The United States, One Of The Most Gun-Friendly Countries In The World


Well-Known Member
Could barely do the same? The allies didn't BARELY win, they outright kicked ass, by the largest margin ever in the history of war. The US suffered almost no damage, while the enemy's countries were pulverized or irradiated.

It was a huge victory for the allies, a complete ass whooping for the Axis.
so england didn't nearly fall to the nazis? france remained intact and was never conquered? russia didn't nearly fall if not for an especially cold winter and the russians burning down their own country in retreat?

that's what happened with tens of millions of well-equipped forces fighting with all the resources of well heeled nations. but of course a few untrained jews with guns could have done much better, right?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
going on night two of you making that claim and being utterly unable to back it up in any way whatsoever.
You and Hitler actually have a lot in common. The only difference is he had the intelligence and opportunity. If Hitler were alive in America today, he'd be a Democrat.


Active Member
also remember Buck in WW2 as the German army moved into Russia they left hundred of miles of hostile armed partisans (citizens who took up arms) resulting in disaster for for the Germans in logistics. another example of armed citizens taking on the most powerfull army in the 20th century. costing them supply lines, sabotaged equipment and most of all fear. they feared these people that hid in the wood and small towns as they are enemy from a hostile population that would never be tamed.
Napolean had the same problem trying to invade Russia again a partisan (citizen w-a rifle) behind every tree. resulting in hell for him as well
and finaly the French resistance another group of under armed citizens that did a great job costing the Nazis much trouble while being occupied. this is just a couple exampes of many armed citizens taking bigger forces to protect themselves and having success. today look no further than Afganistan or Iraq for good examples.

and armed citizen population keeps us safe whether you choose to believe it or not. I live in the country Buck and have a half mile driveway into the woods and would never be unarmed.

go ahead jabber away with your lies now. you must have developed a good system of deception after 55,000 posts I would wager.


Active Member
a man with a gun and a cause is enough to disrupt an army. multiply that by a whole armed citizenship= hell for the army that has forced themselves upon them. over and over again history has proven this true beyond any doubt.


Well-Known Member
we got a lot of asshurt idiots really dedicated to the delusion that a few untrained, geographically disparate jews with guns would have done what 40 million well equipped army forces could barely manage with tanks, planes, and ships galore.


Well-Known Member
we got a lot of asshurt idiots really dedicated to the delusion that a few untrained, geographically disparate jews with guns would have done what 40 million well equipped army forces could barely manage with tanks, planes, and ships galore.
we got a lot of asshurt idiots really dedicated to the delusion that a few untrained, geographically disparate jews with guns would have done what 40 million well equipped army forces could barely manage with tanks, planes, and ships galore.
Now the goal posts are moved so that the Jews couldn't defeat the entire German army and declare victory in WWII.
Blacksun is right, you just keep pulling shit out of your ass to fill those giant clown shoes of yours.

By defending and idolizing Adolf Hitler, you are professing your antisemitism, bigotry is not taken lightly here.
Your extensive knowledge and clandestine visits to Storm Front only confirms it. This continued denial of yours is just a futile attempt to cover your ass on this site.
We all know why the Klan dawned hoods, Buck.


Well-Known Member
so england didn't nearly fall to the nazis? france remained intact and was never conquered? russia didn't nearly fall if not for an especially cold winter and the russians burning down their own country in retreat?

that's what happened with tens of millions of well-equipped forces fighting with all the resources of well heeled nations. but of course a few untrained jews with guns could have done much better, right?
Once the US joined the war, it whooped so much ass, everyone went home. It was a DECISIVE victory, the Nazis and the Japanese were utterly defeated. Wasn't even close.

Dude, just one single well armed Jew could have defeated the Nazis AND the Russians. Singlehandedly. They could have gotten them to invest in Mortgage backed securities HAHAHA.


Well-Known Member
So the three stooges are anti 2nd amendment, who didn't know that.
The fact remains, we are getting lied to when anti gun proponents misrepresent gun violence statistics in this country.

Which only confirms that democrats cannot win on the issues, they have to lie to the people, to get them on their side.
You are not a bright kid.

I am pro-guns. I own a lot of guns. I reload. I love guns. If it weren't illegal I would barrel fuck my guns on a nightly basis.

You're just a jack-wagon.


Well-Known Member
You are not a bright kid.

I am pro-guns. I own a lot of guns. I reload. I love guns. If it weren't illegal I would barrel fuck my guns on a nightly basis.

You're just a jack-wagon.
First of all, I don't know what your stance on guns rights are. However, a reasonable person would come to the conclusion that a individual so pro 2nd amendment, as you say you are, would have had something constructive to add in the defense of the original post.
Instead I see a provocative comment to the contrary, one can only come to the conclusion that it is you, who is not the bright kid.


