Indoor grow Pure Afghan Regular seeds x3 286w cfl grow


Well-Known Member
ty ilyaas. yeah i moved lights higher on purpose the blueberry's are thick and dense and you dont want them to be compact or they wont produce right. that is what my research told me. also this frist time im just gonna let them grow and mess with the clones later. i just need to see what these will do and then ill know better. i want to fuck with them trust me but my gut tells me patience learn them first fuck with the clones later. my gut has never been wrong.
love and peace
I'm going to move my lights up a bit so they can stretch and put them into flower in 2 days (hopefully)



Well-Known Member
they will stretch in flower, what strains you growing? so im making mine stretch more in veg so i dont have to mess with lst or anything and i can see from their. but i will take a clone from each so i can make mothers till i know which ones i want to keep. you are training yours and you will be okay and you can supercrop a bit when you see it bunching up to much. blueberry's get wood like stems and i wont be able to do anything soon.
peace and love


Well-Known Member
they will stretch in flower, what strains you growing? so im making mine stretch more in veg so i dont have to mess with lst or anything and i can see from their. but i will take a clone from each so i can make mothers till i know which ones i want to keep. you are training yours and you will be okay and you can supercrop a bit when you see it bunching up to much. blueberry's get wood like stems and i wont be able to do anything soon.
peace and love
Lol. The strains in the title... Pure Afghan by DNA Genetics :p - I can't give you rep as I have to spread some around before I give it to you again... sorry


Well-Known Member
lol im good on rep not worried about it. i just want to grow good and help others grow good also. im doing all i can. and im now a terpinator sponsor. they are sending me 1qt free so i can test it. ill take pics ect and if it works then they will give me tons of it free. but if it works omg every one gonna want some. so time will tell as always. i need 2 plants that are same and ill do test on1 of them and see. hey its free. and who knows.
love and peace all


Well-Known Member
lol im good on rep not worried about it. i just want to grow good and help others grow good also. im doing all i can. and im now a terpinator sponsor. they are sending me 1qt free so i can test it. ill take pics ect and if it works then they will give me tons of it free. but if it works omg every one gonna want some. so time will tell as always. i need 2 plants that are same and ill do test on1 of them and see. hey its free. and who knows.
love and peace all
Hi, I'm not in to all these short words so what is QT? Sorry for the inconvenience :D


Well-Known Member
Quick update: I tied down more branches for the LST to even out growth and bloody hell.... more colas are growing (colas meaning stems, correct me if I'm wrong) but I did sort of snip one of them and it was hanging of so I pressed it back towards where it was hanging off from and put a piece of metal wire over it and it should heal up in about 2 days which is just about enough to start flowering.... DCobeen... I want this advice from you and it will affect my end results and you have to decide.... should I keep them in veg for another week or for just 2 more days... It's totally up to you to decide and I'm not going to bother doing more than one week of veg now :p


Well-Known Member
if the new tops are have a node each yes. the first week or 2 of flower will cause stretch so if you have them ready then yes if you want them bushier than wait a bit. Post a pic so i can see them today. here are mine and im waiting 10 days too 14 (they are 25 days old now). i want to see what they do with more light on each plant first. i also want to get the terpinator they are sending me for free, I got a sponsor cant believe it.
View attachment 2985737
Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
I will post some pics up tomorrow as my plants are now sleeping and also can't be asked to upload any pics today... :D - But will make sure I get some pics up tomorrow (At least 5) BTW- The method of LST I'm using is not really one that I've seen other people use at all but it seems to be working and I'm good with it and the plants seem to love it :D

Anyway, the pics will tell you the rest (once I upload them :D )


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far, how much room do you have for total plant height?
i have 8 ft ceiling so plants can get 7' i want a nice 5' -6' plant but again im was a huge outdoor grower. im not gonna do anything with them except take a clone from each. then sex them toss out males im hoping of the 4 under this setup i have 3 females even 2 will be good. 3 are blueberry adn 1 is unknown(friend gave me) he said they are expensive seeds so i will see, they are not growing like my blueberry.
peace and love

