wet trim

  1. jonconk84

    Top Half Of GolfLeaf Harvested Today!

    Harvested close to 500 grams today off just my Main Colas and some of the smaller buds. Gonna give lower branches another week to Ripen. Got Dryroom set to 68 degrees F and 55% RH. Wet trimmed. Im happy with the yield expect to get 7 oz cured Super Dense Frosty Nugs. Very happy with this newer...
  2. BurntByFire

    Grove bags - humidity

    I am storing my finished product in grove bags(5lb bags) loaded with 4lbs dry. I know 100% my bud is dry enough. Maybe too dry tbh. Yet my hygrometers are showing 80% Never used these before but Im not sure I like them. How can my humidity be 80 in the bag with over dried bud… Anyhow threw in a...
  3. R

    Grassy smell when does it go away?

    When I walk into my drying room instead of dank bud smell I get a strong whiff of grassy smell. Not a hay smell though. Cause they are still very wet and only been in there a day or so. Is it normal to have that grassy smell for the drying process? I also did a wet trim not a dry trim.
  4. N

    Drying problem

    Sup guys and gals... So this is my second harvest and I dried my first too quick(4days) witch left a hay smell on my buds.... This time around I'm Trying to avoid that and drying for longer.. So I'm using a wedryer that has a fan and filter ( I think the fan might be too much breese over the...
  5. Edwardo Ruffian

    Harvest Day - Some Early, Some on time

    Hello fellow growers, I have outlined some thoughts from my first grow/harvest below. I would appreciate any thoughts or comments but I know it's long winded and from an amateurs perspective, if it's too much to read then please enjoy the pictures. Harvested my plants at day 100 from seed, and...