Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

why do you have some "lazy ass" working for you in the first place? aren't you some brilliant job creator? guess not.

just another republican crybaby with a penchant for making bad decisions.

I work hard for my money, those who demand my hard work are lazy. I have aspergers and can still get by.
No, it's still a strawman


So what's it called when the profits are reasonably stable, income is reasonably equal,(1950's-1970), then the rules are changed and corporations are granted the ability to influence politics and 94% of the profits and income all of a sudden go to the top 10%?

I bet you'd call that good business. I call it blatant theft of production. How can you continue to deny this is happening and support the system that causes it?

see THAT is a strawman.

your first assumption is that the people who own a company are "stealing" their own profits from "The Workers". this is horseshit.
anybody who doesnt want to work fro somebody else can find a way to do so. it may not be easy, secure, or 4reliable, and may not help you pull trim, but it's possible.

your second assumption is that "inflation adjusted dollars" and the charts which use them have any basis in reality
choosing a baseline and assuming all changes from that baseline are the result of ANY single reason is ridiculous.

your third assumption is that i "support" "the system" which pays non-productive moneyfingerers to finger other people's money.
however, if somebody willingly offers up their money to be fondled by moneyfingerers, thats fine for them. i dont presume to tell somebody they cant give their property to any asshole they choose to be molested and abused in whatever manner they like.

your fourth assumption is that i must either agreee with your facile opinion, or i am "One Of Them" and i'm trying to "Keep You Down".
this could not be further from the truth. if you do well for yourself , i'm glad for ya son, i got 99 problems but being a Player Hater aint one.
your second assumption is that "inflation adjusted dollars" and the charts which use them have any basis in reality

way to totally dispute the validity of that chart, you should probably ignore the many different iterations of it that exist since they'll only serve to upset your reality denial agenda.
If there were no federal minimum wage requirements, would you support or oppose an employer paying a willing worker $.10/hour? Why?

I don't want any of your long winded bullshit, just answer that one simple question.
way to totally dispute the validity of that chart, you should probably ignore the many different iterations of it that exist since they'll only serve to upset your reality denial agenda.

since time began, the surest way to get rich was to start off rich.

assuming that some evil republican scheme since the late '70's is the cause of "Rich People Gettin Richer" is to deny reality in every form.

but then you dont actually refute anyone's arguments, you simply reframe them into a convenient and nefarious shape, then don your shaving bowl helmet for a spirited afternoon of tilting at windmills.

always victorious, never despairing, you surely are this forum's Don Quixote, a legend in your own mind.
If there were no federal minimum wage requirements, would you support or oppose an employer paying a willing worker $.10/hour? Why?

I don't want any of your long winded bullshit, just answer that one simple question.[COLOR]

Why should I care what the one who has no solution has to say, other than demand my money?
Why do you think people who work hard are the assholes?

You are the only one saying hard working people are assholes. I am saying hard working people deserve the profits they've worked for. Hard working people deserve everything they've earned.

How can you confuse something so badly?
If there were no federal minimum wage requirements, would you support or oppose an employer paying a willing worker $.10/hour? Why?

I don't want any of your long winded bullshit, just answer that one simple question.

i assume you directed that "Answer Yes or No" canard at me.

My Answer: Eat A Dick.

complex subjects cant be distilled into glib bumperstickers.
if you want to bandy slogans and throw colourful yet meaningless charts at somebody, go find Bucky. hes always down to be a clown.

the long form answer:

if somebody offers me $.10 to do a job, and i think it's worth it, yes, ill take that job.
your talking to a guy who used to pick chile peppers and melons for $.05/bushel.
if i dont think it's worth it, ill find somethin else, or he can offer me more.

i dont get to decide he "owes" me 10,000X more after i have accepted the deal.
The solution is getting money out of politics, I've said it dozens of times on this forum

All politics is IS "money". Elastic currency that can be printed on a whim to suit any need that is argued as "justified".

The justification to print up "money" is the source of debating and endless fights, disagreements,posing, raging and endless theatrics to keep the eye off the prize......which is there's no money.

You are the only one saying hard working people are assholes. I am saying hard working people deserve the profits they've worked for. Hard working people deserve everything they've earned.

How can you confuse something so badly?[COLOR]

Then who comes up with the minimum wage you demand, if not the hard working? Is that going to be you?
You and I both know why you won't answer it, and we both know what your answer would be if you were actually put in this situation, you're lack of a response doesn't fool anyone reading, it just shows that you have no backbone and won't stand up for what you believe in

You absolutely would hire somebody willing for $.10/hour if it was legal. You believe there are no ethics in business, the only thing that matters is your bottom line. If you can legally fuck someone royally, you'll do it, and that's exactly what's going on right now, workers are getting legally fucked over royally and that's why you support it.

Someone in a normal situation does not willingly accept a job for $.10/hour, people in desperate situations do and only because if they don't they won't survive. Some "choice", kinda like the "cake or death" choice.. And when you have more people in more desperate situations, you can exploit them for even more!

Business as usual...

Well, we can see where that fantastic plan of attack has gotten us, more than half full time American workers work for less than $30,000/year. Your plan has clearly failed, yet here you are, arguing with me about necessary, inevitable change.

Why do you want to keep money in politics? Why do you want the wealthiest people in our country legally allowed to buy elections? It seems like any honest American wouldn't want these things, so why do you support them?
Then who comes up with the minimum wage you demand, if not the hard working? Is that going to be you?

The market

Production increases, everyone's income across the board should increase. Nobody said it has to be even percentages, but 94% is unacceptable. The bottom 90% of people get to fight for the 6% of scraps that are left? That is unacceptable. How can you disagree with that? Do you think the CEO's and people at the top should get 96% of the profits resulting from the workers increase of production?
explain to me how the first rung of the ladder (a metaphor for the wage floor since you are too stupid to comprehend metaphors) can disappear, ever.

go on cowboy, use that big brain of yours.

Isn't this a self defeating argument you raise here?

If the argument is most places can afford to pay $10/hr, I'm with you on that.

If the argument is that paying people $10/hr will improve the standard of living for minimum wage earners, I'm not on board. If you raise the floor, it is still the floor. The markets will adjust, things will reach equilibrium, and the poor will still be poor.

Who is richer?

The guy making $200k in a country where the average pay is $400k, or the gal making $50k in a country where average pay is $30k. I would argue the gal is.
I don't hire anyone and work for myself. Not everyone who makes money is hired or hires. If no one liked my product, no one would buy it.