
  1. Dahabdon

    Seaofgreen organic weed

    Hey guys I’ve been growing in coco for some time now. I want to try a SOG in my 120x60 tent with 12x pots, 6L pots. Feminized seeds no autoflower Sannie’s sugarpunch! but I do not know how to do it! I have no compost so don’t even bother telling me tomake tea because I also live in apartment...
  2. J

    Compost tea and super soil cooking HELP

    I’ve done a lot of research on my organic grow and built a soil I feel is pretty good. ( got about 415 cubic feet of potting soil, then added spagnum peat moss, perlite, and compost. For my amendments I added kelp meal, neem meal, crab meal, bat guano, worm castings, biochar, gypsum, glacial...
  3. L

    Problem with Organic Gaia Green

    This is my second run in soil, I use to grow in hydroponics so I’m a little confused. I’m using tsl2000 for veg, feeding with tap water I let sit for 24hrs ph’d in between 6.2-6.8 with a calibrated blue lab pen. The nutrients I’m using is Gaia Green amendments, all purpose and bloom with a 70/30...
  4. Wuzxgucci

    Please Help me Determine the Gender Of My Plant

    I have this 2 month Sativa Plant I Can’t Tell if it’s a Male or Female But here are some Pictures , Btw she’s an organic baby
  5. Z

    Budget walmart organics grow

    So I have a plan with using promix as a base let me know if this is good : (My tap water is >8.4 so My options as far as organics go is to either put sulfur or epsom salt in my soil, citric acid in my water, or see my rain water ph) Organics: Promix walmart pack(90%peat, lime,perlite...