
  1. TRollemup

    Please help!

    Hello fellow stoners and stonetters? I'm currently undertaking a 3 plant grow in a 31"x31" tent, using a 600w mh/hps lamp. 1 white widow, 1 bubblegum and 1 AK-47 all from ILGM. First off, my AK is quite a bit behind the others due to germination failure with 2 other seeds but also seems to be...
  2. Buckwheat007

    Coco coir grow tent setup questions??

    Got a couple of questions regarding my set up ive done some research but there are too many different opinions without the experience so ive come to ask you guys. Ok here are my questions. If the temp in the tent is 30 celcius with the door closed and extration fan on is that too hot or should...
  3. Ghost of Davy Jones

    Does cooking soil work?

    Hey friends.. I added some really rich organic compost to my soil. The plants love it but theres all sorts of crawly critters and bugs in it now. I was told to cook the soil/compost to 180 degrees to kill the bugs. Will that kill any of the good stuff like nutrients, and micro beneficial stuff...
  4. F

    What is the "science" behind why water/nutrient solution pH in hydro needs to be lower than in soil?

    I am growing in a DIY substrate which is (roughly) 3 parts perlite, 3 parts vermiculite and 3 parts coco coir. What puzzles me when looking at these usual nutrient pH range charts for weed is the "flip" of the availability especially for Ca(lcium), which in hydro is like 5.2-5.8, and in soil...
  5. alindg

    Question regarding nutrient deficiency and over watering

    Some of my plants have a calcium deficiency i think, and they were recently watered (before I found out I had the def.) so they currently are pretty wet still. However, I need to give them cal-mag nutrient ASAP. Should I do it now while they are wet and risk over watering or wait and let the...
  6. Weed-noob

    Nutrient question I’ve been searching for 1/2 my life

    I always been a ml/gal kind of guy and I’m sick and tired of nutrient burn/nutrient dificiency/nutrient lockout/fucking nutrient problem etc... I’m getting a TDS meter, BUT!!!........ My question is........... How in the fuck do you divide the 3 part nutrient to the ppm suggested reflecting...
  7. Monster Gardens


    Hey Rollitup! I wanted to thank the Administrator as well as you bloggers for allowing us to join your community! We're here to assist however we can: plants, equipment, specs, design, layout, functionality issues, new ideas, techniques, and opportunities etc. etc. For those of you that have...
  8. Levradus

    Snoops Premium Nutrients ? Which set of nutrients you suggest ?

    I have just seen snoop released earlier on 2017 or at the end of 2016 a series of nutrients seed to flower, as a grower currently planning my next grow scene Im looking for nutrients line to buy Cant see any grow journal or review about snoops pn except some youtube videos and im curious are...
  9. Tomzy17

    Nute question?

    hi guys Just in the process of switching to hydro a bit last minute, never done it before and I’ve got advanced nutrients are they cool to use in a rdwc system? Cheers T
  10. persian.toker

    Burn, deficiency, stress or what?

    Hey there guys, I need some advice. I can't, for the life of me, figure out what's wrong with my baby(white widow auto). It's the tips of leaves are yellowing and it looks like burns but doesn't look like any other picture I found on forums.So this is what I've done with it recently...
  11. D

    Try Dirt Rider soil recipie

    I want to share the recipie I came up with for an organic living soil. -27 gal compost: chicken manure(11.5 gal), cow manure(10.5 gal), coffee grounds (4 gal), wood ash (1 gal) and bannana peels (how much ever you consume) -26 gal native soil: you want to get the topsoil from a forest if...
  12. john wishmyer

    Nute burn, Deficiency or something else?

    please help, ive been rolling with the fox farms trio, molases n some kelp n sea weed extract by bush doctor. let me know what you guys think i should do
  13. Calicode

    Add nutrients during every feeding?

    I'm in my 4th week of flowering, using fox farm soil in 3 gal pots. (Grow tent) I have to water every other day. Should I use nutrients every feeding or every other feeding? There's a little bit of nute burn but that was from when I first started using nutes. They've been looking pretty good so...
  14. D

    Leaf Edges Discoloration? Deficiency, Genetics or Bleaching

    Started a new thread as per suggestion,accidentually posted on a bumped older 2009 thread... Using Single mars 300W led and plant is at least 12" from the LEDS with no signifigant heat issues from the light or room. (Temps never lower than 65-70 to as high as about 78 to 80 on occasions) My...
  15. P

    I've never seen anything like this? Diagnostic?

    Here's the image: The leaves are brittle, come chlorosis at tips, and some discolored spotting near midrib, kinda like mag def. I'm at a loss. These plants are autoflowers and have only been receiving sensi grow A+B, b52, big bud, cal mag, voodoo juice. I just saved enough...
  16. -DreamK

    Need help with nutriens (atypical setup)

    Hi everybody, I tried to search the forums but couldn't find any info that I could use. This is my setup: Normal soil grow (Soil: Bio Bizz All Mix) Automated watering system Reservoir Water pump Tubes etc.. I just built this system and tought I could use my old nutrients (Bio Bizz Grow...
  17. A

    HELP!!! Nutrient deficiency???

    I have a white widow auto which is 36 days old from sprouting out of the soil. Its only my second time growing and im just a student with a little setup in my own bedroom. It seems like the plant got some sort of deficiency. It started very slightly visible(about 2 weeks ago)but it has just...
  18. Longcloud

    Outdoor auto pots or ground?

    Hey guys i'm going to be running my first autos this year any tips as to planting them straight in the ground with nutrients etc?
  19. Jdow420

    First grow. Any tips at this stage? Could use some great opinions. /

    Hey guys! New to rollitup and this is my first grow (besides some old bag seed I grew on the farm I grew up on) I am a medical patient in CA I had a very limited budget to work with this first time around so I decided to go with some high power, cheap LED, 1-1000w led equivalent (dimgogo)...
  20. Longcloud

    Outdoor autoflowers

    First year growing autos is there anyone who can help me out with nutrients? Gonna be planting 50 in a couple guerilla plots will looking at using worm castings blood and bone and handful of nitrophoska