MDMA tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
Haven't used any since April, 2011

I bought what I was hoping was MDMA last October, but it turns out it was most likely meth, pretty cool 2 hours, pretty shitty 46 after that..

So what are some of the things you like doing while rolling? I'd like to enhance the experience as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Most likely?! Get thee a test kit!

I like to spend the experience with people who I like just hanging out. Good music always helps.
What kind of setting are you planning on taking it in? Rolling at home alone or with a few close friends is way different than going out to the club or w/e.


Well-Known Member
I like loud drum and bass and laying on my memory foam mattress in a dim lit situation,and let the music flow through my mind and body..bliss!..a back massager under the pillow is also nice..


Active Member
Take it with your closest buddies and you'll be in for some deep and meaningfuls, doesn't really matter what you're doing as long as you're all having a good time. Or find yourself a nice girl for the night and explore her vagina


Well-Known Member
So that was bullshit, again.. Last time I'll be buying for a while..

Spent $50, got 6 small capsules filled with white powder. Tested them, no color change "fuck!"..

Took one and immediately knew it was meth. Spent the next 42 hours wide awake, no apetite, jaw clenched so bad the next few days it was still sore.. Who the fuck would use meth knowing it makes you feel like total shit.. baffles me..

Moral of the story: the black market provides criminals and con artists an easy way to fuck you and still make money. Keeping drugs illegal does not stop anyone from making money, what it does is exactly this, prevents people from getting what they want, with that are the associated risks of not knowing exactly what you're getting


Well-Known Member
So that was bullshit, again.. Last time I'll be buying for a while..

Spent $50, got 6 small capsules filled with white powder. Tested them, no color change "fuck!"..

Took one and immediately knew it was meth. Spent the next 42 hours wide awake, no apetite, jaw clenched so bad the next few days it was still sore.. Who the fuck would use meth knowing it makes you feel like total shit.. baffles me..

Moral of the story: the black market provides criminals and con artists an easy way to fuck you and still make money. Keeping drugs illegal does not stop anyone from making money, what it does is exactly this, prevents people from getting what they want, with that are the associated risks of not knowing exactly what you're getting
why did you even buy a test kit...?

you deserve to have done meth, as horrifying as that is to believe.


Well-Known Member
Great to see you Skuxx!
Thanks duck! I've just been busy workin again, and trying to get out more. I was spending too much time inside and online, and it started getting to me lol. It's nice to be back on here though. I missed everyone, and talking about drugs :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea good to see ya bro..glad the jobs still working out for ya! need to come up the coast this summer and visit bro.


Well-Known Member
I have another question. Why did you buy all that before testing?

If you HAD to buy it before testing.... that's a mega ultra red flag.
Maybe the like button will return with you! You took the words right out of my mouth.
I don't have the luxury of wasting money or two days. If you're going to play capsule roulette you might as well just order some methylone. It's pretty much as good as you're going to get off a random and vastly cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Why would you take something that didn't test right?!
I have another question. Why did you buy all that before testing?

If you HAD to buy it before testing.... that's a mega ultra red flag.
Maybe the like button will return with you! You took the words right out of my mouth.
I don't have the luxury of wasting money or two days. If you're going to play capsule roulette you might as well just order some methylone. It's pretty much as good as you're going to get off a random and vastly cheaper.

The way it works where I live is you buy first, then test. I've met one actual dealer through a friend, the rest it's always one or two people between us, so if I get it, then test it then decide I don't want it, it's on that one or two other people, and they won't take it back to the main dealer saying someone didn't want it after all. It's a huge headache setting this shit up and normally takes at least a weeks notice ahead of time..

If something like this ever happens again, I'll sell it myself, if I can't sell it, I'll just toss it.. that trip does not appeal to me at all


Well-Known Member
the test kit is the equalizer no one will pull out fake drugs if you pull out the test kit beforehand.if they won't give you the option to look at it and test it then they are bad businessman and don't deserve your money since you work so hard for it.
but you still taking an unknown substance after you tested it shows that the thinking process wasn't there to begin with in the beginning of the situation..mystery powders always end in agony or disappointment or both.if you're lucky.
I think if you really wanted to “roll“(tweak) real hard and ate all 5 or 6?...


Well-Known Member
the test kit is the equalizer no one will pull out fake drugs if you pull out the test kit beforehand.if they won't give you the option to look at it and test it then they are bad businessman and don't deserve your money since you work so hard for it.
but you still taking an unknown substance after you tested it shows that the thinking process wasn't there to begin with in the beginning of the situation..mystery powders always end in agony or disappointment or both.if you're lucky.
I think if you really wanted to “roll“(tweak) real hard and ate all 5 or 6?...