Predictions of the nextr 4 years


Well-Known Member
1 Obama will use an executive order to stop all those who comply with state law to grow and smoke weed. He is still going to go after profiteers though
2 immigration reform. Graham/Shumer have had a bill for 3 years now
3 all Bush tax cuts will expire, do not fear though. A new bill will come along giving tax releif for the middle class
4 Olive branch for the Republicans. Obama will let them claim some of the credit for the economic recovery
5 cuts in military spending
6 Summit with Iran
7 Out of Stan
8 GITMO will be closed
9 Roll back unemployment benefits
10 increased financial aid
11 more subisdys for green energy systems that work
12 election reform?

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Obama has nothing to lose now. And the Republicans realize we cannot have 4 years like the last 4 or they will be gone forever
How am I doing?


Well-Known Member
yeah, 4 is out the door.

obama has made it clear that his previous hopes of bipartisanship are useless in the face of the GOP literally deciding from day one to oppose whatever he did, even if they used to support it.

about time he decided not to let the GOP LOSERS take control.


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