Yet no outrage the Kennedys smuggled in thousands ships full of bottles of rum from Cuba.
A former Chicago FBI agent wrote in his own book that the agency wiretapped Giancana discussing the Mob supporting Kennedy in exchange for leaving Momo alone.
Hersh interviewed a former Justice Department prosecutor and chief counsel to the House Assassinations Committee. He asserted that FBI bugs unambiguously demonstrated that enough votes were stolen to give Kennedy Illinois. He also avows that the Mob gave money to help Kennedy. "Can you say mob money made a difference? My judgment is yes."
Hersh also cites a memoir written by the woman who served as playmate to both Kennedy and Giancana. She quoted Sam as telling her: "Listen, honey, if it wasn't for me your boyfriend wouldn't even be in the White House."
Supplementary verification of the Outfit's interest in electing JFK was provided by the wife of mob financial wizard Murray Humphreys. She told Hersh her late husband called Joe Kennedy a four-flusher and double-crosser because of a previous experience involving bootlegging during Prohibition. Humphreys opposed helping his son win the White House. He was outvoted, however, and went along with the program, spending the two weeks before the election sequestered in the Chicago Hilton as he industriously worked to usher in the New Frontier. Mrs. Humphreys said, "I didn't know that a president could be elected on the whim of Chicago mobsters."