urine test

  1. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  2. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  3. M

    I am going to get drug test in a week, need help!

    I am an occasional user (a blunt on a Saturday occasionally). I had 60mg of THC in a chocolate 1st saturday. I did not consume for the week. Then, I had another 60mg of THC (chocolate edible) the following saturday. After that I have not used (eat or smoke) weed at all. I took a dollar tree...
  4. newzealand

    Invalid drug test reading - will it come back positive?

    My partner attended a pre-employment drug test today and had an invalid result for THC. He was tested with Proscreen Cup here in New Zealand. Every other reading was negative, however THC came back as an invalid reading (neither positive or negative). They re-tested and it came back invalid the...
  5. S

    Questions about substitution for drug test

    I have my last drug test tomorrow and I am dirty and cannot pass. I have a friend who has clean piss and is willing to give it to me, but will they know that it isn't my piss? Since they have tested me 3 times before and all 3 times i used my own piss and passed, will they compare my friends...
  6. B

    Instant Validity Strip?

    Hello all. I'm sorry if this has been answered but I can't seem to find anything related to my specific question. Yesterday I took a pre-employment urine test, followed by a physical. I haven't smoked in about a month after years of light (daily-ish) use. I fail at home tests on the first void...
  7. M

    New to the site. Urine test crisis.

    So heres what i know. Ive been keeping things light until i complete my DOT physical. Usually 2 or 3 weeks in between indulgences. Last week from mon to fri i went through about 8 bowls among 2 or 3 friends. I went through 1g over a 48 hr period friday through sunday by myself. I get the news...
  8. O

    Urine test next month - 18th of July

    At the start of the year I stopped smoking for around 3 months. But then I started smoking once or twice a week and it would only be about 2-3 small bong hits each time but this has been for about 2-3 months. Around the 3rd month though I started smoking maybe 3-4 times a week and it would be...
  9. B

    Xanax, how long does it stay in your system?

    Not a big user, however I have pretty bad anxiety & take it when I need it. Due to some personal stuff (medical) going on I took 8mg(not at once) on Wednesday, 5 around 4pm & 3 at 10pm if I had to guess. I get drug tested on Monday morning. I know, not very smart at all but I wasn't trying to go...
  10. C

    HELP: is 30 days enough time to detox naturally???

    Hello, I come searching for advice. I have a court ordered drug test that I must pass in order to avoid going to jail in Kansas for marijuana possession. I'm hoping someone will be able to help me decide what my best option is to getting a passing result. I've done a lot of research but...