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
I will post some pics up tomorrow as my plants are now sleeping and also can't be asked to upload any pics today... :D - But will make sure I get some pics up tomorrow (At least 5) BTW- The method of LST I'm using is not really one that I've seen other people use at all but it seems to be working and I'm good with it and the plants seem to love it :D

Anyway, the pics will tell you the rest (once I upload them :D )
If the method you're using is successful, let us know. I want to LST my green crack


Well-Known Member
I'm going to move my lights up a bit so they can stretch and put them into flower in 2 days (hopefully)

Don't fret - you'll get plenty of reputation points as you successfully complete grows. If you can't wait, check other people's threads, do some homework, and offer reasonable advice.
It'll come, young Jedi.


Well-Known Member
Update: I've decided to kill a plant (sort of) I cut all the leaves of and pulled it out and am now drying the leaves as a substitute of tobacco as I have heard you can do that.... anyway the pictures will tell you why I did so and there was no point in trying to revive it because it was absolutely fucked.

I've added one 30w 2700k cfl and another one will be added (28w) 2700k cfl tomorrow or the day after :D

Here's some more pics for you to enjoy and some for me to cry over... I have now reduced the chances of a female :(

View attachment 2986748View attachment 2986760View attachment 2986758View attachment 298675799.jpg114.jpg15.jpg13.jpg12.jpg8.jpg7.jpg00.jpg

There are too many pics so I can't be asked to name them all but it's sort of obvious which ones which... the one with the growth at the bottom is the one I topped and the others are the one I LSTed and well... the one that I pulled out is obvious.... I'm just hoping I get at least one female (possibly the LST one)

The 3rd last picture is from when the leave grew up to the light and got light/heat burn :( - But it's all good :D


Well-Known Member
Update: I've decided to kill a plant (sort of) I cut all the leaves of and pulled it out and am now drying the leaves as a substitute of tobacco as I have heard you can do that.... anyway the pictures will tell you why I did so and there was no point in trying to revive it because it was absolutely fucked.

I've added one 30w 2700k cfl and another one will be added (28w) 2700k cfl tomorrow or the day after :D

Here's some more pics for you to enjoy and some for me to cry over... I have now reduced the chances of a female :(

View attachment 2986748View attachment 2986760View attachment 2986758View attachment 2986757View attachment 2986749View attachment 2986750View attachment 2986751View attachment 2986752View attachment 2986754View attachment 2986755View attachment 2986756View attachment 2986761

There are too many pics so I can't be asked to name them all but it's sort of obvious which ones which... the one with the growth at the bottom is the one I topped and the others are the one I LSTed and well... the one that I pulled out is obvious.... I'm just hoping I get at least one female (possibly the LST one)

The 3rd last picture is from when the leave grew up to the light and got light/heat burn :( - But it's all good :D
hey how much air flow do you have to me looks like heat stress big time on them all but the one that is outside. ill make another post i changed my grow room this is temp for 1 week then ill change again. i see the bastard didnt make it. i am a firm beleaver not to over crowd a grow area. i like room the plants love room. ill jsut add the new temp setup now.this is day 26
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Well-Known Member
Yours are doing great, That bastard wasn't even crowded and wasn't even root bound, it had lots of roots but it was no where near rootbound so there is no reason for it to be dying and as far as I am concerned the temperature of my grow room wasn't at all hot so god knows but on the bright side I have plenty of space for my other two remaining plants now :D


Well-Known Member
Yours are doing great, That bastard wasn't even crowded and wasn't even root bound, it had lots of roots but it was no where near rootbound so there is no reason for it to be dying and as far as I am concerned the temperature of my grow room wasn't at all hot so god knows but on the bright side I have plenty of space for my other two remaining plants now :D
well you have to figure why. air flow? humidity? lights? soemthing is causing it let me go look harder this time.