
  1. P

    the beer thread

    ya like beer I sure as h3ll like beer anyways I'm expressing it on the God damn conglomerate fleimerate beer riu webiste I love all of ya's anyway I wish very good luck to you other drunkards on rollitup. anyways goodnight always from me a playa, playa hataz get dealt with leave em cryin like...
  2. V

    Water in grow room

    i grow in my shed and use a 4x4x8 and a 2x4x5 my problem is during the winter months when it gets really cold water builds up on the inside all over the tent the roof of it sides and bottom. is there any way to get rid of the standing water or do i have to mop it up all the time? any input will...
  3. Nic Barlor

    My "RO" water has carbon precipitate.

    Hellooo RIU Community! TL;DR Bought a homemade "RO" filter (not true RO). Water comes out at 6.6-6.8 pH and 0 ppm (EC unknown). Since filter is very new (have run less than 400 mL of water through it, since I haven't yet started grow), carbon precipitate still comes out in the water from the...
  4. A

    Newbie DWC clones are wilting help me

    ok guys im new to all this so be gentle. i got some female clones that are rooted in rockwool and put them straight into a 21 litre dwc system. im using canna aqua nutrients. i followed the canna chart directions and put the exact amounts of canna vega a and b and some rhizotonic that the...
  5. MynamewouldbeJosh420

    Reverse Osmosis system selection

    I am looking into getting a portable, countertop Reverse Osmosis filtration system. There are multiple types with different numbers of stages and types of filters: Sediment Filter, Carbon, Reverse Osmosis, Deionization, and Remineralization amoung others. Does anyone know if Remineralization is...
  6. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Small fan set on ground blowing at base as an attempt to cool the water. Water temped @77F.... 6x3gallon 2.75gallon filled. What should I do too keep my temperature at levels suitable in avoidance with bacteria and disease ? Suggestions if any, please ! Thanks to ALL
  7. N

    Soil water nutrients first time grower

    Im going to be starting my first grow ever and I've done a lot of research but would like to be guided in the right direction all advice is welcome! My plan --Seed to flower-- -I'm limited on space so I'll be growing in a 2x4 tent -I've seen a lot of lights and I'm huge into diy so I built a...
  8. Alec420

    PH Pen fell in water

    Hanna ph pen fell in water, can i fix it by drying it. it wont turn on. Maybe the batteries fried?
  9. sebi leo

    Quick Question?? Quick Answer !! PICS

    When you see a plant with this condition, all the bottom leaves awfully drooped and some of them even turned yellow like the picture below, what is the first thought ? me : I dont know .
  10. Useless89

    Water types

    How many of you water with collected rainwater? I figure it is the best thing for them and I never worry too much about the ph of rain water either.
  11. C

    Using distilled water?

    I'm growing an AK 47 auto and I just bought distilled water at the store thinking it would be healthier for her than my tap water but there seems to be a lot of controversy over the fact. Can anyone tell me whether i should use the distilled water or continue to use my tap water? Thanks :)
  12. B

    Leaving Seedlings for a few Days

    So I'm brand new to growing, and I've got three new northern lights autoflowers growing right now. I planted them around 4 or 5 days ago and each one is about a cm tall with tiny leaves. The problem is, I'm going to be gone from Monday morning to Thursday night. So I have two options: 1. Leave...
  13. B

    Water Pressure Regulator Valves

    Is anyone aware of a stainless steel pressure valve that can do do 10-20 to 120 PSI Also, anyone here familiar with Bete XAAD Nozzles I've managed to source a few just wondering if anyone has any inputs on those aswell
  14. C

    Are these under watered?

    First time grow Soil medium Bag seed 300watt LED full spectrum I am having a hard time keeping these guys healthy. They recovered from a pH problem but are now looking terrible. Can you tell me if these guys are under or over watered?
  15. Alec420

    can dehydration shrink buds?

    can your flower shrink if it hasn't been watered for a long time?
  16. ChewThumb

    Water stress or calcium??

    Hi everyone! So I have a little issue I have not seen yet, I'm guessing it's water stress ( and read up possibly calcium deficiency) just not sure what yet. So I'm in 3rd week of veg 600w mh, using cocoloco soil mix. 70-76 day time temps 66-70 night. 55/65% humidity day 65/75% night . Only gave...
  17. 420 Boy

    Seedlings problem... or not?

    Hi guys, i have started some non feminised seeds from JOTI for the first time. I had the seeds crack in a cup of water and have then transferred them in a paper towel. About 48 hours ago i have put the cracked seeds with the root in jiffy's soaked in PH wated and some Rhizotonic in a dome. I...
  18. bwailer


    I was curious if I could mix up a gallon of water and nutrients and have sit out for say a week? Is it bad to mix my nutrients and water days before watering? Thanks.
  19. F

    Nutrient Tea Question

    Hi growers, I'm a little new to growing in soil, I'm used to hydro. I mixed a nutrient tea to feed my girls in a large bucket. I have a pump and air stone to keep it mixed. The soil has stayed wet from the previous watering much longer than I anticipated in this heat wave. I don't want to...
  20. Everett42faulty

    Over watered . . . Please help

    I have some ladies 3 and a half weeks into flower and im afraid iv overwatered them there in a five gallon pot (home depot bucket) with dirt/cocos mixtre of hp 1 bail to half a bag a pea size perlite im giving them house and garden A&B (Aqua flakes) atm it was taking 1 gallon every 48 hours no...