brainstorm stoners, read it or die!!!!


Well-Known Member
everybody loves the leaves, :blsmoke:

i made the splitter today out of left over PVC i found @ the house, real guerrilla this one.

now I'm not proud of my bag seed plants, plus for the first month the pH was above 8, so I'm confident my plants look like shite.

you can see in the first link that i also screwed some holes in the middle pipe for air. for the most part, my roots are somewhat suspended in some very light dirt, i don't know if this is a good or a bad thing yet, but it rains every other day here, and will be for another month or so. I think she'll be alright. let me know.

P.S. knally your stuff is fly, way to grow


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
everybody loves the leaves, :blsmoke:

i made the splitter today out of left over PVC i found @ the house, real guerrilla this one.

now I'm not proud of my bag seed plants, plus for the first month the pH was above 8, so I'm confident my plants look like shite.

you can see in the first link that i also screwed some holes in the middle pipe for air. for the most part, my roots are somewhat suspended in some very light dirt, i don't know if this is a good or a bad thing yet, but it rains every other day here, and will be for another month or so. I think she'll be alright. let me know.

P.S. knally your stuff is fly, way to grow

Why dont you drill little holes in the horizontal tube so the roots can spread out some capillaries? Or is it too late? Good luck with this Doc.


Well-Known Member
it's not too late, but i didn't do it because i wanted the water to kind of sit in the side tubes, cause the temp outside mid-day is 90+ here, and the humidty is 100% 5 out of seven days of the week. maybe next time i can to see if that works better, but for now, i'm happy where i stand.



Well-Known Member
i noticed as i was digging up my plants for replanting, that the constant rain is compounding my soil so much so, that the roots of my plants could only go down about 3 inches MAXIMUM.

the results of this invention should prove that the free space and non-compounding environment will only benefit my girls. I will be checking on them again tomorrow with pics, :crosses fingers:


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I like the idea! Way to think outside the box.

Don't know if this pertains to this subject but..........couldn't you just start a seedling in a shallow pot that was real long. roots grow down 3 in and split to the sides and then after the reach the sides just cut off the bottom of the pot and plant that shit in the ground? Little less work, maybe for a second plant and then you could see the diff?



Well-Known Member
similar idea, but i'm trying to release the stress of compounding and give the roots as much ample grow space as possible, maybe ad a root tonic to increase root strength so the above ground structure will benefit better than if it were simply, "planted in brown dirt"



Well-Known Member
awwe, That Plant Looks So Cute. How Do I Get My Pot Leaves To Look As Cute As These. Im Gonna Increase Feeding To A Half Inch Brush, And Put Away The Eraser Tool. I Had Some Eraser Burn From A Really Heavy Saving As. I Flushed With An Edit Undo And Now I Just Waiting For Her To Recover.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funniest Shit Ever!!! Im Gonna Rep You !!!!!



Active Member
This Idea rocks, controlling the rout of the root growth with tubes and what not.

roots will go anywhere if they can get water, so put water in the tubes, you'll get enough root growth to supplement the water intake needed for the plant, as long as
the plant HAS enough water this idea as far as I'm concerned has no issues, I'm going to try this when the plant I have in my grow box is finished, thanks for the cool concept. One thing, if you had the opportunity to water it by hand every day, maybe you could control the water flow to the roots, like what I mean is keep rain and stuff out so the soil doesn't compact and just water it manually? I donno but I'm going to try this idea in the next 2-3 months, when I do I'll post some pictures and msg you with my progress drtothe


Well-Known Member
BUT SERIOUSLY DUDE, I THINK WATERING WOULDN'T WORK, NOT ENOUGH WATER WOULD GET TO THE ENCLOSED roots or they would be over watered cause it wouldn't disperse


Active Member
so you get a bit more creative, set up water distribution drip tubes all along the inside of the setup to get equal flowage while you put the water into a mini feed reservoir.

I'd make sure everything was handled before trying anything otherwise you're just burying a seed in a nifty looking jar with soil.


Well-Known Member
I mean my first issue, because I think you mentioned that you want water to collect where the roots are and not drain away, is that the roots will rot standing in water. Its not a DWC, its sitting water at the bottom of a pipe and that will rot your roots. Sorry if I misunderstood what you said but your roots need well drained soil.

I'm anecdotally aware that the root systems of plants are specialized. Parts of the root system seek out nutes and others dig deep primarily in search of water. Forcing the roots deeper into clay instead of allowing it to spread into the rich topsoil cannot possible be beneficial. The idea seems restrictive.

Pot growing is about yielding as much quality smoke as possible. Ideas and innovations are noble, but innovations are often built upon existing knowledge instead of random guesses, You need to establish a well rounded knowledge of plants to understand why certain ideas just aren't feasible.
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Well-Known Member
i checked on the plant yesterday, and I'm in the stages of growth where i'm seeing progress everyday, the plant looked great. besides some more of those bunny rabbits messing with it, wascally wabbits.

previously mentioned, i was thinking of doing a drip, I'm in the process of finding out the best way to do it for me set up (yarr?), thanks for the idea though.

I'm checking on the plant tomorrow morning and I'll be sure and let you know if watering every other day is sufficient for this kind of setup.



Well-Known Member
it's 1:22, i can check them now in 85 degree weather or i can wait and check them later when it cools off and they've had time to grow during the day, rained last night and day before, but you know how it is, you GOTTA check for anything going on with THE "tomatoes", plus the responsibility of making this new splitter work out. :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
just came back from checking the plant, and it looks like the stress of moving it to that environment didn't help too much. The only reason i'm saying that is because the other plants look like they are doing a bit better.

I'm sure that if i get the set up bit more to my specs and get a seedling to start in it, their will be better results to get actual information from this experiment. and maybe get a drip going out of a 1 gallon water jug or something. someone with drip feeder experience, i would appreciate your input

P.S. forgot to mention that the plant started to flower. i'm on the west coast of FL too, i don't think she should start flowering yet.... but i don't know. any opinions?

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Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
just came back from checking the plant, and it looks like the stress of moving it to that environment didn't help too much. The only reason i'm saying that is because the other plants look like they are doing a bit better.

I'm sure that if i get the set up bit more to my specs and get a seedling to start in it, their will be better results to get actual information from this experiment. and maybe get a drip going out of a 1 gallon water jug or something. someone with drip feeder experience, i would appreciate your input

P.S. forgot to mention that the plant started to flower. i'm on the west coast of FL too, i don't think she should start flowering yet.... but i don't know. any opinions?

If the plant is getting enough hours of darkness it will trigger flowering. That's my understanding. Although this time of year you are probably only getting 7hrs of darkness, I wouldn't have thought that was enough to set it off but I am still fairly new to the science of growing so I could be wrong. I'm sure someone will say what is going on.
Could it just be pre-flowers? My plants are still in veg (5-6 weeks) and half of them are
showing pre-flowers already.


Well-Known Member
i don't know what a "pre-flower" really is, but i just looked up some info, and it seems like that could be it, but i'm still unsure to tell you the truth. maybe i'll take some pics tomorrow, yea?



Well-Known Member
don't you love BS artists coming on your serious thread and making a joke that's already been made a couple times already. some smart ass people out their. ;)



Well-Known Member
any flippen way,

the plant's growth is stunted, but i'm working on another project for indoor growth.

it's an invention to regulate temperature in your grow space that will use water (maybe even a [FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]peltier device)

will keep you updated
