leakers". He is now trying to decide how and when. I am mildly surprised but I guess he needs a sacrificial goat...
  18. Unclebaldrick

    Eclipse Madness!

    I cannot believe what I am finding when perusing youtube for crazy shit. Even making allowances for the mentally ill, I am beyond frightened by the number of people who are going bonkers by working this eclipse nto their desires for Revelations to come true in their lifetime. It is insane...
  19. Unclebaldrick

    Hello God, is it time for us to rise up and depose Donald Trump?

    It feels like it is, but I am uncertain. Please send us a sign from in the heavens if it is; something hyuge in the next week please so we will know it is your will. Heed my prayer.
  20. Unclebaldrick

    RIU trip - who wants to rent Trump's boyhood home?

    So Trump's boyhood home in Queens just went on Air BnB for $777 per night. I suggest we rent it for a weekend and make an RIU weekend out of it. The ad claims it sleeps 20 (!) so the cost would be quite reasonable. I'll bet we could jam 30 or 40 of us in there. It even comes with a life sized...