you gotta admit nothing compares to original star trekI think they are already stunned, like cows in the pasture.
Time to whip out the big cannon !!!

you gotta admit nothing compares to original star trekI think they are already stunned, like cows in the pasture.
Time to whip out the big cannon !!!
Hey didnt a Republican GOvenor and congress get legal marijuana passed in Colorado?
I didn't realize that Obama was the people of Colorado.
Learn something new every day.
Govenor, Lt Govenor, House and senate in Colorado
On Monday, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol announced that the Colorado Democratic Party announced that it officially supports Amendment 64 at its state convention and assembly in Pueblo over the weekend.
In a press statement, Cindy Lowery-Graber, chair of the Denver County Democratic Party, said this about the Democratic support of pot legalization:
This is a mainstream issue. Polls show that more than 60 percent of Democrats and a solid majority of Independents believe marijuana should be treated like alcohol. A broad coalition is forming in support of Amendment 64 and I am proud to say that it now includes the Colorado Democratic Party.
The support should come as no surprise, earlier in March, after the Democratic Caucus, the Denver County Democratic Party released a document outlining the planks of its current platform which stated a support of not only "well-regulated, taxed, medical marijuana facilities" but also the decriminalization of marijuana, "allowing its sale, regulation and taxation similar to alcohol, subject to local control."
Amendment 64 seeks to legalize marijuana for recreational use for adults and will appear on Colorado ballots this November. This will be the second time Coloradans will vote on recreational pot legislation -- state voters considered and rejected a similar recreational pot legalization initiative in 2006. But Mason Tvert, co-director of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, told The Huffington Post that Colorado has come a long way since 2006:
So in 2006 who was the govenor a Democrat or a Republican?
Yet not one of those is Obama. Got more useless tidbits to share?
moving goal posts are we?
Lets seeYes you are.
You responded to my quote of not knowing that the people of Colorado are Obama with a statement saying some politicians are democrats.
Are they Obama? No? Goalposts not moved.
fun fact: antidisestablishmentarian called shotgun420 a "suspected bigot" even after the rise of the white supremacy and holocaust denial groups.Lets see
A Democrat Govenor and congress in colorado got Legal marijuana passed
And democratic President said he wouldnt have the DEA go after people who comply with Colorado laws.
Yet you refuse to give the democrats any credit for this
So are you also a bit egotistical? I didn't respond to you to begin with.Lets see
A Democrat Govenor and congress in colorado got Legal marijuana passed
And democratic President said he wouldnt have the DEA go after people who comply with Colorado laws.
Yet you refuse to give the democrats any credit for this
Tell me If Obama could shut it all down now?So are you also a bit egotistical? I didn't respond to you to begin with.
BTW, the DEA is still working in Colorado....
Frankly, I hope it gets legalized federally so we don't have to deal with any more bullshit over this miracle plant.
Also, I don't care if a democrat or a republican helped get it legalized in Colorado.
None of them are Obama.
Who cares about Ron Paul? I'm a Gary Johnson guy. Also wanted Kinky freidman(a democrat) as my states governor. And I know you know what state I'm in.
He doesnt have that power. Not even with an executive order.He could try. Obviously he won't succeed.
Not one president has shut down the marijuana industry in this country, but oh how they have tried.
I will say im in the middle on it. Its a great step, but just legalize it already. It is his second term after all...
Idk about that... Ted Cruz might give him a run for his money. His predecessor as well. Frankly, I miss Ann Richards.
me too....He could try. Obviously he won't succeed.
Not one president has shut down the marijuana industry in this country, but oh how they have tried.
I will say im in the middle on it. Its a great step, but just legalize it already. It is his second term after all...
Idk about that... Ted Cruz might give him a run for his money. His predecessor as well. Frankly, I miss Ann Richards.
Yeah because under obama the feds havent raided any grows that were in compliance with state law, right? Sigh..He doesnt have that power. Not even with an executive order.
So again
Thank Obama for letting Colorado and other states do their thing. Becuase he doesnt have to.
Name one...Yeah because under obama the feds havent raided any grows that were in compliance with state law, right? Sigh..
reminds me of what one conservative once said.Thank Obama for letting Colorado and other states do their thing. Becuase he doesnt have to.
Obama could cure cancer, win the fucking war, and then fart Yankee Doodle in front of a joint session of Congress and some of you would complain that he did not perform Stars and Stripes Forever.
name one, please.Yeah because under obama the feds havent raided any grows that were in compliance with state law, right? Sigh.. one, please.
i love playing this game.
He violated Colorado state laws
You guys do realize this is from 4 years ago, right?
Cheezy, do you even read these links before you open your mouth and stick your foot in it, I mean my God, it's becoming habitual.He violated Colorado state laws
Bartkowicz was violating state law because he was in possession of 224 marijuana plants for 12 registered patients, while state law only allowed for a caregiver to have 6 plants and 2 ounces of marijuana per registered patient.[SUP][[/SUP]
I literally just found out 30 seconds ago.You guys do realize this is from 4 years ago, right?
This happened 4 years ago before amendment 64 was even passed.Cheezy, do you even read these links before you open your mouth and stick your foot in it, I mean my God, it's becoming habitual.
The special agent in charge of the DEA in Denver says federal law still makes growing and selling marijuana illegal.
"According to him and according to what he's seen on the news he probably believes he is legal," Jeff Sweetin said late Friday afternoon. "We will continue to enforce federal law that's what we are paid to do until the federal law changes."
Yeah because under obama the feds havent raided any grows that were in compliance with state law, right? Sigh..
Name one...
name one, please.
i love playing this game.
I noticed that but Obama was president four years ago, right.You guys do realize this is from 4 years ago, right?
So Obama wasn't president in 2010?This happened 4 years ago before amendment 64 was even passed.