
  1. CommanderTRON

    What is this??

    Cut it down or what? This wreck of a plant started with brown curling leaves only at the top. The brown grew as leaves died. Help. Yes please.
  2. sickleaf

    lol just had to share a pic of my tiny little plants are flowering

    I have 9 "bonzai" plants in flower, this one is getting frosty... how much longer before I harvest? I'm expecting at least a pound dry haha
  3. TMTWiwannahavebluntz4dayz

    Anyone know what the hell this is?

    So I purchased some seeds in a store, and one of them is growing like this, not sure what it is. I called the seed company and they said sometimes they grow mutants and just to leave it grow and it should straighten out, but by the looks of it there's no way in hell that this is a pot plant, it...
  4. ForRealz

    Yo, You Wanna Talk About It?

    Salutations, welcome, welcome! This thread is about everything / nothing, all are invited. I realize there are other threads with, perhaps, similar aimlessness, (bigg upz to all ya'll as well), but it is my aim to help create another playground where, with your assistance, we can have a fun time...