Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Blood meets hydrogen peroxide

Sodium acetate crystallization

Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

Water bridge formed by electric current

Alpha particle trails from radioactive decay of tadon 220

Snake venom meets blood

A lightbulb burning out

Aluminum and iodine

Dehydration of sugar in sulfuric acid

Hydrophobic sand

Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide

Electrical treeing

Burning Lithium

Burning mercury II thiocyanate

Prince Rupert's Drop suffers a fracture

White tin crumbling into grey tin after cooling to less than 13 degrees Celsius

Mercury reacting with aluminum

Burning ammonium dichromate



Well-Known Member
from my daughter...posted on FB.....we are like twins in spirit

wanted to type somethingprofound. All that i could come up with is that my dad has cancer. Bladder cancer. My mom and him divorced when i was 11 and he moved out. He made the best attempt to be the best dad he could. He was an alcoholic. I didnt know it from his breath. I spent a lot of time with him. Every weekend. I hve not seen him since his diagnosis. Im scared. Nobody close to me has died. I just want tosee him and him be perfect. I want my kids to know he never did me wrong. And that i love him very much. Like a daughter should love their father. He worked hard. He wasnt aroundas much as i wanted him tobe..... but.. he taught me a lot. I want him toknow that i am scared of him to die. Thts the only reason i haven'tkept in touch.

I love you dad.


Well-Known Member
Neo great post..

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to neosapien again

hydrophobic sand

just did this the other day... fun stuff (milk dish soap and food coloring)

my fav to make.. is cornstarch and water



Well-Known Member
I was just reading a product description that described an item as "made with real California plastic". This is bullshit, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
It reminded me of a scene in Boogie Nights where Dirk Diggler describes his new shirt as being made of genuine imported Italian polyester.

Maybe if you get detention at West Beverly High, they make you work on the refiners. I won't use artificial plastic.


Staff member
have another house showing tomorrow hope this fucking place gets sold before my plants get to big to hide


Well-Known Member
interesting.. I have been typing decarboxylation methods on youtube for about 2+ years off and on.. yesterday I youtubed it again and the drop down menu auto shows this now
decarboxylation of cannabis as soon as I type decar . + for all you stoners who made it that way..

anyhow.. watched this video yesterday...
(explains scientifically about decarbing.. but.. also gave a suggested temp to decarb at 311 f (higher then I have ever done... temp wise.. so ran a trial at this temps about 5g in foil.. for about 10 mins.. then added to peanut butter and recooked for 20 mins.. will update on the effects.. still after 3 years of using this stuff in medibles.. I am still freaking trying to get a more effective end product for me.. the long and SLOW method worked good.. but took about 2+ hours for end results..


skip to 1:40.. to see temps etc.



Ursus marijanus
yeah showing a peak at about 292-300 so I did that on 5gs and it's a slower onset but still same potency wise..
keep in mind "open surface glass reactor" which is fancy talk for "thin film exposed directly to air" ... losses to evaporation and smaller ones to oxidation.