nutrients organic hydroponics

  1. N

    What are the best nutrients to buy?

    I am new to this game. I am growing Hydro and was wondering what are the best nutrients to buy?
  2. Nugteq

    Nutrient Recipes Free 99 Advanced

    Making your own Hammerhead/MOAB and a bunch of other recipes to make your own nutes at pennies on the dollar... nute calculator to make your own nutes....thanks again for this link... found...
  3. Douglas.Curtis

    Holy OverFed Cannabis Batman! (Or: Watering is not the #1 Newbie Problem)

    Howdy Newbies, You Rock! Seriously, I can teach a new grower how to grow superior quality cannabis, much easier than a grower who has even a single year of experience. You have an empty cup. :) Learn to Read Your Plants Organic, Hydro, Soil, Soilless, Cannabis is the same. One of the main...