
  1. Farmer's Hat

    Force Flowering

    Hey Rollitup. I am familiar with all the basic details of force flowering. With that being said, I am growing in a commercial cold frame Greenhouse. 30 x 100 ft. Height is about 15 - 20 ft. I am looking for tried and tested methods to secure the Blackout tarp. I would also appreciate links...
  2. mean.green

    Suggestions on watering outdoors while away from garden.

    What would be a good way to make sure my soil doesn't dry out too much, during the hot summers, if I have to be away for more than three days at a time? This is the main problem with where I chose to grow, I can only check on my plants once every three days. Is it even possible to grow outdoors...
  3. D

    outdoor help

    Hey guys, this is my first time growing a outdoor crop on my own, Ive been part of a operation before but this is my first time doing it alone, i was just wondering what you prefer when it comes to soil, nutes, ect for outdoors. Any help and suggestion would be greatly appreciated
  4. B

    <400 sq ft Ganja Steeple

    I've been pondering my Ultimate Ganja Tower in semi-wooded 1/2 ac lot, w/ center 60' cleared for the 60-80' tall PVC Sewer Pipe 1-1.5' diam. Where water absorbing polymer crystals fill each dividing rigid screen-shelf, 10" hi root chamber to next plant above, spiraling upwards 5" tree-hole for...
  5. luciferi

    SE Asia Grow!!

    Happy 2016!!! Wanted to do this thread since last year but didn't have a decent camera or internet. Using local organic peat based soil + local compost. Nutes have just started using fish emulsion and kelp extract. Starting trying outdoors only last year but cause of lack of sunlight plants...
  6. B

    Bict 15/16. Straya m8

    Hi, these are my girls going at the moment down in Tasmania, Australia. 13 plants all potted in 14.5 gallon containers. Plants receive between 6-7 hours of sunlight a day and are located in a forest. Strains: Kiwi seeds - Two pounder x 5 Kiwi seeds - White island X 5 Paradise seeds -...
  7. G

    Harsh weather on Guerilla sprouts

    Hi everyone, I'm a beginner here, I've found a good location with loamy clayish soil and have planted germinated seeds (with 1/2 inch little tap root sprouts) into the soil about 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. The next day after I planted the seeds there has been a hailstorm and about 8 hours solid of...
  8. farmerfischer

    My free seed grow (endless sky)

    These are feminized so I'm pumped knowing the potential,, i topped two of them, just an expiriment ,,