this mafucka done get me started, bro theres so much shit that you have been lead to not pay any attention to and that shit has now gone completely under the radar to our very society and most societies around the world.
Most 3 world countries (well the ancient ones and a good majority like all these african tribes and shit dont focus on fucking reality tv stars and bullshit and they havnt been influenced and pretty much destroyed by western civilization), and we have been doing it to ourselves slowly since pretty much ever.
Your values and all this shit in your life you deem "important and meaningful" is fucking bullshit bro. and if you dont like depressing realities, i suggest you just go on with your life and ignor all this what if possiblity shit,, not trying to sound harsh or whatever here but its the truth, we are completely fucked.
anyway the point is, if your interested in this shit, it almost always becomes your life
im obsessed with quantum mechanics, metaphysics and all this other shit now because i got curious.It's gonna depress you because what all this really adds up to is that we are an infectious bacterial species that destroy everything around us, and will eventually destroy ourselves.We are parasites that prey on everything, our ecosystem, our atmosphere, our surrounding plantlife, animals, each other, ourselves. Its human nature.
anyway enough depressing talk, im gonna smoke a fat ass bowl and laugh at the trailer park boys.
oh yea and ps, you really want your mind blown bro? go search the reality of space and time, and realize that theres no such thing as time! only the measurement in which we go about our lives. there is no time outside of our world( to any degree that we could measure) because time is a factor of gravity, gravity is one of the 4 MAIN "forces" known in our universe.and gravity CAN be reversed, so then what other possibility could you conclude from that............................... time can be altered? maybe
read steven hawkings shit its really good for explaining it to someone whos mind has never been used this way, he relates it PERFECTLY to shit that you can easily understand and grasp.
MIND BLOWING.........................................................................................