a couple questions for the pros


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your advice as it confirms my thoughts, so thanks. .. we need a pro paper towel method person to jump in, I just want to kno where it came from and why do people tell others to do it????
Btw thoughts on leds? I have a small cabinet grow so hps n mh are out of the question... jw if ill need some cfls for side lighting and what not... any and all advice is appreciated even if u think leds are garbage lol
I think seed companies started the paper towel method because it does work but more people fuck it up when starting out then get it right, but after you get good at it ul be fine, other than the 2-3 days to pop and then the planting and then the additional 2 days for it to shed its shell . Im not allowed to discuss leds anymore, get too many pm 's from the mods telling me to stop. I use 600 hids


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man, Im glad I didnt find out about rockwhool the wrong way... also about seed starting mix I used some cheap stuff I think, and im wondering how soon I should transplant? Im scared roots will have a hard time getting through the peat mixture
Seed starter is fluffy, roots are tough, when I grow in soil I start in a solo for 2 weeks then transplant. Make sure ur soil has a good amount of perlite n ul be fine. Let it get dry but not DRY between waterings and ur set.


Well-Known Member
I think seed companies started the paper towel method because it does work but more people fuck it up when starting out then get it right, but after you get good at it ul be fine, other than the 2-3 days to pop and then the planting and then the additional 2 days for it to shed its shell . Im not allowed to discuss leds anymore, get too many pm 's from the mods telling me to stop. I use 600 hids
So if u can discuss any thoughts on them, would u prefer cfl or led in a tight space? Im gonna do both, but I didnt know what would be best for basically a 3 × 2 space, I figured an led may work for a couple plants or so, and I have no perlite since I could only find a giant bag so I know thats gonna be a problem in the seed start mix, I have ffof to transplant to


Well-Known Member
So if u can discuss any thoughts on them, would u prefer cfl or led in a tight space? Im gonna do both, but I didnt know what would be best for basically a 3 × 2 space, I figured an led may work for a couple plants or so, and I have no perlite since I could only find a giant bag so I know thats gonna be a problem in the seed start mix, I have ffof to transplant to
Id start a thread n ask, ul get a bunch of advice, I grow hid so thats what il talk about. Ur gonna get yelled at by everyone pretty quick for changin topics on someone elses thread, I didnt catch it. People are touchy bout that


Well-Known Member
Id start a thread n ask, ul get a bunch of advice, I grow hid so thats what il talk about. Ur gonna get yelled at by everyone pretty quick for changin topics on someone elses thread, I didnt catch it. People are touchy bout that
I hear that, I just wanted some quick advice , not really worth starting a thread over and my bad to the op, I had figured his topic was discussed and since he asked for the pros I thought itd be a good place to ask
so I figured going to a pro thread would keep the bad advice away and thoughts, but thanks again for the advice and help and sorry to steal the thread


Well-Known Member
No one owns threads. There a few guys like Uncle Ben we let have a common accord. :)


Well-Known Member
Seed starter is fluffy, roots are tough, when I grow in soil I start in a solo for 2 weeks then transplant. Make sure ur soil has a good amount of perlite n ul be fine. Let it get dry but not DRY between waterings and ur set.
Come on! Young roots are not tough. We make them tough as they go. I run 2 weeks or rooting in fluff, after they show roots in the plug.


Well-Known Member
Come on! Young roots are not tough. We make them tough as they go. I run 2 weeks or rooting in fluff, after they show roots in the plug.
Seedlings roots arent tough enough for seed starter? Start a new thread and il discuss it. Im not gonna jack this guys thread because while you are right, he doesnt own it, its a dick move. I didnt realize I wasnt talking to the OP right away so I choose to stop out of courtesy and told the other guy the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings roots arent tough enough for seed starter? Start a new thread and il discuss it. Im not gonna jack this guys thread because while you are right, he doesnt own it, its a dick move. I didnt realize I wasnt talking to the OP right away so I choose to stop out of courtesy and told the other guy the same thing.
Fuck off girly boy, I say what I want, and I don't take orders from you. Just remember, wherever you go on RIU, you talking to me. And I may answer back.

And go bath your ruffed feathers. It gets kinda smelly when you take it all personal. Jacking threads? Wake up. You must be Canadian.

We were taking about dirt vs fluff, for starting roots, not your apparent confusion about when roots toughen up. Tough enough for a seed starter?

Are you? It makes about as much sense.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off girly boy, I say what I want, and I don't take orders from you. Just remember, wherever you go on RIU, you talking to me. And I may answer back.

And go bath your ruffed feathers. It gets kinda smelly when you take it all personal. Jacking threads? Wake up. You must be Canadian.

We were taking about dirt vs fluff, for starting roots, not your apparent confusion about when roots toughen up. Tough enough for a seed starter?

Are you? It makes about as much sense.
Theres only 2 things in texas and steers cant type so u must be the other there mr rollitup. Start ur own thread


Well-Known Member
But if ur sweet texas ass would like to talk about how flushig is not a myth and how it makes ur bud burn oh so smooth as u stated on page 1 il be happy to discuss that with u here, but maybe u should go get UB's advice first because you cant think for yourself and he will also tell you your an idiot for saying it


Well-Known Member
Well you can discuss with me here, you coward.

Steers or queers. And you are a homophobe. .


Well-Known Member
Well true there seems to be new "stories" against flushing. I have been looking for a controlled study with specto-analysis of the material.

I'd like to see some evidence.
Here is what I said, you silly name caller.


Well-Known Member
So, exactly. Just a myth. And we can try this stuff before we pass it along as myth.

Flushing is not a myth. It is all in the burn after the cure. And I will tell you a bud feel real sticky when it has not been flushed.

But, then it won't burn well, and tastes a little weird. OTH, if I cut back the feed to 1/4 for a week, then water with sugars based leaching, it is much better.
It burns to a white ash and tastes good.
Heres what you said buttercup. I never called you a queer, I said steers cant type. Should change your name from DOER to REDO because all you do is redo what UB has done and repeat it as if ur inteligent or perhaps RODE because you've been rode hard and put away wet so many times you cant remember what REDO says. Go back to your flushing and your seeds that are too weak to push thru seed starter there princess. Its amazing your seedlings are too weak for seed starter yet mine do great in Dr. Earth potting soil and perlite. And you called me a girly boy, sheesh


Im confused I thought I started this thread, I was asking about......I forgot what the fuck I was even asking about anyways enough of the pissin contest it I helpful to no one. This went from the most informative threads to a great big douche a thon