I think seed companies started the paper towel method because it does work but more people fuck it up when starting out then get it right, but after you get good at it ul be fine, other than the 2-3 days to pop and then the planting and then the additional 2 days for it to shed its shell . Im not allowed to discuss leds anymore, get too many pm 's from the mods telling me to stop. I use 600 hidsI appreciate your advice as it confirms my thoughts, so thanks. .. we need a pro paper towel method person to jump in, I just want to kno where it came from and why do people tell others to do it????
Btw thoughts on leds? I have a small cabinet grow so hps n mh are out of the question... jw if ill need some cfls for side lighting and what not... any and all advice is appreciated even if u think leds are garbage lol