Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well how about a lil pr0n to start the morning off right guys.

To much talking and not enough pr0n lol.

GGxWF 3 days ago. She's even more purple now :D


And would appear that my burpee cloner is still rocking :D

Stout lil bitch, deff gonna be a mom. Already got 2 of them picked out.



Well-Known Member
yea its a bad m fer

this was on the frosty nug page

Holy BALLS! Might as well close the thread now. All my reefer looks like poop after seeing that.
that shit is thick on the frost!!!! it was hard watching u molest that nugg like that.. I hope you smoked the whole thing right after the video or atleast later that day


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i think dst deserves the majority of the praise though, that grow was never at any point what i would consider to be on par but the stuff still came out great, the blue pit is such a strong plant i think anybody could make it produce fire.

i'm in the process of revegging the number 20 because it was so small at week 4 i decided to kill the mother plant as i was too busy watching the big plants at that time. i will be doing another run of the number 17 and 20 in a couple of months time, in the mean time i will be doing a grow of the number 3 and 10.

#3 was a great yielder and had amazing flavour, it was also not as heavy as the number 10 which is also a good producer so i think they will compliment each other nicely. i think i can get them done in under 10 weeks in this garden so hopefully i will be able smoke and still function because the ones i'm smoking now are not something you wan't to get used to if you get me.


Well-Known Member
they all looked so good. i all ways kill the keeper so i dont kill fems till the end now. killed all alligator kush males last night but the cut for my f2 cross


Well-Known Member
well in a perfect world i would do the same dr d, i just thought i was being a clever dick by doing it, i only have a 125w cfl in my 3x3 veg tent so keeping 13 mothers is obviously a no no.

i killed 9 of the bps and of the nine i killed 2 were ones i wanted to keep so i thought i would give reveg a go because i never tried it. hopefully it works because i do love the #20


Well-Known Member
at the price the seeds are it would be worth another order i just might have to do it myself;-) yea veg space is in short supply and with me trying to start breeding it is worse, so i have found some leds so i can cut power by 2/3 and have more space. well that is the idea anyway. i am also going to go cut to cut for a bit so i can keep a shit load of little fuckers:leaf:WP_20140113_019.jpgWP_20140113_020.jpg


Well-Known Member
that is a lot of mouths to feed D!

i don't live with my plants either so that is another reason for keeping numbers down where possible, you must spend a lot of time in the garden.


Well-Known Member
I LOVE MY GARDEN :bigjoint:and no i dont get away to much. that is way i have been thinking of finding a good partner when i move to do this for a living. when i was going to WA the plan was to do it myself and have silent partners, but now i think a grower would be better you end up married to a big garden and if you want any time of you are screwed. plus we all now how that friend dose about coming by and watering. lot of seed is more chance to find the fire


Well-Known Member
Hey doc Im def interested in seeing how the led flood lights work out. I ask about them in the LED section and was told they were shit but they couldnt tell me why,,, then I was promptly ignored from then on lol.

I should get my hydro fittings and nutes in today :-) perfect timing as the clones are just starting to put out roots. I'll be cleaning all my old buckets then hopefully be putting my veg rdwc system together today. Six weeks rdwc veg these bitches are gonna be BIG :-)

Edit: I also love my garden!


Well-Known Member
I LOVE MY GARDEN :bigjoint:and no i dont get away to much. that is way i have been thinking of finding a good partner when i move to do this for a living. when i was going to WA the plane was to do it myself and have silent partners, but now i think a grower would be better yuo end up married to a big garden and if you want any time of you are screwed. plus we all now how that friend dose about coming by and watering. lot of seed is more chance to find the fire

Doc lets get out to southern cali, we can be garden partners bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey doc Im def interested in seeing how the led flood lights work out. I ask about them in the LED section and was told they were shit but they couldnt tell me why,,, then I was promptly ignored from then on lol.

I should get my hydro fittings and nutes in today :-) perfect timing as the clones are just starting to put out roots. I'll be cleaning all my old buckets then hopefully be putting my veg rdwc system together today. Six weeks rdwc veg these bitches are gonna be BIG :-)

Edit: I also love my garden!
IAt least if you get ignored in the 600 its not personal, its just too much pretty flowers got everyone's attention lol


Well-Known Member
Hey doc Im def interested in seeing how the led flood lights work out. I ask about them in the LED section and was told they were shit but they couldnt tell me why,,, then I was promptly ignored from then on lol.

I should get my hydro fittings and nutes in today :-) perfect timing as the clones are just starting to put out roots. I'll be cleaning all my old buckets then hopefully be putting my veg rdwc system together today. Six weeks rdwc veg these bitches are gonna be BIG :-)

Edit: I also love my garden!
i figure 50 watt led is a bright m f'er and for veg it should work like a champ. i want to flower with one and see what it can do


Well-Known Member
I like how my LED's are working in flower. Real nice frosty buds.
Yes they are, I'm thinking of getting one for my veg tent. Any suggestions?

Oh and I will be out in your neck of the woods in a few months jig.

Oh and whodat I was just in your neck of the woods.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are, I'm thinking of getting one for my veg tent. Any suggestions?

Oh and I will be out in your neck of the woods in a few months jig.

Oh and whodat I was just in your neck of the woods.
All I know about LED's is that I have some and they work. The ones I have are from and I like the way they work a lot. Couldn't say how they stack up vs anyone elses. I can say I'm pretty sure they are cheaper than most peoples though (i think).

Apparently BudBro has a discount code, so if you do want the same brand as me, hit him up and save a little cash.

One of their BudBoss 150 is good to cover my closet which is just over 7 sq. ft. 2 of them cover that area with a lot brighter light, but 1 will do in veg at least.