
  1. Honey Oil Riot Squad

    Can DRIED Hermie Buds Still Pollinate Other Plants?

    I had one plant go hermie on me pretty early on so I killed it and dried it for shits and giggles in another room. The buds are crap and skinny as hell, but I've got them all in a ziplock baggy in the same room as my grow tent. Idk what i'm going to do with these exactly lol... maybe they'll...
  2. PeachyBuds

    Hermaphrodite plant. What to do?

    Welp, shit. I've been so vigilant on all of these plants in almost all ways, but I overlooked one thing that really pisses me off. I noticed I had a fair amount of hairs turning early, and a bump down on my bud production on a couple plants starting about a week ago. I took a closer look, and...
  3. HamGreasy

    Found a couple of pollen sacs. Hermie question

    Found and destroyed what looked like 2 very immature pollen sacs I found growing where I topped one of my girls a few weeks earlier. She began to flower and is next to 2 other females who are also in early bud development. I was unable to find any additional pollen sacs anywhere else on the...
  4. PeachyBuds

    Male flowers?

    Okay, I'm 90% sure that 3 of my supposedly feminized White Widows are males. I tossed them into 12/12 about a week and a half ago. The 3 in question had shown (what I think are) some signs in veg of being male, like taller lankier growth, short new branches, etc. 4 have put out a fair amount...
  5. kalu08

    How's this male look as a pollen donor?

    Hello folks of the interweb, Ive been growing for a few years now, and would like to try my hand at breeding. A little info on my current grow: Strains I am currently running include Humboldt Seed Org, Blue Dream (fem) X 4, Apothecary Genetics, Sour Diesel (reg) X2, and some freebie seeds...