Schwag Seed Gorilla grow


New Member
how safe is backyard growing? Im usually outside all the time doing something. My neighboorhood is a good one. More on the older side. Not many kids around, and the ones that are, are too young to notice. I plan on moving them into a area surrounded by other plants, but just statistically, what would be the average person who would take notice to a MJ plant?

i have no fence and my neighbors are like gardeners who walk right past it everyday and they dont even notice it


Active Member
my plants just sittin in my backyard we got a gardener but he dont do shit about it.and good luck with your grow even if does turn out to be schwag.smoke it!!


Well-Known Member
Ok heres an update with pics. When i came to look at it it was all bent over on the ground from the storm and laying on the ground reaching for the sun and i put a rock to suppport it so a liitle sun and it will perk up. This thing is HUUUGGGE! enjoy the pics and give me any input.:peace: LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT STALK!!! ITS GONNA GET BIGGER TOOO

HOPEFULLLLY IT A GIRLLLLLLLLL!!!! Then i will have massive buds!!



Well-Known Member
Alright lets hear it for the schwagg plant!!!!!Looks good man I'm getting ready to do a indoor schwagg grow...Now I'm not so depressed about not having a good strain....


Well-Known Member
i dont think its that noticable from the sky some times i cant find it myself but i know exactly where it so... and i dont really think that even if it was spotted cops wouldnt mess with it they got bigger fish to fry. Jinks knock on wood


Well-Known Member
theres no such thing as schwag when its first grown..all weed is ususally good..depends on drying/curing and how old and how many hands its gone through to get to you..ive had plenty of buddys whove grown with schwag weed seeds and the bud is great


Well-Known Member
Ok so i came to check on the plant today and it looks GREEEAT! I trimmed some of the biggg fan leaves on the bottom so that the lower future bud developmet will get more sunlight. Heres a pic give me any advice. this wasnt bad to do was it? and most of them were all chewed up by bugs any way and some were still fine:mrgreen::joint::peace:



Well-Known Member
and is it just me or does this plant really look like it would start budding just by the form of the plant? I WANNNNT A FEMALE :) LOL


Active Member
The plant looks very beautiful i would have to say....the only way we can tell if its a female or not is if you take some close up pics of the nodes....depending on were you live i'd say you should be able to find out the gender in the next month or so..good luck keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
We have an update! I came to check on her today and i found white hairs all over the kola area. I am so happpy right now words cant describe it. what do you think the yield would be? fdd i think you have a good idea?!
Comments are appreciated. Thanksxss:peace::peace::peace::mrgreen:
