Club 600


Well-Known Member
wooohoooo so the tint bit of kokush f4 pollen i had received a while back has produced 13 nice tiger striped kokush f4 x timewreck seeds.


Well-Known Member
Ok 6 it's time for a giggle vision update. Giggles was busy today as you can prob see lol, or well maybe.

Painted everything white for better reflection of the 3 6's so to make sure I get the most dank ;) Also put up a wall with a zipper to help contain the light and to allow me to put in my carbon filter. Girls are starting to get real stinky.

It's still a work in progress and I will finish it tomorrow, still gotta put my anchors in for the lights and mount some things and run a few electrical lines. Got the big part done today.

Clones are doing great and are now in solo cups. They will go to 1 gallon in a week or so and then stay there for about 3 weeks and then into 5 gallon and then to flower.

And now some room pr0n lol. Looks much better, I'm sure the girls will thank me


And now the real fun, the bud pr0n :D

Grape God, day 36 12/12

Lights on in the room, it's getting full


Plat. Bubba x OG, buds are dense as fuck and look like golf balls! Such a beauty and keeper as well
Oh and it looks like we've got some more purple on her to! Good days :D


and finally lights out...


and that will conclude giggles vision...

Night 6, stay high :D unlike me lol

Almost forgot, I'll be praying for your son g. Hope it all turns out, take care brotha.


Well-Known Member
Whats up with the giant tsunamis? A bit eerie eh?

Hate to hear this about your son, G... Just terrible. Will be sending some good vibes his way, I guess thats about all I can do.
The giant tsunamis just mean us pot heads are coming in like a damn tidal wave. They better watch out cuz were out of the dark and were rollin in ;)

It's all bout symbolism :D

Or maybe it's just my high ass lol


Well-Known Member
i also put a new bulb in today though i do not remember who mentioned that it could have been a factor in my one cut running a little less dense then usual..whomever it was thank you never a bad time to put a bulb in especially at 15-20 bucks a piece.


Well-Known Member
First off, thoughts to Gen. Don't be a stranger, it's good to be around friends when you are going through troubles. Stay strong may bru!

So what's up with the pic uploader thingymabob....can only load 4 pics at a time now. Have a really been away that long....anyway, back in the Dam and went to check out the other grow, or should I say, the other harvest. Still needs another day or so hanging, then into paper bags for some curing.

Dried dog scissor hash

And who said it doesn't shine on Leith?
Pics of flying into Edinburgh and Leith Harbour (Leith is now part of Edinburgh). Back in the day, this is where the legendary Mary Queen of Scots first landed in Scotland after returning from exile in France. She spoke to the locals in pretty bad Scots by all accounts (she spoke French basically, lol) I wonder what the fuk the locals thought of her then. Anyways, she got her head chopped off in the end, poor girl. You can see in the video a really nice mosaic, pictured at 45 and 1 minute odd. My Grannys flat looks onto that:) She's lived in that since my Mum and Uncle where born there. I do love visiting home, I should do it more often. Great to catch up with friends as well, and had a proper Scottish medible on Saturday (t'was VVV strong:))




Well-Known Member
And just because I can, lol.....
When I haver, lol.....
The Proclaimer twins are actually from Auchtermuchty in Fifie wher eI spent a bit of time in my life (in Fife, not Auchtermuchty, lol) We played Auchtermuchty at football and beat them 13-0, lmfao....


Well-Known Member
Welcome back D.

If it was strictly San B it would be a pic of a desert and a Route 66 sign, lol
You forgot the hookers, gun stores, and run down malls. Shit we have such a ghetto mall in SB. Haven't been to the orange show is years. Last time was for a rave. Good times.
LMFAO, cannabis cup in SB. Someone is getting A) robbed b) Shot C) Both AHAHAHAHA.... Theyre crazy for doing that shit out there. And hell yea, carousel mall is run the fuck down.

Yea, wtf is with the tsunami, shit is like 40-50 miles form the nearest beach :wall:


Well-Known Member
Welcome back D.

You forgot the hookers, gun stores, and run down malls. Shit we have such a ghetto mall in SB. Haven't been to the orange show is years. Last time was for a rave. Good times.
Yeah and Honey Baked Ham! That is the only thing good in San B! lol



Well-Known Member
That poster is from a Best Of High Times I picked up yesterday. Scanned it because it was so cool/weird! I had a great time there last year and I hope to get to meet some local sixers when I go this year. Will BB be there?
