Sounds great, Sunni.
Where IS that GD like button?!?!?!?
on vacation
Sounds great, Sunni.
Where IS that GD like button?!?!?!?
I have to clean the house, but keep procrasterbating here......
so i guess i had a house showing today which i was not informed of.
the realtor was so effing pushy with me, let me come inf or like 5 mins, i said no i wasnt given 24 hours notice.
than up and behold the person trying to buy my new house is my OLD landlord from when all shit got destroyed by raw sewage back up who owe me about 700$
i said, listen im in my legal right to tell you no as i was given NO notice.
the realtor goes, well your landlord told me he couldnt get ahold of you
i said bullshit, hes left notes on the door before, he has both landline and cellphone for me.
i was not given 24 hours notice youre not coming in
effing people i tell ya
That's shit. Take it you don't have a grow going?
oh i do thats why i wouldnt let them in, i take it down when i know someones coming and bring it to my moms, dont have many house showings and the only people who are going to buy this piece of shit place is someone not from this city, because as they say location location location i live in a bad area, (not like gang bad ) just like not optimal and theyre selling it for about 100,000$ and my apartment at least needs 50 grand in repairs, the owner now luives in toronto, the only people who will buy this place are going to be from out of town
Haha, ballsy as fuck. I like it.
View attachment 2999857 First "Night" with boyfriend yay or nay
View attachment 2999857 First "Night" with boyfriend yay or nay
lol my polite way of saying time having sex graziwhy is "night" in quotations lol but its cute for sure
lol my polite way of saying time having sex grazi
pick up next month's issue of penthouse I'll be on page 13Ya know, in order appreciate the visual effect Smasher, vis on and then off, we need to see the contrast of "off". Strictly from an artistic and stylistic viewpoint you understand
Tonight is at his place I have a sexy short peacoat I can wearboys jsut like no clothing answer the door naked.
Tonight is at his place I have a sexy short peacoat I can wear