Maybe you can change my mind.


Active Member
Whats up guys, ive never been religous, never taught or interested in it at all. Never went to church, only a few times, and I disliked being in church. I feel like I dont belong because I truly dont believe in god.

I just dont like the idea that someone created us and has complete control over our destinys. Did we ask to live? Were we given the rules of the sins of life before we were born?

If god exists... then did god ever sit around and ask who created him.. and if god knew who created him, then did that guy know who made him? This chain could go on forever...

And if god does exist, from what ive heard he loves us no matter what.. then why would he punish you by making you spend an eternity in hell for your sins in life. Thats why I ask, did I ask to be born? Because I feel for sure, I wouldnt have taken the risk if given the choice.

90 years of life wouldnt be worth FOREVER AFTERWARDS in hell.

can you change my mind?


Active Member
Exactly flip, it's up to the person to make up their own mind. It pisses me off when I see people drag their kids off to church and make them get "saved" before they are old enough to understand church and to make their own choices about it. I feel the same way though, religion is bullshit.


Active Member
Just because the Christians say your going to hell, doesn't mean you are, and not all religions think "God" is in total control of our destiny's. I see where you guys are coming from, but to completely swear off religion is a little extreme.


Well-Known Member
i am going to HELL,,,
HELL i tell u,all because i love apples, the fruit of old saint nick!!


Well-Known Member
God is what you make him/her/it to be. It doesn't have to be what the church teaches, and it can also incorporate what the church teaches. I'm a Catholic by default, but my parents told me to think for myself.

I agree with you on the whole, "If he loves us he wouldn't send us to hell." I personally think it is a way for the church to dictate the way we live. Religion is what you make it, nothing more and nothing less.


Active Member
long before there was any religion, almost all humans believed in Reincarnation. This was actually the first religion. The idea of heaven and hell only came from the bible when the Romans (i think) got the old and new testament and added this idea of hell.

I might be incorrect on the bible thing. But it doesn't matter. Just realize everything is energy. If there is a god he is apart of that energy. I don't commit to a certain religion but I find that Taoist & Eastern religions will bring you closer to your soul/spirit then any bible will. You can actually do anything in this world, fly, heal yourself, turn water to wine. Even Jesus Christ said you can do anything he did if you believe.

It's all about meditation and learning about your Chi. Your doing the same thing when you 'pray' to god. Your putting your conciseness and energy you control into some other thing. But your true power can only be found though meditation.


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys, ive never been religous, never taught or interested in it at all. Never went to church, only a few times, and I disliked being in church. I feel like I dont belong because I truly dont believe in god.

I just dont like the idea that someone created us and has complete control over our destinys. Did we ask to live? Were we given the rules of the sins of life before we were born?

If god exists... then did god ever sit around and ask who created him.. and if god knew who created him, then did that guy know who made him? This chain could go on forever...

And if god does exist, from what ive heard he loves us no matter what.. then why would he punish you by making you spend an eternity in hell for your sins in life. Thats why I ask, did I ask to be born? Because I feel for sure, I wouldnt have taken the risk if given the choice.

90 years of life wouldnt be worth FOREVER AFTERWARDS in hell.

can you change my mind?
yes i can... I hope.... I was like you too until I watched zeitgeist. Go to google vids and type in zeitgeist watch the 1st 30mins and you will see what I mean. Alot of religious people tried to ban this but had no proof that is wasn't the truth.

P.S. the most judgemental people on earth are religious and they are supposed to be the most forgiving.


Well-Known Member
yes i can... I hope.... I was like you too until I watched zeitgeist. Go to google vids and type in zeitgeist watch the 1st 30mins and you will see what I mean. Alot of religious people tried to ban this but had no proof that is wasn't the truth.

P.S. the most judgemental people on earth are religious and they are supposed to be the most forgiving.
I had a college professor once stand in front of a classroom and say, "Religion is for the weak minded and the uneducated." I have to agree completely.


Active Member
It's's all the same. it doesn't matter if you think it doesn't, it is important if you think it is.


Well-Known Member
religion does help some people get their lives back on track, it does help people.
however, i do not condone the way religion is built upon scare tactics and manipulation.
i was brought up in a baptist church and now that ive lived on my own for a couple years now, i can open my eyes to see clearly what this world is made of. i feel lied to and taken advantage of. all those times as a kid being worried that God was always watching you, praying for people and things to get better. its bullshit if you ask me.

everybody needs something. just happy my need is an actual thing and not some figment of imagination along with fictional stories to guide my life.

if anything the cosmos would be our god because this is how we came into existence.

one last thing, as a boy i remember getting so pissed off that Adam&Eve fucked it up for everyone when they ate the forbidden fruit-always thought if it werent for those two screwballs we would be in some magical euphoria


Active Member
Im gonna smoke a bowl and explain myself. When I get high, it seems like my brain slows down, and I comprehend everything more clearly.

What is life?

Life is the consciousness of two energies, a male and female. Everyone is created from a mother and father, and this has to be true all the way back to the first creation of a human. I doubt it was a human at first.

I think we have evolved from a single celled organism or similar. It is possible that billions of years ago, a lightning bolt struck in the exact spot needed, to created a chemical change in the elements. It strikes a small area containing still water with a film of oil, acids, nutrients, and other elements in it. The film allows the energy from the lightning bolt to store itself in the water trapped below. By burning the oils or eating the salts and minerals, the energy could stay for a while. [Is the puddle alive?]

Imagine this process happened all over the Earth at some time. Most likely when the water reached a certain temerature. So this created different species, as each puddle contained different elements.

Since energy requires a negative and positive to exist, I assume life is energy. Think about it... we are simply a machine. Our body is nothing more than a vehicle. It has an engine, a fuel system, a coolant system, air system, and other things needed to keep the energy in our body at a certain temperature. It pumps in oxygen and out carbondioxide.

Consciousness is a big mystery, but think about this... when you think, do you actually make the sounds of the words you want to say in your head? Like you are saying it to someone else? I think its because you are saying it to your other half, your negative or positive energy, your unconscious half. Think about it, if you say something in your head, no one heard it? No, you heard it... so you said it and heard it? That doesn't make sense unless you are two people, or two energies... a male and female. You are your mom and dad, or just a link in a continuous chain of energy trapped in elements of the Earth. Your mom and dads energys are trapped in your body, communicating with each other. They each have certain jobs, they each get an eye, an ear, an arm, and a leg, but share all the vital stuff like the heart and lungs. When the two energys meet in the brain, they use the oxygen to physically communicate with each other. This gives the body a sense of what is real, a sense of being... or consciousness.

Its up to you two to decide what to do, or where to take your machine, and remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed, so when you die, you go back to where you came from... also the place where EVERYONE goes when they die. What is consciousness like, well what is unconsciousness like? When you are sleeping, you are unconscious and you make up what ever you want.. but you cant communicate with anyone. Thats because your energies are isolated from other energies. I think when you die, you can communicate with everyone, because your energy is free again. Then you decide what to do again, whether its come back to Earth or stay and hang out with your friends and family.

You are a walking talking puddle.


Active Member
kinda sad how were all gonna die and just be another dead age of what the fuck happens after we die!!!!!hopefully theres a god!


Active Member
Its not sad at all... you get to be in a state of life where you can be with everyone at all times, have no fear or danger, and best of all be where ever you want, in the entire universe. You can go off to any planet and try to spark life and grow, or rejoin the community of Earth.. its all up to you and thats why this is beautiful.

Why would you need God to be there? I like to think that I am my own god, in the fact that I created myself, and I have all control.