Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Did a transplant on my "runt" and the bottom of the grow bag was full of gnat larvae. Little hyroot juniors everywhere! Ladybugs were giving me the the 'WTF you doing with those' look. Does anyone prop up there fabric pots, drill a bunch of bottom holes, or fill bottom with drainage material?
Potato pieces will attract larvae when put into the soil, kinda like a sticky trap but for worms. It does help get the little buggers away from the root zone. That NYCD is gonna be epic no matter which pheno you get. Red, NYCD is available as singles most places too...

Somango is my first keeper.

I got NYC Diesel and bean each, and a gnat larvae
bothered the Lavender before it got out. I moved it to a new cell
in the seed tray, but I am afraid that a Spinosad drench of the
Burpee Seed Tray is in order. Anything else that will not kill even
a young clone or sprout?

Take care,

Where the effe is Gand and May?! Short term memory thing.

I think we will see Gandalf only if the mountains start thawing lol... Can't keep a board rider from good conditions, and snowboarders only get half a year. The amount of times I got into trouble/fired/broken up with because of a big swell I can't even count. You wake up and it is 12ft and glassy with only two other guys out, count that as a day the world won't find you too easily, that just doesn't happen often and no way I'd miss it... Figure snowboarders are the same.
^^^^Where you surfing? Mavericks or what? I don't know any beaches in cali that get 12ft swells except for when el Nino was here.. Newps was hitting up to 15ft then. 4ft average. Maybe 6ft face.
I think that Mad has crazy South African surf to ride.

I will never forget Cape St Francis, as depicted in the first
surf film. A perfect wave. A perfect wave is not 30 m high.
It is 5 m but the form is perfect, peeling from one side to the
next, and not sectioning out.

After 60 years that wave is likely different.

BTW, LMAO, you got me Mad....Soma beans are expensive! So,
I have (or will) all his beans "available as singles".

I think Soma and Dr. Greenthumb are worth it. You'll have top notch genetics for as long as you wish. Now that Deathstar should make my dick grow for that dough.
Happy New Year to all my Organic Bros!

Had a rough time around Thanksgiving, some family problems. I had to leave town and abandon my Blueberry sativa clones, sigh.
My vegging plants came out okay. The guy I had watering them didn't really know what he was doing so the plants swung between over watering and under watering.

My Blueberry took it like a champ and is now praying. I'll try to put up a pic when the lights come on later. I have abandoned plans to make fem seeds for now and am just going to build up my stock. I was pretty generous over the holidays and I actually might run out of weed (what the fuck?) before my next pull in 6 weeks.

I have also been toying with the idea of moving into a bigger house this Summer. The thought of having an entire room for growing - veg area, flower area, seed production/male area, curing area...

Thinking about going from 20 square feet of growing space to 120 square feet is giving me a weed growing boner.

Maybe Gandalf will stop dragging his knuckles long enough to check in and say hi. :-P
I think that Mad has crazy South African surf to ride.

I will never forget Cape St Francis, as depicted in the first
surf film. A perfect wave. A perfect wave is not 30 m high.
It is 5 m but the form is perfect, peeling from one side to the
next, and not sectioning out.

After 60 years that wave is likely different.

BTW, LMAO, you got me Mad....Soma beans are expensive! So,
I have (or will) all his beans "available as singles".


Yeah that was The Endless Summer... It's not close on the same any more. The town is now these carbon-copy built-to-code holiday houses. So they planted up all the dunes and it ruined the wave, turned it from a sandy break into a reef break. J-Bay is just up the coast and friggin KICKIN if you can handle a huge crowd and hardcore 'localism'...

I'm still holding off buying Soma beans thanks to the price. Going to get 2 NYCD singles though. I'm hunting some Gooeybreeder gear ATM, and next up to buy is Gage's Daybreaker and Starlet Kush, some SinMint Cookies and Tangerine Power, and I want to dip into Karma Genetics a little. Perhaps Biker Kush, looks fantastic.

^^^^Where you surfing? Mavericks or what? I don't know any beaches in cali that get 12ft swells except for when el Nino was here.. Newps was hitting up to 15ft then. 4ft average. Maybe 6ft face.

Yeah that's why Cali is home to so many high-performance surfers. We are pretty spoiled on the South Coast of S.A, as long as you like a right-breaker, we hardly have any lefts. The few that we do are pretty suicidal lol. Not many good beach breaks, they are all reef breaks, mostly high-tide too. In winter 6ft is pretty average on good days.

Places on my mind are both in the little beach town I grew up in. Big days are around 8 ft, you see more people in the parking lot than the water, and every now and then it gets MASSIVE, 12 and up. It is still pretty deep where you take off most of the time so if you know the place well it is a lot of fun. Get pounded of course lol. I have ripped up wetsuits to prove it too. Those spots do not break under 4 foot at all. You have to go ride shoreys or shallow reefs.

It gets big but not nasty, huge rolling faces not hollow barrelly stuff. Those are rare at those two points.

We've got our fair share of big waves here mate, both paddle-in like Sunset Reef or tow-in like Dungeons. I'll only ride my home breaks when they get big though, not go looking for trouble in crazy places!

If you like surfing and you can handle a bit of cold water, South Africa is paradise. Weak currency against the dollar, beaches and cheap backpackers/camp sites all over, and in winter when it is good the beach towns are near deserted and a crowd counts as more than 5 people in the water. Except for J-Bay. But everybody has to surf it just once. It might not be big, but it is made of 100 percent pure balls.

And by what I have read, CHEAP ass weed in comparison to other places. If you surf and you dig a 'close to earth' lifestyle, you will LOVE it man.
I knew a guy named Richard Head. Every one called him Mike. And another dude named Razz Googoo Barry. No bullshit. Durwint is another good one.
Been driving myself crazy trying to pick a strain and bank to buy from. Was focused on bodhi's ancient og but now I'm pretty sure I'm going to order Haarlem from bank of gage. The anesthesia in the lineage has kinda sold me. Soil is cooking in the house, too cold in the garage. My wife sure is being cool lately. Kinda makes me nervous.:|

I had a coach named Jack Dolf. lol