4 weeks into flower, top leaves small, Ca? Help!


I'm growing out barney's liberty haze and I've heard it has a few phenotypes -- where some people's goes up to 6 ft and others is more indica dominant that goes up to maximum of 3 ft. I don't know which one I have so far (I am newb), but am experiencing some problems with the liberty haze plant. I added 1/4 strength nutes (FFOF) and 1/2 strength CAL MAG on Wednesday, been watering with regular distilled water since -- gonna nute again tomorrow or Tuesday depending on soil moisture levels.

I saw what seemed to be a calcium deficiency on the liberty haze, but it appeared AFTER I'd added the nutes (about 2 days after) so I didn't want to add anymore nutes. I added just water after noticing this (as the soil dried) because I heard calcium can't be uptaken without adequate moisture in the soil. Now, the leaves perked up after a while, but now the leaves seem droopy at the top. I don't know if this is because the plant has stopped growing vertically so the TOP most leaves are smaller now -- or is it just a Ca deficiency (did not show up on any newer growth after watering)?

Please see attached pictures and help! I really do NOT want to lose my liberty haze. Can you tell from the pictures whether its a calcium deficiency. I've tried to look up nute requirements for this strain but can't find ANY information on whether or not its a light feeder.

I was thinking of transplanting the smart pot DIRECTLY into a LARGER smart pot --
the extra soil should provide the needed nutrients for the plant to the end of flower right (minus Cal Mag). I don't know what else to do with this ; there's lower leaves dying on this plant too; they dry out and just die.

I'm guessing because the TIPS aren't burned its not nutrient burn so it HAS to be a deficiency correct? I also know (or have heard) soil takes 1 week to see the changes -- so since I just added the nutes on Wednesday, the Ca deficiency that showed up shortly after wasn't due to the nutes was it -- perhaps the plant WAS deficient and then it got the nutes so I will see improvement soon?


I'm REALLY hoping that it's just a sign that its stopped growing vertically because I'm out of vertical room ... otherwise I'm going to have to move it elsewhere or get a bigger tent to accommodate all plants. I really messed up by planting THREE plants in such a small space -- I just wanted different strains, didn't know they would grow to be THIS huge and now three plants are crammed into a small closet tent (not TOO small either). Next grow is gonna be in a completely separate / dedicated room with 2 1000w lights supplemented with 2 400w on the sides, LST'd to increase yield massively in 10+ gallon pots to avoid watering / nute issues etc -- this is my first grow! I really don't want to lose the plants because I don't have a good link for weed where I live - my dealer always get hermie'd weed which is TERRIBLE in potency. I'm tired of smoking crap that gives me a VERY VERY minor head buzz for like 10 minutes. I'm still about 30 days from flower, so want to fix any possible issues before worsen. I've invested almost $1000 on this (little things add up), but it's not about the money to me, it's about having some good medicine.


Well-Known Member
Other than the fact that your plant is growing sideways
it looks fine and a Sativa at that...you're in for a long flower time...some can be in flower for 12-16 weeks :wall:


Well-Known Member
Although im in hydro, that is the same way my leaves get if I add something & dont check the ph.....if the ph had been thrown off badly I can see the results of that in a day or 2.....I read where you say you started adding nutes, if you didnt check ph I think you should


Although im in hydro, that is the same way my leaves get if I add something & dont check the ph.....if the ph had been thrown off badly I can see the results of that in a day or 2.....I read where you say you started adding nutes, if you didnt check ph I think you should
I always pH my nute mixture before adding it in and i always double check with both the digital pH meter and the color test kit to make sure im in an adequate range of 6.3 - 6.6.

I dont see the plant growing sideways at all, its just tall... and the calcium deficiency stopped showing after watering at which point all the leaves perked up... but when i took these pictures, the top most leaves were droopy. You think plant could be root bound in a 3 gallon? Should i transplant into a larger smart pot?


Active Member
How tall is your plant? If you are in a 3 gallon smartpot you should be ok, Why are you watering with distilled water? Prob not a good idea to transplant during flowering. What kind of nutes are you using?


How tall is your plant? If you are in a 3 gallon smartpot you should be ok, Why are you watering with distilled water? Prob not a good idea to transplant during flowering. What kind of nutes are you using?
My tap water is high in chlorine and who knows what else (even though its at only 155 PPM) and it was causing weird deficiencies / problems for the first 2-3 weeks of veg until I switched to using distilled water to avoid any issues of that sort.


Pictures today, leaves seem to have perked back up on their own. This plant is really confusing me; one minute its okay and the other its showing me all kinds of weird problems that I can't diagnose.


Active Member
Distilled water is not the best source to water your plants in soil. I use RO water and sometimes will mix my tap into it to help with minerals. My water is very high PPM and not PH balanced so I made the switch to RO and help with that. Typically soil grows do not require Cal/Mag. I rarely amend with it bust I also use FFOF soil and DynaGro nutes that have all the micros built in. So it is a complete food, that is why I asked. There are lots of variables like PH, sounds like your are doing that (after you mix nutes not before), how often your feeding/ watering, what your feeding and what strength, what kind of light (how strong), distance from plants, heat etc. The pics you posted are hard to tell plant looks ok, not sure if you have close up of leaves showing issues?


How tall is your plant? If you are in a 3 gallon smartpot you should be ok, Why are you watering with distilled water? Prob not a good idea to transplant during flowering. What kind of nutes are you using?
Forgot to answer your questions. Plant is about 3 ft tall now and im using FFOF nutes along with CAL MAG. Next grow is gonna be all.organic to avoid all these issues lol


Well-Known Member
I always pH my nute mixture before adding it in and i always double check with both the digital pH meter and the color test kit to make sure im in an adequate range of 6.3 - 6.6.

I dont see the plant growing sideways at all, its just tall... and the calcium deficiency stopped showing after watering at which point all the leaves perked up... but when i took these pictures, the top most leaves were droopy. You think plant could be root bound in a 3 gallon? Should i transplant into a larger smart pot?
That was a joke man :wall: your pics are turned to the side so everyone has to crane their necks to see it...and AGAIN your plant looks fine...quit lookin' for probs when there are none...


Well-Known Member
Forgot to answer your questions. Plant is about 3 ft tall now and im using FFOF nutes along with CAL MAG. Next grow is gonna be all.organic to avoid all these issues lol
Wow...well your tap water is fine to use, make sure it goes into your jugs cold...let it set for 8-10 hours...mix your nutes and let set for 10 minutes...check you PH and adjust, if it needs to go down, all natural apple cider vinegar will lower it around .5 per tablespoon per gallon...if it needs to go up 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda will raise it around .7 your tap water has chelated minerals in it that your plant needs and has not been scrubbed out through distilling it.......If you want a carefree environment for your ladies, I have found this to work wonders for me https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html if you mix it right and let it "cook" = moistening it, not soaking it, everyday, and mix it around, in 3-4 weeks you will have the best soil I personally have ever used :bigjoint:..................................I use tap water :bigjoint: