Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I hate peppermint more than anything. It might repel me lol. So much for my organic defense huh. Lobster and VC, crab shell, CTs, 'immune boosting' amendments, foliars, etc. Really chaps my ass.
Can you imagine what it would be like without your defenses?... A little blemish here and there is OK by me. On the outdoor it cannot ever be totally avoided unless you use outright poison. I still haven't seen a bug indoors since adding the HEPA filters and always showering and changing before going in. I don't even spray anything there but aloe foliars :) But outdoors the battle is raging! Big bastards this year are teeeeny little green grasshoppers with HUGE appetites. ZERO repellants for those, I am hunting and squashing them one by one. Kicked cutworms in the balls already, wiped out whitefly, just getting into mite season now. Keeping me busy. Keep getting sunburn lol. I love summer.


Well-Known Member
You give out a lot of good sig. material, red. Like that one story of yours when you gave your uncle a "dutch rudder". That was really touching.


Well-Known Member
red where did you get the bodhi strains? i dont trust attitude. seed depot shut down. herbies is mostly out of stock....