Well-Known Member
Now the goal posts are moved so that the Jews couldn't defeat the entire German army and declare victory in WWII.
Blacksun is right, you just keep pulling shit out of your ass to fill those giant clown shoes of yours.

By defending and idolizing Adolf Hitler, you are professing your antisemitism, bigotry is not taken lightly here.
Your extensive knowledge and clandestine visits to Storm Front only confirms it. This continued denial of yours is just a futile attempt to cover your ass on this site.
We all know why the Klan dawned hoods, Buck.
why do you love hitler and hate the jews so much?


Well-Known Member
Could barely do the same? The allies didn't BARELY win, they outright kicked ass, by the largest margin ever in the history of war. The US suffered almost no damage, while the enemy's countries were pulverized or irradiated.

It was a huge victory for the allies, a complete ass whooping for the Axis.
Bullshit. The Germans killed more of every army they faced than that army killed of them. This includes America and Britain. They were a highly skilled, highly motivated and very well-equipt force.. to say the least. They lost mostly because of logistical reasons (American industry, lack of German oil and endless Soviet reserves). If they were close to par on that, it would have been an easy German victory. So don't sit here and try to argue that a group of Jews, at a disadvantage in every way, would have accomplished anything other than a quicker extermination program.


Well-Known Member
also remember Buck in WW2 as the German army moved into Russia they left hundred of miles of hostile armed partisans (citizens who took up arms) resulting in disaster for for the Germans in logistics. another example of armed citizens taking on the most powerfull army in the 20th century. costing them supply lines, sabotaged equipment and most of all fear. they feared these people that hid in the wood and small towns as they are enemy from a hostile population that would never be tamed.
Napolean had the same problem trying to invade Russia again a partisan (citizen w-a rifle) behind every tree. resulting in hell for him as well
and finaly the French resistance another group of under armed citizens that did a great job costing the Nazis much trouble while being occupied. this is just a couple exampes of many armed citizens taking bigger forces to protect themselves and having success. today look no further than Afganistan or Iraq for good examples.

and armed citizen population keeps us safe whether you choose to believe it or not. I live in the country Buck and have a half mile driveway into the woods and would never be unarmed.

go ahead jabber away with your lies now. you must have developed a good system of deception after 55,000 posts I would wager.
I disagree. For every German soldier killed by one of these, the Germans would kill 400 local citizens to make an example. A lot of innocent people who would have otherwise lived died because of locals taking pop shots at German soldiers. The entire French village of Oradour-sur-Glane was wiped out like this:

The whole "French Resistance" is a myth. Maybe 10% at most read the resistance newspapers. Most understood it's not worth it and chose to live.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else ever cut a shotgun down to make a fun ass pistol?

Constitution never said I couldn't do that, take a poll, cite the heller decision, then kiss my ass.


Well-Known Member
No need, you did that yourself.
So is it confirmed, I'm beenthere, is he the head boogieman?
Last week when you got worked up I was three other people.
I just checked beenthers profile and I was a member before he was, try again.
Who else haunts you?
ClaytonBigsby does ......he called you him too.....clayton just posted a thread about fukishima lmfao.

Ask buck how he got banned from here and what racial slur he used.


Well-Known Member
You know where I live a gun is a way of life. It always has been, and always will be a way of life.

You think just because the government makes something illegal it will magically remove it from society?
Guns are here to stay, and It will cost millions their lives if they try to ban them.


Well-Known Member
You know where I live a gun is a way of life. It always has been, and always will be a way of life.

You think just because the government makes something illegal it will magically remove it from society?
Guns are here to stay, and It will cost millions their lives if they try to ban them.
That's a massive exaggeration. No more than a 1,000 people would die. Most people would comply if under the threat of lengthy prison terms(how many are illegally converting rifles to full-auto?), leaving a handful of the most hardcore to be massacred Waco-style. Talking big shit and actually carrying it out are two different things.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I don't know what your stance on guns rights are. However, a reasonable person would come to the conclusion that a individual so pro 2nd amendment, as you say you are, would have had something constructive to add in the defense of the original post.
Instead I see a provocative comment to the contrary, one can only come to the conclusion that it is you, who is not the bright kid.

I as well am an avid 2nd amendment advocate. I grew up with guns, I reloaded, I had my first rifle, with a hand crafted stock at age 12. That however does not have me fall neatly into your black and white mentality. Not all of us can take solice in our rigid, unyielding blindness to the issues of guns, ownership, and control.


Well-Known Member
You know where I live a gun is a way of life. It always has been, and always will be a way of life.

You think just because the government makes something illegal it will magically remove it from society?
Guns are here to stay, and It will cost millions their lives if they try to ban them.

More romantic nonsense. Pot was made illegal a long time ago, Pot is here to stay and it did not cost millions of lives for it to have been made illegal. Alcohol was made illegal and that didn't cost millions of lives either.

Suppose next week the second amendment were repealed, whom would you shoot?