Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

You want people to have as difficult a time as you or more just to be able to put a little money in savings each paycheck and not have to worry about if they're going to eat that day?

It sounds like you feel entitled to your justification [COLOR]

Comfort is easy. The dream takes blood, sweat, and tears. Sometimes, and probably most of the time, not even that's even enough. I work my ass off everyday in constant fear someone will take it away and I'll again have to worry what I'm going to eat the next day. This isn't justification, it's reality.
that was a horribly awkward sentence, i had to read it several times and can still barely make sense of what you're saying.

Do you sit in front of your Macbook, for up to 20 hours in a day, writing what others give a fuck about? Enough to compensate you with living wage? I do and then some!

Sent from my Macbook Air, because Buck's a whiny bitch.
Comfort is easy. The dream takes blood, sweat, and tears. Sometimes, and probably most of the time, not even that's even enough. I work my ass off everyday in constant fear someone will take it away and I'll again have to worry what I'm going to eat the next day. This isn't justification, it's reality.

Unfortunately for you this type of mindset is what's standing in the way of progress

The economic policy we have right now is destined to fail eventually, change is inevitable it's just a matter of time
If your dream costs you your friends and family, it costs too much.

In your opinion. Others will try their best to make you fail, because they know they can't do it. It's like having drug friends and then you quit drugs. Most likely they won't be your friends afterwards. I'm better off without all of them and with the new friends I've met who accept me for who I am, not who they want me to be.

As for my family, they suck Jesus' limp cock and let him ram them up the ass with a dildo. So fuck em'! I tried being nice and telling them it's not my thing and I refuse their values, such as gay people are vile, who god will send them to Satan to torment in hell forever. They especially don't like I'm an atheist, with some of them who are preachers, etc.
we've done this argument before, i end up posting the BLS stats next to min wage stats, min wage keeps coming out ahead, and then you cry.

let's save the tears this time around, kiddo.

I never said they weren't slightly better off, but they're still poor. We consider teachers to be low wage earners, here they make less than 30k starting out. I'm not sure if there are enough hours in a week for a 10/hr employee to hope of making $30/k.

So, I'll accept that they would be marginally better off, but they would still be poor. You seem to think raising the wage to $10/hr would make all problems go away.

You are attacking this problem from the wrong end, kiddo.

When one thinks of what Americas golden years were, the 1950s and 60s come to mind. Our top marginal tax rates were so high then we had a de facto maximum wage. Sure, there were some other things at play, but essentially, it would work the same today.

Most families at that time had one income earner, and their purchasing power was comparable to today.

Imagine a board meeting at corporate hq then and now.

"gentlemen, we have 100 million dollars in profit to decide what to do with."

Today - bonuses for upper management, and maybe some dividends to keep the stockholders happy. Maybe we could expand.

Then - expand business, bonuses for employees.

The difference, back then the executive officers were probably close to the top bracket, anything they gave themselves extra, the government got 90% of it, today, the government gets at most 39%. back then, the major stock holders were in the same position, so dividends to please major stock holders weren't as common.

Tl/dr, raising minimum wage does very little, let's get back to a maximum wage.
I never said they weren't slightly better off...they would be marginally better off

but you said you were not on board.

thus your argument is that you oppose making people who work better off.

that's a stupid argument, and i'll remind you of it next time you bitch and cry and whine about welfare or food stamps.
What is a minimum wage American really? Are these people the hardest workers? Are they unmotivated? Lucky to even have work? Do they lack skills? are they the heart of America?
Dude, Canna, you have to accept that there are poor people who work hard. Day laborers, fire fighters, teachers, the list is endless.. All of these are hard working occupations that pay very little. There is no disputing that.

Can we finally put to rest your insistence on this point?

Do you think Bill Maher works hard? Barbara Boxer? ...

I've seen people with Phds that were unemployed, are they just lazy?

Stop pretending the problem is so simple as "work harder"
So burger flippers should get a % of the profits because you say so?

A trained monkey could do the same job if it weren't for Health and Safety laws.

The worker, instead of crying about his life could work harder and try get him/herself noticed and promoted to a position paying above minimum wage.

But nah, fuck it, just increase the minimum wage, those retarded, lazy fucks who can't be bothered getting away from the fryer just deserve more.

Maybe you should get a McCareer?

You seem like just the sort to be a "Sandwedge Technician".
So burger flippers should get a % of the profits because you say so?

A trained monkey could do the same job if it weren't for Health and Safety laws.

The worker, instead of crying about his life could work harder and try get him/herself noticed and promoted to a position paying above minimum wage.

But nah, fuck it, just increase the minimum wage, those retarded, lazy fucks who can't be bothered getting away from the fryer just deserve more.

Maybe you should get a McCareer?

You seem like just the sort to be a "Sandwedge Technician".

Imagine that there was actually room for the promotions. Minimum wage is not this abstract entitlement...........most Americans when they migrated, the young, they all start somewhere. Unskilled labor exists, no need to spit on them too.
just call me spammy:wink:

The Reality Of Who Actually Works For Minimum Wage Will Shock You

Brandon Weber

A special Upworthy series about work and the economy, made possible by the AFL-CIO. Read more, then check out more in Workonomics.
If you add up the totals in these charts, 75% of minimum wage earners are adults. Let that sink in for a minute. 70% have at least a high school degree, and some have had at least a year or two of college.

Take a look at the size of the big blue slice in the first pie chart — that represents adult women who are working for minimum wage, almost half of the total. This is why raising the minimum wage would make a huge difference for tons of families, especially those in which women are the primary breadwinners or single moms.


Click image to Zoom
True that mr buck...I am one for sure,guess no one do blame for that...just can not bring myself to build houses in cali for 9 bucks an hour now,after pounding over 10 tons of 16 penny nails over the I am not bilingual and am considered un-hirable(sp)can I live on minimum wage answer yes as long as I have my dope to smoke.
So burger flippers should get a % of the profits because you say so?

A trained monkey could do the same job if it weren't for Health and Safety laws.

The worker, instead of crying about his life could work harder and try get him/herself noticed and promoted to a position paying above minimum wage.

But nah, fuck it, just increase the minimum wage, those retarded, lazy fucks who can't be bothered getting away from the fryer just deserve more.

Maybe you should get a McCareer?

You seem like just the sort to be a "Sandwedge Technician".

"Sandwedge Technician", hah! :dunce: Well done! (you, not the burger)

.....and since it's been removed by some dufus -

Hubby makes 12.25 an hour 40 hours a week. It is under 30k a year.

Get your numbers right BnB.

Also even if there was no minimum wage, pada, people would not work for someone who wasn't offering them fair compensation for their time. If they couldn't pay rent on a low cost living space, they would find another job.
Dude, Canna, you have to accept that there are poor people who work hard. Day laborers, fire fighters, teachers, the list is endless.. All of these are hard working occupations that pay very little. There is no disputing that.

Teachers went to school for their profession. If they didn't like the pay of their chosen profession, they should have chosen a different area of study.
Teachers went to school for their profession. If they didn't like the pay of their chosen profession, they should have chosen a different area of study.

Don't know about the rest of the country but here in Texas teachers do very well both during active duty and upon retirement. Pension pay is excellent as are the bennies such as health insurance.

Like Harrekin said McDummies who flip burgers are like a trained monkey. Accordingly they deserve only bananas in pay cause that's all they're worth to the employer. What an employee is worth regarding productivity is all that matters. It's up to the individual to work their way up but you have to crawl before you walk.